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Luna Park Sydney-Photos from the Past


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Hi all!! I have just found a site that is called "Just For Fun" which showcases old postcards from Amusement parks spanning from the early parts of last century to the present. I have included a few pics that pertain to Luna Park Sydney, which are fantastic and are quite unique!! They come from all eras of the park,the 50's the 70's and even one from the 80's. They sadly illustrate how souless the present incarnation has become. Enjoy!! :rolleyes: Comments? Cheers Jobe






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Nice photos... I always hated the Luna Park face they had during the 80s. Does anyone know what happened to it? It used to be outside the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney but last time I went there it had been removed. Not sure whether it was for restoration or whether it has been scrapped? The Paddlesteamer they had moored alongside the Crystal Palace around that time used to be kept at a wharf near Pyrmont after the park closed in the 80s. Not sure if it still is.

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