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Who are all these people claiming to work at Dreamworld and are giving away information that clearly everyone, besides possibly them, knows that the information they are conveying, whether it be true or false, is definitely not allowed. Now I can state that I work with the management of Dreamworld and I am surely not going to go and boast about it, pretending I know all and I can share all. The information I am asked by Macquarie Leisure and by the corporate heads of Dreamworld to share with Dreamworld staff is by all means confidential and not to be released via any medium, including these forums. The user calling themselves "Dreamworld Ride Op" is sharing information that is extremely false. I need to make it quite clear that although there are people registered on here as ride operators, engineers, what have you, and people like me, who work at Dreamworld management, are not allowed to make any statements that are not yet confirmed or not yet safe to release.

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  Shaunernator said:
Who are all these people claiming to work at Dreamworld and are giving away information that clearly everyone, besides possibly them, knows that the information they are conveying, whether it be true or false, is definitely not allowed. Now I can state that I work with the management of Dreamworld and I am surely not going to go and boast about it, pretending I know all and I can share all. The information I am asked by Macquarie Leisure and by the corporate heads of Dreamworld to share with Dreamworld staff is by all means confidential and not to be released via any medium, including these forums. The user calling themselves "Dreamworld Ride Op" is sharing information that is extremely false. I need to make it quite clear that although there are people registered on here as ride operators, engineers, what have you, and people like me, who work at Dreamworld management, are not allowed to make any statements that are not yet confirmed or not yet safe to release.
yeah i no but i made it all up to get there hopes up and u were right post that relpy on my topic. i think i made it up. any way the stuff i posted has already been posted or released
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Well look I don't really care, ultimately the moderators on this forum decide what is and isn't acceptable, yeah people might post up information, be it true or false, but Shaunernator, it isn't really in your job description to go policing websites telling people what not to say. If people want to post stuff, that's their choice, and ultimately their job on the line. It seems like we have had an avalanche of people joining up, claiming to be in various places in the company and saying all kinds of stuff about this that and the other. Its a bit beyond a joke actually. On a side note, and this isn't aimed at anyone, I always think its a bit pathetic how parks here tend to be so hush hush about new rides even when it is blatantly clear what they are doing/building, especially considering overseas parks release all details and images of new rides months in advance.

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  Gazza said:
Well look I don't really care, ultimately the moderators on this forum decide what is and isn't acceptable, yeah people might post up information, be it true or false, but Shaunernator, it isn't really in your job description to go policing websites telling people what not to say. If people want to post stuff, that's their choice, and ultimately their job on the line. It seems like we have had an avalanche of people joining up, claiming to be in various places in the company and saying all kinds of stuff about this that and the other. Its a bit beyond a joke actually. On a side note, and this isn't aimed at anyone, I always think its a bit pathetic how parks here tend to be so hush hush about new rides even when it is blatantly clear what they are doing/building, especially considering overseas parks release all details and images of new rides months in advance.
yeah but when we sign our contract we also sign a contract that say we will not give out any info
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^Ahhh... ok ;) I still reckon we should just wait until any of the parks are willing to let us know what is going on. Makes things more interesting. After all, how would we dedicate forums to speculation if they just come out and tell us what is going on?

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The comment from Gazza about parks overseas releasing images and details about the rides is true, however in, and you should know this, in Australia, or more specifically Dreamworld in this topic, there are various changes and alterations to rides being built, so much so that the specific detailing of the rides is nearly impossible to release until the ride has actually been completed and has been run through and passed testing. ash.1111, if you had made comments about the "Dreamworld Ride Op" having a part in the false information being given out, you were obviously very observant about both the information he/she was giving out and your own knowledge about the theme park industry, and you obviously compared them to find substantial differences. I will say though, in regard to a topic suggesting that as long as you keep your confidentiality and do not release information about yourself or the area of work you do at the park, I thought that was quite a good idea, however the more I think about it, the less likely that seems to be able to work. I know for certain that whenever a worker at Dreamworld is caught doing something wrong, whether their name is known or not, the management here, includig myself, are told to keep an eye out for anything that may be going on. On these forums, I'm not going to dictate what people can and can't say, definitely not. All I am trying to do is to keep people out of trouble. But like one of the replies stated, if the people on here want to make unjust statements and put their jobs on the line, go ahead. Oh, and by the way. I'm not going to be like a Dreamworld management officer on here, ok? Just in case anyone gets the vibe that I'm going to be all macho and try to put myself in a position of authority. No.

