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Nick Central's come and Thunderbolt's Gone, so what now?


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Okay, Dreamworld in the past several years have: completely rebuilt the wildlife park making it world-class (and one of my favourite areas of Dreamworld now), replaced the sad Kennyland with Nick Central, something that replaces. They've gone over Ocean Parade with a refreshing and pleasant coat of paint and all sorts of fun theming, and removed Thunderbolt, definitely one of their main "trouble areas". Now, what should Dreamworld do next? I don't really mean what new ride or coaster they should get next, but rather what should that look at to give a new life to. I'll get the ball rolling by suggesting that they look at Blue Lagoon a few years down the track, and spend their attraction budget on making it a quality water park. As it is, it's a reasonably attractive place, certainly aging (and that horrendous concrete mountain could do with some looking at) and in need of not only revamping but serious expanding. They have a total of three water slides, one of which is a toboggan. An average "serious" investment by Dreamworld would be up around $16 mil, which really gets you a long long way in terms of water parks. For that price, they could build some really nice pools and expand their slide arsenal to about 6x what they currently have. Drop the train line down a few feet and bridge over it (put seating or gardens or something in that narrow strip), and over the other side, have some larger pools (at the lower ground level - in the swamps near Big Brother), and some real quality slides that give Wet'n'Wild a run for their money. I'd probably look at what Holiday World have done with their Splashin' Safari, and go that route (big tube/mat slides, plus one of those awesome playgrounds with the big tipping bucket at the top). What's everyone elses opinions for Dreamworld? It can be anything as simple as change the food they serve, right up to elaborate plans for new themed areas. :)

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I like the idea of doing up the water park. The slides they've got there are great, but I think a good expansion (with increased capaticy) would do the park quite a bit of good. For me, you could expand that water park really well by going over the train track. You could even put a water park station in there and link the area up with Rocky Hollow. If not, I'd like to see the park do something with the Entrance Plaza. Even though I loved walking in through their as a kid, I'd love to see the park give it a face lift. You know, take out all the '80's stuff and put something modern in.

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personally, i reckon it's time to spend some money on paint! I reckon that the TOT structure needs some more paint so it can be restored to its evil, dark colour! But that's just me, and i also agree with Blue Lagoon being extended, but i think Robert Buchanan (manager of operations) would be concentrating moreso on the ThunderBolt site plus the mainstream theming for the park.

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I definitely agree with the first 2 posts. Richard - I have been thinking EXACTLY the same thing re Blue Lagoon for the last few months. What a great idea for their next refurb/expansion. I really don't think any of the slides in that area are any good at all now (way too dated)... they'd be better off to demolish parts and start from scratch. If Dreamworld does end up with a great water park, I think people would think twice before buying a 3 park super pass. I wouldn't be surprised if it's already on the drawing board. And I have never really liked the main entrance either. I agree, it truly is very 80's!

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Incidently, the entrance would have been my second choice for the area of the park to fix. I don't think it really works too well, and it certainly isn't the most pretty thing to walk up to first thing in the morning (mmm don't you just love the way the bitumen complements the green concrete and orange bricks). I'd say if it were to be fixed, scrap it and start again. Build something that's both modern and at the same time timeless (Sea World's was probably modern and hip at the time of building, but it's certainly not past its used-by date like Dreamworld's Disneyland entrance). I'm not an architecture student, so I can't give much more insight than that, but give it size and openness (did I mention it's also very small and gloomy under the awnings), and I'm happy. What's next. I know I've got a few ideas (soon it's just going to start sounding picky), but I'll let some others have a go. :)

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That's the same on all Intamin Giant Drops. They are able to accelerate so freely because they detach from the lifting. The gondola is completely free moving - it is just wheels attached to the rails, with absolutely no connection to anything else. The lift mechanism hooks onto it, tows it up and unhooks at the top letting it fall. After some time the sled makes its way back down and clamps back on. If you're in the station while it clamps back on, it's a distinct, loud metallic clunk. The real reason that I'd suggest Giant Drop doesn't have a hood over the top is because, Space Probe is actually one of the only, it not the only Giant Drops that actually has the hood over the top. I guess I'll go for the open views rather than the hood any day, but it's all personal opinion.

