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Superman Escape restraints


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Superman Escape for instance is a well engineered coaster in every way, but its restraints can cause an uncomfortable ride (I believe Intamin rushed these through as a quick remedy for their previous restraint problems, but that's a matter for another topic)
Yes, it could be its own topic, but IMO they should refit all of SEs trains with the newer design: http://www.rcdb.com/m/ig3617.htm?picture=25 The section of the straps where the neck is has been made wider which could help with comfort, though I think a padded sheath should be on top of this too.
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Yes Richard, this does deserve it's own topic, so maybe you could split this topic if it is a hot enough topic. But I am glad I am not the only one which is complaining about my neck after riding Superman Escape. My neck certainly hurt for a good 15 minutes after a ride on Superman Escape. But hey, it didn't stop me from riding the ride, great ride, excellent ride, loved it. Will happily ride it again, but man do I wish there was a way of fixing the restraint issue on Superman.

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I hadn't seen the Desert Race trains previously, but if that's not Intamin acknowledging that there is a problem with the original design of them then I don't know what is. Agreed that it's still looking a bit minimal. It strikes me as odd that they couldn't come up with an adequate lapbar-only design despite B&M's being more or less completely flawless. I suspect it comes down to the overall seat design (they lack the bucket seats seen on B&Ms) and would require a complete redesign of the rider compartment to be able to go back to lapbars, which wouldn't be feasible when they're selling half a dozen or more installations a year which would be designed around the current train design.

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It strikes me as odd that they couldn't come up with an adequate lapbar-only design despite B&M's being more or less completely flawless.
It could also be that B&M hold a patent on the Clamshell design they use. Intamin could have played around and adapted the inverted U shape they use on El Toro for Accelerators too since that would be a design Intamin would consider safe if they are willing to sell a ride like it. But as you said It mightn't be feasible to redesign them, many accelerators are being built with inversions anyway. Personally I like them using the "lap 'n' strap" design simply because trains can be loaded faster than lap bars which require two checks (seatbelt, then the actual bar) This made things very slow on Xcelerator compared to SE.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  T-bone said:
My neck certainly hurt for a good 15 minutes after a ride on Superman Escape. But hey, it didn't stop me from riding the ride, great ride, excellent ride, loved it. Will happily ride it again, but man do I wish there was a way of fixing the restraint issue on Superman.
I had no pain whatsoever.... I guess maybe the speed pushed your neck hard against the restraint. <_<
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My only issue with Superman Escape is that my head seems to press against the seat in the wrong position. Theres a hard piece that seems to stick out a little and my head presses against that. The only other issue I've had with the restraints was when my friends and I decided to "fly" like superman throughout the ride. It hurt our shoulders, but was our own stupid fault. They tell you to hang on for a reason!

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  willsy said:
SE restraints were fine for me and my girl. Never had a sore neck or anything.
Like others I never found the restraits to hurt me, and they shouldn't hurt you either. As instructed before you depart from the station you are told to hold on at all times (who does?) and always have your head push back on the head rest. I noticed when doing this there is no pain on the neck... I did notice however if I had my head off the rest than yes it hurt, especially on launch and descending the top hat and hills. I thought the material used in the restraints was designed to withstand the g's on the launch, so that they can bow a little (like when you pull a bow back it bends). We studied this in Engineering Studies the other day at school, and if you look at the restraint (if you can) you will notice it bowing into your body a little. My apologies if its not true, im just going off what I was told.
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  • 1 month later...

Welcome to the forums Superman. I've read a couple of your posts so far and it looks like you have a lot to offer our little community here. One little thing though, and that is please don't post photos from other websites without their permission. Ian is a member of this site also, and i'm sure he wouldn't mind, but you need to be careful, especially with photos of Warner Village, as they don't approve of the use of imagery from the park in a commercial setting without consent. I'm sure Ian doesn't mind on R-C.com.au, but if you were posting his photos elsewhere it would definitely be a breach of copyright.

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Sorry to say guys, the restraints will remain the same forever. It would take a huge amount of redesigning to fit new restraints. I can assure they are very strong and reliable.
I think the only thing they could do would be change to the ones with the raised up sections where the neck is (Surfrider is using them) as the whole restraint has the same dimensions, no designing would be needed as the restraints are already being manufactured. Anyway, the issue isn't the strength or reliability, the problem is the fact the red part is just narrow straps that "cut" into your neck when the ride moves. Edited by Gazza
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