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Thrill Rides on Foxtel


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I was just flicking through this months foxtel guide at work and came accross a small ad at the bottom of the page for a show called Thrill Rides its on at 9.30pm Monday October 27th on the discovery channel for all you lucky people with foxtel (i havent got it! :( ) The pic looks like seaworlds corkscrew.

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Thanks for that! The show is called Extreme Rides 2003, which apparently aired a couple of months ago in the states. The show features Delerium, Swat, Superman: Ultimate Flight, Xcellerator, Top Thrill Dragster and much more. The show also shows of what's to come in 2004, and will show a preview of Hershey Park's new Intamin rocket coaster. If you didn't post, I wouldn't have known! (And I would have cried...) ~Liam

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Thanks for letting us know. Whenever I know they're on, I try to watch them. Of course, that doesn't mean I like them. To be honest, I think they're generally pretty terrible and it's a bit of an ordeal for me to actually sit through the whole thing, but it's always interesting to watch and see what names you know, and hear the annoying voice-over repeat the same basic thing over and over for each segment, and then do the cliche "future of thrill rides" section.

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Well, it's either simulators, or Alan Schilke (inventor of 4D, now with S&S-Arrow) talking about X, but seeing as X has come and well, gone, I'm not sure what new concept that he's come up with he will talk about. :) Personally, DJKostya, I don't think you're missing much at all. I know some people will disagree with that, but they're generally not shows I enjoy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, the first show of the week was just on. It was good, but not great. I still hate the bit were they take you on the ride with some screaming idiots that know nothing about the ride. It literally sounds like they are having an "intamate time" with the ride, eg "Oh SWAT! SWAT! SWAT!". I just hope that the rest of the shows this week are not repeats of tonight's show.. ~Flea

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Yeah, I caught it (thanks to daylight saving, when you got me in MSN, the show had only just begun). All of the Discovery coaster specials are the exact same thing, just with different rides. Only coaster shows use this format of documentary, and quite honestly, it's a horrible way to do the shows. They essentially create about half a dozen sections, each of which could be considered an introduction, and simply play them in a line. There's no real content to the shows, and the conclusion is usually terrible. One thing I love is how obviously fake everything is. They get bystanders near Xcelerator and Dragster to do the stupid "swivel of the head", which looks stupid. The "extreme riders" are all people who've ridden the things way too many times to get anything much out of the rides (they're generally local enthusiasts), but they're still putting on the whole over-the-top excitement thing while giving the on-ride commentary. The remaining three shows are all different ones - which means I can waste another three hours this week. :)

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  • 5 months later...

well, i know its dragging an old thread back up - but I have this show along with a few other documentarys taped & once I have my new video card with tv in I plan to rip them to divx. I'll look at somehow making them available to download eventually =) But just dont tell discovery channel cos they mightn't like it ;):D

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