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My US trip


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Yea its a December 09 is ages away lol but I'm still excited. Its a school exhange program where we spend 3 weeks in La, San Francisco and San Diego. We go to theme parks, tourist stuff and board at a family's house and go to school. We are going to Knotts, Disneyland and Universal. I've heard people say the parks are empty but I've heard Disneyland is still packed... Anyone have a definitive answer?

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lol sweet i did this last year and my sister did it oh gee back in 2003, 2004... is it called g'day USA? I hope you get a good instructor (the person who just follows you around) because I know that some can be butts! Wait till you experience american school... its nothing like you see in the movies... although the buses ARE NOT uncomfortable. New Years in San Fran is so boring lol, syd. has better fireworks. You will enjoy the trip... its awesome... and cheap:D You can go to six flags man, you can go where ever you want... again you have to have a pretty cool instructor with you. We went, but were not allowed... oh well what they don't know won't hurt them. You will meet heaps of friends, make many laughs... be very tired lol. Word of advice... when your at the schools... just take your time there and relax because you will need to for what will be ahead of you. Knotts was NOT busy... Universal was NOT busy, Disneyland.. NOT busy, more advice (sorry) when you get to disney go straight to Indiana Jones, WITH fast passes the queue times can get to over 2 hours... do all the best rides as you only get to spend one day there. So Disney.. RUN TO INDIANA JONES! Its a great ride... leave me a note somewhere I will pick it up.. lol JJ

Edited by mickey_079
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What he may have meant was that the fast pass return time was 2 hours after your ticket gets issued. You would never actually spend 2 hours standing in a queue with fast pass. PS, on your trip, did they say something like "Nope, your not allowed to use fast pass, we're making you stand in a huge line for the sake of it instead" Did you have to go around the park as a group?

Edited by Gazza
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Not in those words lol, we went right past the fast pass booth (to get them) and I heard heaps of people in other groups say to there instructors should we get fast passes? You DON'T have to travel in groups at all, but if you get a close group like my sister and I had we stayed together, we all got along well. In San Fran and all the cities you don't have to ponder with each other. Some say you should though, I remember my sister and her friend Emily when in San Fran. a homeless man showed them both his gun and told them he was going to shoot a man across the road.. oh america.. how civil and sensible they are

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Like I said, schools are nothing like you expect. Different though. Thats all I am saying don't want to spoil it for you. The fam. I was with were really nice... rich too lol. Its good though, the guy I stayed with he took me out to where they all hang out on friday nights and stuff, it was good, I got along with them really well. Just be open about yourself and you will enjoy yourself:D

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Like I said, schools are nothing like you expect. Different though. Thats all I am saying don't want to spoil it for you. The fam. I was with were really nice... rich too lol. Its good though, the guy I stayed with he took me out to where they all hang out on friday nights and stuff, it was good, I got along with them really well. Just be open about yourself and you will enjoy yourself:D
Id be interested in reading about your experience in the American school system actually, just use spoiler tags when typing it.
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mk if you wish to hear it. Ok well first day was a bit nerve raking, you know from how they make the schools out to be on the movies. We didn't catch the bus that day because ryan (the guy i stayed with) had his license and car, as mentioned above. This was my first time on the right side of the road in a car in the front, so that got a bit scary and weird. Anyway, we got there and he introduced me to his friends but then we had to go to a classroom to meet up with the other host students and the rest of the group. Basically this was just a meeting with the principal introducing us to school, hoping we enjoy ourself, and the one thing he said, "Now I'm not sure what you guy's think but our school and most of the school's in the US are NOTHING like you see in the movies". So off we go into the hallway waiting for the first bell for the first lesson. We were told not even to bother bringing paper or pens or anything. So first bell goes, just an average bell nothing different and I follow Ryan to another room. In this room is just a normal class. Now for a bit of the embarrassing part. We were asked to stand in front of the class and say a little about ourselves, our country and our schools (when I say we there was about 2 other group members with me). So after introducing ourselves to the class they had a few question to ask us, of course all of them being stereotypical - eg. Do Kangaroo's roam your main streets? Do you own koala's as pets? You know those types of questions. We never really got to experience an American class, well the American teaching syllabus that is. We had a maximum of two real classes but most of the attention was evolved around us, just continuous talking. One thing I did have to notice was that in EVERY class, there was always a fat nerd :) But nah everyone got on so well. One thing similar to the movies is that there are social groups, like the Jocks, cheerleaders, geeks, white people who wanna be black people, but everyone got along very well. There was a cafeteria which was interesting system as well, with a unique task of food. There was a maximum of three days spent at the school and well there is way to much to talk about. Through those three days basically we were showed around the school and introduced to the faculty. We did get to experience one basketball night, and that was very interesting, it also had the BEST atmosphere, the had a band, cheerleaders, mascots, massive crowds all supporting there school. I did get to experience riding the bus once, this was on the second day. The school buses though are mostly uncomfortable, but unlike our buses systems you don't need to obtain a bus pass nor do you need to pay. What I also noticed is that the school actually owns their bus. Just a few bits and pieces there gazza, hope thats what you wanted. Sorry if some of it makes no sense

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