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  Shaunernator said:
Oh, and by the way. I'm not going to be like a Dreamworld management officer on here, ok? Just in case anyone gets the vibe that I'm going to be all macho and try to put myself in a position of authority. No.
Well in that case maybe you would like to reply to some of the other threads that are on here, like how people think that Dreamworld has lost it's magic, that there is hardly any themeing for some of the rides or around the park? It would be interseting to hear a managers take on this, don't you think? Edited by rosscoe
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The comment from Gazza about parks overseas releasing images and details about the rides is true, however in, and you should know this, in Australia, or more specifically Dreamworld in this topic, there are various changes and alterations to rides being built, so much so that the specific detailing of the rides is nearly impossible to release until the ride has actually been completed and has been run through and passed testing
What makes Australia so different to every other country out there? Do you mean to say that Australian parks are different from every other country because they are more indecisive. Basic aspects such as train design and track track layout would surely not change at all? I just think its silly that places like Cedar Point can do sites like this: http://maverick.cedarpoint.com/ months in advance to a ride opening with videos, images, blogs, renderings, interviews and FAQs. Yet here parks wont even say anything and get super defensive when somebody does.
Well in that case maybe you would like to reply to some of the other threads that are on here, like how people think that Dreamworld has lost it's magic, that there is hardly any themeing for some of the rides or around the park? It would be interseting to hear a managers take on this, don't you think?
That would definitely be interesting to read. Edited by Gazza
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  Shaunernator said:
The comment from Gazza about parks overseas releasing images and details about the rides is true, however in, and you should know this, in Australia, or more specifically Dreamworld in this topic, there are various changes and alterations to rides being built, so much so that the specific detailing of the rides is nearly impossible to release until the ride has actually been completed and has been run through and passed testing.
What a load of crap. You make no more sense then dreamworldrideop does. You are telling us what here? 1. Dreamworld new that it was getting a Gyro Swing and no amount of testing, changes or alterations would change the fact that dreamworld was getting a Gyro Swing. 2. What is dreamworld saying about their manufactures if they buy a Gyro Swing but think they will end up with a Pirate Ship? 3. Just because more bracing has to be added or a less corrosive finish might have to be used during construction does not change the fact that it’s a Gyro Swing. 4. What are you saying about your design team (they can’t get it right). I put it to you that it is dreamworlds marketing ploy not to releases the ride information till it is ready to open the ride. You would be better of to reinforce dreamworlds policies with its workers at work and not in our forums. Edited by skeetafly
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I would suggest one of the main reasons why Aussie Parks do not let the cat out of the bag on upcoming attractions is quite often the final product is inferior to the original "blue-sky" vision. In almost every single example of attractions opened of late, this has been the case. I guess when budgets are originally set for attractions, other expenses may get in the way and/or the development costs blow out needing them to cut back at last minute. For this reason, it would make no sense for them to promote an exciting upcoming attraction that promises so many things and winds up dissappointing as there is an expectation there.

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I've always thought the only reason that Gold Coast parks leave it so late to announce upcoming attractions is for fear that it will have an impact upon attendance. For example, announcing a new ride due to open in December prior to the September school holidays will result in patrons "putting off" their visits until then. Seasonal parks, like Cedar Point, usually announce their new additions around September - when their season is winding down for the year. That being said, however, there are year-round parks in other parts of the world that announce their future attractions much earlier and with much more detail than parks in Australia.

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In all honesty, until I see someone's signature on these boards with a Dreamworld logo and the contents of their business card that gives their official contact details, nobody on here can be taken seriously as Dreamworld management or legitimately and legally representing the official line of the park. It's as simple as that.

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Re Psychos comments, I don't see why people "putting off" visits is a bad thing, the park is still getting the same number of visitors regardless, I'd also be inclined to say that putting off a visit till after a ride opening could be a good thing because by then ticket prices would be higher by then. Also, if somebody did visit the park early (eg now) they would see they were building a new ride anyway, I doubt average people would turn around and book a second trip a couple of months after their current one to ride it, so possible advantages from those situations would be non exisitent. Worse still, people on/planning a trip to the GC now might forego a visit to DW completely since there is nothing 'new' at present, if they knew a new ride was coming they could possibly put off their trip, and DW would end up making a sale they wouldn't have made otherwise. Letting the public know about a ride sooner could also lead to reduced lags, Ill quote an article from here to do with WWW:

Macquarie Leisure expect to increase the interstate market, which requires three months for marketing efforts to take effect due to the planning and booking generally required for an interstate theme park holiday.
If they had marketed sooner then they could have been paying off sooner. But as you said, other year round parks give out info sooner (Eg Busch with Sheikra) Ill admit though that VRTP are worse offenders, a couple of humorous examples have stuck in my head: I remember when Batwing was going up that there was an article posted up from one of the Qld papers about what was happening at the parks. MWs press officer was quoted as saying "we cant say too much at this stage"...... This was despite the fact hoardings were up at the site bearing the rides name and description ("4Gs of unnatural force") And of course there was the more recent incident when the GC bulletin ran an article on the Surfrider, steve peet wouldn't say anything....even though they had already confirmed the ride:
Owners confirm that Wet'n'Wild, Australia's largest water park will diversify its offerings with their latest attraction, a roller coaster style thrill ride that blurs the line between traditional theme park and water park.
Source: http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/article.php?aid=147 Edited by Gazza
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Thats one thing i noticed when i lived Victoria, both Movieworld and Dreamworld would flood the market place with ads about there new rides and nearly every time it was after ther ride had opened. It would seem to me to be better to announce this months in advance, so people who where able to go on Holidays could be there for the opening of a new ride. In other words what nearly all of you guys have said! Shaunernator, anytime you feel like coming back into this thread, please don't be afaird too! Maybe it's time for a new park to open ( Universal, Disney etc... ) to kick these guys butts and so them how parks are supposed to do it ( but thats a whole other topic )

