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Time for Dreamworld to bring in Mr Fix It

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Went to Dreamworld last weekend and to my dismay I came across a lot of problems around the park. I thought it was time for Mr Fix It to come to the park and fix these items. This discussion could also include things that people see that are not working or how it should work. When I was waiting in line for the log ride I noticed the fence that wraps around the queue when you go up the stairs is broken. Maintenance has tried to reconnect the timber rail to the post with a piece of wire. If nobody went near the fence then that would be ok but there was a constant stream of people sitting on this rail and climbing it, I was just waiting for it to fall. I am going to dreamworld this weekend so I will take some pictures to explain it better. I will also be taking pictures of other problems that I see. If dreamworld can’t see their problems then it’s up to us to show them.

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The Claw needs to some work. Give it a fresh, thick coat of paint, and just fix some of the "themed" elements (such as the grass roofs, the 2nd ops booth etc). Nick Central needs a fresh coat of paint, as the whole area just needs a freshn up. Include the Sooty Spin mountain in the re-paint, and the side of the TOT building. Clean up the general area around Reef Diver in Ocean Parade (more-so near the toilets) where they have old exit pathing and uneccesary clutter. Tear it up, and continue the themed elements which surround the rest of the ride. Construct a new entry sign for Tiger Island. The current sign has really deteriorated over the time, and looks really dated. Fix the Level Crossing signs at the main railway station, and add boom gates for when the train crosses. Whilst on the subject of the railway, the boom gates underneath the waterfall located near Australian Wildlife Park, and the restaurant need repairing so they actually function as a boom gate. And more on the railway, finish the repairs on the Perry (Green) engine. The Baldwin (Red) was down for quite some time during it's strip down of a similar nature. This one isn't really of a fix it nature, but a re-theme for Rocky Hollow would be good. An extension of the Goldrush theme into that area would be grand. I am sick of seeing themed area's, with just 1 or 2 rides in it. Extend the goldrush area down to there, build some new pathways for the extension, and re-theme the Giant Drop to something of a Goldrush nature (not sure on an exact theme, but I am sure something could be thought of. Maybe Gazza, being the themeing expert could think of something). Thats all I can think of for now, I am sure more will pop into my head when I think more about it.

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When I was waiting in line for the log ride I noticed the fence that wraps around the queue when you go up the stairs is broken. Maintenance has tried to reconnect the timber rail to the post with a piece of wire. If nobody went near the fence then that would be ok but there was a constant stream of people sitting on this rail and climbing it, I was just waiting for it to fall. I am going to dreamworld this weekend so I will take some pictures to explain it better. I will also be taking pictures of other problems that I see. If dreamworld can’t see their problems then it’s up to us to show them.
Did you end up going on the weekend? I went today and there was a section of fence "missing" - possibly where it had been wired up.
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I went on Saturday and I was on the ToT when it broke!! We launched and it slowed and we kind of went a bit up, then fell back, then slowly moved back. They relaunched straight away and it went higher than usual. I've seen this happen quite a bit. The log ride is pathetic it needs re-theming. More turbulence on the rapids!!

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I think Mr fixit has been around. much of giant drop has been repainted, the speedometer on the tower of terror is fixed, (we went 157kmph) and the wipeout has been repainted.
Really? This sounds positive. When you refer to the Giant Drop being repainted you're not referring to the tower itself are you? Because in my opinion the tower has been in desperate need of repainting for years now. The original black paint is virtually all gone so you can see the grey concrete underneath and the faded tower of terror lettering. Very poor looking in my opinion. Not an easy job to paint it though I guess
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