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What's Next Dreamworld style


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Realistically, If its a thrill ride, I'm not expecting something too big, Probably a flat ride, or a small coaster like a Zac Spin or a Eurofighter. I personally think DW will never build a B&M because, for lack of a more polite way of putting, they are simply too tight.
Going on your idea of a spinning thing, what about something like the spinball whizzer at Alton Towers http://www.rcdb.com/m/id2472.htm?
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Yeah, I wouldn't mind one of them at our parks. Though, when I said Zac Spin, I was talking about one of these: http://www.intaminworldwide.com/iag/index....8&Itemid=32 It just looks like the exact sort of thing DW would buy given the psyche of its management at the moment. Edit: Does anyone else think it is a bit sketchy that these are classified as 4D coasters? yes they have the extra 'dimension' of being able to flip, but they lose the roll and yaw aspects of movement, so really its a 2D coaster.

Edited by Gazza
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Yeah, I wouldn't mind one of them at our parks. Though, when I said Zac Spin, I was talking about one of these: http://www.intaminworldwide.com/iag/index....8&Itemid=32
Oh yeah, I've been looking at them lately, and for the space they take up they're a pretty decent ride, plus Australia's first Fourth dimensional roller Coaster. Edited by sonic123488
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I like what I see :) Nice airtime hill there:) I think we definitely need either a looping coaster (one never seen in Australia please) OR a Woodie like mentioned earlier. Either by Intamin or B&M... NOT VEKOMA!! :wacko: Ok so instead of saying what kind of coaster you would like... how about.. what company you would like the ride to be from. As mentioned about 2 lines above, I would like either another Intamin or B&M.

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Well if they wanted a real thrilling coaster they need to go with intamin. I think B&M's price tags are a little high for Dreamworld. (Edit: Read what Gazza said below. What I wrote before this edit is incorrect sorry.) zane.

Edited by zane
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Well if they wanted a real thrilling coaster they need to go with intamin. B&M are great but intamin has more forces. this is the way it go's "rough and thrilling <> smooth and boring" (in other words Intamin <> B&M :P ) But thats not all ways, there are some thrilling B&M's. But I think B&M's price tags are a little high for Dreamworld. zane.
I think the Americans where most of the B&Ms exist are just a little spoilt, even the most boring 'B&M' would beat out basically everything here, I mean Silver Bullet is supposedly "boring" but I loved it and queued 45 minutes twice to ride when I was at Knotts. Its not the clear cut Smooth and Boring versus Rough and Thrilling, B&Ms aren't boring, Intamins aren't Rough. Dont underestimate the importance of smoothness, it is just such a great experience to go through a ride and feel every element executed precisely as the designer intended, no bumps or jarring distracting and ruining the ride, just plain awesomeness. Have you ever ridden a B&M? I doubt you would say it was boring....On a side note, how could you find ANY coaster with drops and loops boring, I guess people just have short attention spans and get bored easily -_- Edited by Gazza
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The park has for too long now avoided adding an attraction that will seriously put them back on the map. I am talking something along the lines of Tower of Terror and Giant Drop. I don't really mind exactly what it is but it needs to be huge and it needs to change the skyline. Oh and please nothing sports related this time. The park has got to stop holding onto faded glory from 1997 and reinvest the big bucks instead of constantly trying to get away with minimal investment

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I thought of maybe a inverted B&M or Intamin coaster themed to An aboriginal Myth. It could be placed near where the replaced vintage cars are, its nice out the back there and the land is plentiful. The Myth I'm talking about is the Minka Bird: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minka_Bird "According to the Aboriginals, the sighting of the Minka Bird foretells certain death" "what a perfect theme" I thought, just think of the themeing opportunities. The could build a whole part of the park theme to aboriginal dreamtime. They could get aboriginal dancers and all to perform and stuff which all the tourist would love. Got the idea from Phantasialand's "Deep in Africa" area, which is home to amazing "Black Mamba" invert.

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Dreamworlds latest 'Solution'............ Lets just go crazy with stupid coloured paint! that will make us look new and fresh!! maybe they should paint the T.O.T Yellow and Red and put a big 'M' on the side!! I really hope DW build something really big, a ride that will make people go 'lets go to DW there new ride looks cool!' And that DW put aside Sponsorship and commercial branding for the next 'thrill ride' and just build another Australian & or World first. Ive had my rant i shall stop :rolleyes:

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But they already have that, the mick doohan. You see we (the people of the forum) know that this ride is crap and slow and not worth an hour to 2 hour wait but the customers who just come to the parks about once every 5 years or so are like yes great a new ride! and an Australian first, if the line is this long it must be great! Dreamworld have succeeded in the as you said.. sweet a new ride at dreamworld lets go to it. I honestly don't think a new attraction will pop up any time soon, and when it does, I personally think it will be another low budget ride.

Edited by mickey_079
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Yeah i agree with you. However I really wish they would enhance/repair/do-up the older areas that aren't branded, like Fix the mine cart ride, give the rapids a facelift and maybe build up that area and improve theming. I also think that the Cyclone has pathetic theming it looks really bad. The only 'areas' that really look nice are Nick & Wiggles and thats because of Advertising and Royalties $$.

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