Edited by rosscoe
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  rosscoe said:
Thats one thing i noticed when i lived Victoria, both Movieworld and Dreamworld would flood the market place with ads about there new rides and nearly every time it was after ther ride had opened. It would seem to me to be better to announce this months in advance, so people who where able to go on Holidays could be there for the opening of a new ride.
I agree with this in some ways, but I can remember there being plenty of ads for Superman Escape a long time prior to it opening, and a similar effort was made for the claw. As for Batwing, though, I honestly really didn't see much advertisement for it at all. I think the first sign I saw of it was a little logo in the top corner of Cartoon Network around November. As for them keeping final plans/ideas, etc secret until it opens. In all honesty, we have pretty well figured out what is being built on our own. Exact details, etc are sketchy, but still, its more than nothing. If you go into the park now all of the transport rides - paddle steamer, and train both make reference to the construction site saying that a new coaster will be opening soon enough. As for why they keep it secret for so long. My best bet is that they do it so that competitors have less of an oppurtunity to respond. Let's not forget that the bulk of our parks are in a very close vacinity, so it is important for them not to open something that will seem inferior to a competitor's product. And if we use Maverick as an example... after much of the testing of that ride the final inversion was removed due to excessive strain on the trains. So, alterations do get made, and in the developmental hype of the ride that was one of its key features, which now has been removed.
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  Gazza said:
Re Psychos comments, I don't see why people "putting off" visits is a bad thing, the park is still getting the same number of visitors regardless, I'd also be inclined to say that putting off a visit till after a ride opening could be a good thing because by then ticket prices would be higher by then. Also, if somebody did visit the park early (eg now) they would see they were building a new ride anyway, I doubt average people would turn around and book a second trip a couple of months after their current one to ride it, so possible advantages from those situations would be non exisitent.
That depends if you're talking about the local or interstate/international visitors. I have no doubt that you're more likely to get multiple visits from visitors living in or near Queensland if they aren't aware a new ride is coming until later in the year. But, that being said, I have no doubt there are also potential benefits of announcing new attractions earlier. Heck, Universal / Disney often announce their new attractions years in advance. (Although - they're a lot more impressive than what Australian parks can dish out)
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I would agree, that our parks really should be providing us with more information sooner. The one notable exception I think is Superman Escape. Look how long 01002 was around for before we found out what it all meant. Correct me if I'm wrong here, but didn't we find out that it meant 0 to 100 in 2 seconds before the ride was finished? As for the ideal time to start advertising a ride? I guess it depends on what the ride is going to be. Superman Escape was a big ride, and so it got big advertising, in advance. Batwing, not so big, not so big advertising... Although, for the new ride, a name would be a good place to start. Maybe let the public know that its a world-first (Dreamworld love pushing world's first or world's-tallest, etc) and that its designed for the whole family. As for the issue of disclosure - you signed a contract with your employer, and that contract would dictate the terms of your non-disclosure with regards to any new attractions. I suggest you all brush up on them. If your employer chose to pursue it, they would only need examine the logs of R-C.com.au, determine what IP address posted your particular post, examine the logs of the ISP that owns that IP address, and get your home address. It's not very difficult to be tracked on the internet, regardless of how anonymous you think your account is. So, if you're allowed to say it, then please do, otherwise for your own sake, drop hints without directly disclosing it (unless thats not allowed either). I would suggest that you're not allowed to say it, but you can tell us when we're wrong...

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If your employer chose to pursue it, they would only need examine the logs of R-C.com.au, determine what IP address posted your particular post, examine the logs of the ISP that owns that IP address, and get your home address.
Is this information freely available though? I thought privacy laws were in place, and a private company would not be able to gain access to logs for something like this. But hey, if people want to post stuff, they can go right ahead, IMO they don't need reminding of the rules since they should know them. I personally don't have a problem with it though. That's not to say I'd encourage people to do it or am saying that they should or that I would in the same situation, but if they do spill the beans then there is no reason to be a spolisport or act like a parent ;) I have said this before, but If there is no sign of a ride going up then fair enough to keep it quiet, but once it is at the construction stage then the main secret is out, so talking about the other stuff could hardly be considered harmful. Edited by Gazza
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