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SW water coaster


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I had a bit of free time today, So I decided to knock up an Aquatrax for SW. Using Google earth I measured out a pretty precise area sandwiched in between Corkscrew and Bermuda Triangle and sought to see what I could come up with making sure I didnt encroach on roadways or the monorail, very tough as there is a narrow section of the site I had to try and fit stuff through. The queue for this ride would be where the corkscrew viewing area now is. Of course, you cant get water flume sections, so dark blue coloured track, transport sections and some terraformed water had to do the job. Attached is the image I worked off, each square is 5x5m post-88-1190897305_thumb.jpg post-88-1190897328_thumb.jpg SWwatercoasterfinal.zip

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Still more boredom prevailed, so I put together a spinning coaster called "Submarine Spin" for that slither of land between rescue point and the dockside tavern. A few points about it: -Has a vertical transfer track to trains are kept below the station -From leaving station to the brake run, the ride time is approx 45 secs. -Full cycle time for one car is 2min 50 secs (Based on 20 sec average load time...can somebody give the dispatch interval for scooby? It might be more accurate) -Approx 500pph, though this is based on NL behavior, the loading system would be like SDSC where cars load in pairs, unfortunatley NL wont let the 2nd car bypass the front station block, so the car is waiting an extra 20 secs where it doesnt need too, most likely I would change it so there was a brake just before the lift on turn, the first car would go straight onto the lift and the second would wait till it had cleared the peak before entering. -Max Speed is 60km/h -Ride length is 300m




Edited by Gazza
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I don't know how you do that! I've hardly ever managed to complete a 'project' in NoLimits... and if I do it goes straight to the trash anyway... I know everyone says the best way to learn is by experimenting, but it just doesn't work for me! :P Oh, and great design by the way! I'd love to see some concept drawings etc for these rides!

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