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One thing has always puzzled me...why does GD have that awfuly ugly platform construction above the sled? Surely there are better ways to do maintenance which is what I'm sure its for?? Its just ever since I first saw GD I've thought this one feature spoils it making it look a bit like a building site elevator! Any ideas?

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I reckon that the TOT structure needs some more paint so it can be restored to its evil, dark colour! But that's just me, and i also agree with Blue Lagoon being extended, but i think Robert Buchanan (manager of operations) would be concentrating moreso on the ThunderBolt site plus the mainstream theming for the park.
While on Tower of Terror, how about doing something about those ugly white buildings underneath the track? You could make them look like little cottages or something, but the ride looks awful over the top of Model T Lane. I think that Thunderbolt site doesn't need any work to be done straight away. Even though its the most likley place where capital expenditure will go, I still don't think its vital, since Cyclone has already been built to keep the parks thrill level up. How about upgrading Gum Tree Gully? Put an indoor ride where the Outback Celebratio/Country Jamboree used to be, (I'm thinking Vekoma crazy house, since I think Dreamworld would really benefit from more family rides). From memory, that area is pretty big, so you could probably aceive this without having to re-route the train or any of the paths, so thats a plus. That area of the park is one of the nicest in the park, and is a great place to have lunch. So I'm not proposing a change of the appearence, more of a fresh breath of life into a neglected corner of the park which has been on a bit of a downhil spiral since they stopped doing the show on the paddlewheeler.
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I think my photos have gone a bit un-recognised here.. so here are some of my photos in which I posted in a few topics ( here, here and here) on the Wonderland board.. mini-Picture%20003.jpgmini-101-0116_IMG.JPG I *think* the reason for the platform on top the catch car for GD is for maintenance crews to either check or paint the ride. One of them. ~Liam

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Sorry, my fault :D But I reckon a good expansion would be to create some type of island adventure kind of like Disney anaheim, get where i mean? It's at F3 of this map i have attacthed! I have personally been to DIsney Anaheim and i must say that the isalnd that you get to by boat is some good family fun!

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I'd love to see something like that done. It doesn't take an idiot to realise that Dreamworld's original layout was inspired (stolen from) Disneyland, but they did make it significantly smaller. You'd certainly fit an attraction like Disneyland's (Tom Sawyer's Island), but it wouldn't be as big. I'd insist that Dreamworld keep most of the gum trees on the island - not only would it be a total shame to loose the serenity of that area to a cheap steel playground/adventure area, but it'd be a very cool thing to have hidden among the trees. Also, I'm not sure that Dreamworld's got an active enough ride development department that'd really do well with a ride like that. Sure, you'll find plenty of booths at IAAPA selling off-the-shelf, but I'm not sure you'd get anything as good as Disney's without having the internal infrastructure to fully develop the attaction properly and well.

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I'd love to see something like that done. It doesn't take an idiot to realise that Dreamworld's original layout was inspired (stolen from) Disneyland, but they did make it significantly smaller.
Never is that more apperent then when you first walk into Disneyland. I was fully expecting to see an Imax theater somewhere after I entered it was that much alike. Although, to be fair, this idea about a playground at Dreamworld does sound much like Adventure Island at Seaworld, which was also succesfully pinched from Disneyland. The only reason I can not agree with the above posts about a new playground, is because I can't see Dreamworld doing a tasteful job that doesn't destroy the theming of that area of the park. You can just see a Giant Drop walkway inspired bridge, built high enough to allow the paddlewheeler to pass (Read it slowly and it makes a bit more sense :? )
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I think it would be murder to pull down the entrance to DW!! The entrance with the big green steeple type roof really does look beautifull and sets the sceen for the rest of the park. I really would be disapointed if this was to be torn down. Walking towards it from the carpark, it's such a dominant, inviting landmark, and the steps leading up to the entrance just add to the build up getting to the park. The actual part where you walk through the entrance does look a little old but this just adds charm to the building and it still does a great job Once you enter the park it only gets better. You've got that nice big open area with entertainment and the roads heading off to the diffrn't areas of the park, and the fountain in the middle does a reall good job of breaking up the area and and setting the mood for the rest of the park. I think Dreamworlds entrance does a great job of 'greeting' guests and really sets the tone for the rest of the day. The buildings, the fountains, the souviner carts, the entertainment, the green lawns...... I can't belive that someone couldn't like this area I obviously love it and can't imagine the place without it Shaun Now if we want to talk about ugly, confusing entrances with no character, well...... let's just not get me started on seaworld.....

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I like the idea of refurbing the water park but personally I would rather see another coaster go up. If it was something Swiss all the better. I know that's not very imaginative, but that's what I want and at the end of the day coasters are what I pay admission for. As for the entrance my vote would be to leave it as is. Spend the "landscaping" money on some of the other areas.

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I think that the blue lagon would look good done up but it is still pretty nice how it is at the momment. If people want to go to a water park though you have got rember that W'n'W is just done the road, the majority of guests to dreamworld wouldn't even bring their bathers and many don't even know where to find the pools. It would be a great for people who hold a yearly pass as then you would have the rides and good water slides all in the same park but I think Dreamworld could spend the money on other atractions that would be much bigger crowd drawers then a refurbished blue lagoon. From my point of view i just can't see managment wanting to spend a heap of money on something that is not going to be a big crowd drawer. Personnaly I would make the best of my at DW by ridding as many rides as i could then spend my next day at W'n'W Shaun I too would also like to see a Swis coaster :D

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The fact that Wet'n'Wild is just down the road makes it that little bit more potentially lucrative. You're right that not many people even know it exists or where to find it - but if even 1/10th of the guests at the park on a summers day went to the water park, it'd be insane. Invest a lot into it over a few years and realistically you could have something that equals Wet'n'Wild. Now, obviously if they were to do this, there'd be big advertising, and more emphasis within the park would be put on it, so there's no problem with getting people in there. Just imagine the selling point of a fantastic quality water park included in the price of a single day ticket. Add something about the wildlife park, and you've got better value than the three park savers in the eyes of comsumers .

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We could have a '3 park mega pass' lol You make a good point but I still think that a new coaster would draw heaps more people into the park, for at least the short term anyway. The thing I personaly don't like about having a water area is that it's a place that you have got to spend at least half a day there. You just can't jump down 2 or 3 water slides then run off to some other area of the park like you can with the rest of the rides. You like have to devote half your day to the pools espicially when the lines are long although it's nice to finish off your day at DW with a swim in their pools. Not trying to sound negative lol but why pay $50 to go to the pools at dreamnworld when I can pay a couple of dollars to go the the local pool that offers neally the same thing, I want to make the most of my $50. As always this is just my 2 cents Shaun

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No a coaster would draw more ride enthusiasts into the park, not GP. Something like a big waterpark would attract a lot of holiday makers and when you think about it an entire waterpark is more of an attraction than a single coaster. A waterpark is also something that apeals to parents because they can take the kids down there for a few hours and relax why the kids hit the slides as oposed to dragging around the park from ride to ride. The whole idea of a rival waterpark is where the DW return passes would come into it, if your gonna come out to the highway anyway to go to WnW then why not pay only a few bucks and goto the DW park?? Also your local pool argument doesn't come into it because DW wouldn't be offereing a 'pool' they would be offering a waterpark. There is also nothing to stop them putting in an additional entrance and having a waterpark only ticket to reduce the price of just visiting the water section. What I think a lot of people on this forum forget is the parks are not there just to serve us coaster nuts, we make up a very small percentage of their patrons, you have to look at the big picture :-) Thats my thoughts...value AU$0.02c

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