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That plan was rejected because it was simply inadequate for the area considering current and projected population growth. The fact that it was being built by a company with no expertise in operating a retail centre wasn't a winner, especially considering proper companies will be less likely to come into the area in the future if there's already competition, in which case no one wins.
Just for ongoing information the Gold Coast Town plan has been amended and signed off by the Queensland government yesterday so Dreamworld approval process can get moving again for the shopping centre. I don’t think Dreamworld understanding of operating a retail centre has anything to do with them not getting the approval. Show me where in the BCA or GCCTP where it says a company must know have expertise in operating a retail centre before they can build one. If you look at the Coomera Town Plan you can see that the area Dreamworld allocated to use as a retail outlet has been zoned for the Coomera Town Centre all along. Dreamworld plans where not in line with the requirements of the town plan and that is why it was rejected alongside a few other small issues. Now the Coomera Town Plan has been updated we will be seeing progress in this area. I have included this in this topic because I don’t see the point of starting a new topic for information that most people will not be interested in.
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I never said it was rejected due to their lack of expertise in this field. Basically all I said is that their plan means that other more experienced companies will be less likely to invest in the area, resulting in a centre that doesn't meet the needs of the community in the best possible way. I know that this area has always been earmarked for a town centre -- the train station was built where it was with this development in mind. That still doesn't make Macquarie Leisure's plan ideal or adequate.

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There is a lot more planed for the area then just what Dreamworld is developing. The wider town centre will include medium to high-density residential dwellings, education, health and community services, low-impact industry, green space and recreation areas. The government will be providing a library, swimming pool, community and government services. Initial development will occur around the rail station, which will be part of a transport hub that will also cater to buses, taxis, cyclists and pedestrians. The Government is also considering a proposal to double the size of the neighbouring marine precinct. Dreamworld is only playing a small part for the Coomera Town Centre. Other investors coming in and investing in the commercial hub side will have no impact from a shopping centre. I do agree that Macquarie are not the ideal company to run a shopping centre but I also don’t think a bank should be running a theme park.

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I think the point is though is that the design response DW came up with probably wasn't good enough for a shopping centre for a hub as important as Coomera will be in the future, you basically only have allowance for one big shopping center there, and if you do a crap job in the first place then its not like another company can come in and build a better one right next door. Robina IMO is one example of where they have stuffed it.

Edited by Gazza
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I can sort of understand why they didn't go ahead with the expansion last year considering most companies were trying to reduce their debt due to the financial crisis. I certainly hope we do see some work soon though. The park is crying out for expansion. In my opinion they don't even need to go ahead with the full expansion at once. A staged introduction could work well. Perhaps start with the lazy river next year. Then the following year introduce one of the new waterslide attractions and so on. They could get more bang for their buck this way and at the same time keep capital costs lower

Edited by GoGoBoy
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The attractions will be: -A Tantrum Slide: http://www.proslide.com/rides_03.php -A Dark Mammoth Slide: http://www.proslide.com/rides_04_b.php -A Lazy River with a wave channel http://www.rapidswaterpark.com/i/t/04-lazyriver1-lg.jpg -A kids area, with an "AP50" Childrens water play structure: http://www.whitewaterwest.com/products.php?product=AquaPlay (Scroll Down) -A Mammoth slide that has open drops, and enclosed u turns. If you want to check out the plans: 1) Go to http://pdonline.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/Maste...spx?page=search 2) Search for Macquarie Leisure Operations 3) Follow through, and click on application in the list entitled "Extensions to Theme Park" 4) Scroll down and open the "Part 3" PDF, this has the plans in it.

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I completely forgot about the lazy river and the play structure! Thought the lazy river wasn't happening 'til the next expansion. Two things I'd like to know and hopefully someone else can answer: Does the design of the lazy river require the high walls for waves or whatever? (Judging from the picture it looks ugly) And will everyone be forced to use tubes like WetnWild?

Edited by WnW_Rocks
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I'm a little concerned about this. Does anyone else think there is a possibility WWW will not go ahead with these plans now that we have discussed them so much and they have been made very public? Theme parks in Australia are normally really hush hush about new attractions as they are worried about competition. I certainly hope they go ahead with the expansion as the planned rides/attractions would make a great and much needed addition

Edited by GoGoBoy
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Theme parks in Australia are normally really hush hush about new attractions as they are worried about competition.
Yeah, but remember that WVTP, or any other competitor for that matter has access to the same PD Online system that we do, and if you pay the money to council, you can view the full plans anyway (On applications done through a private certifier). I'd imagine the parks themselves would be better at monitoring each other than we are.
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I think the extensions look great and I will certainly be going to WWW to go on these when they are completed (I went on the opening day of WWW so all the other rides currently there, apart from the Little Rippers, I have been on). The red mammoth slide (#219 in the development plans) looks particularly fun, lots of turns in the layout. The lilac one (#220) looks a bit bland in comparison, many straightaways in the layout and fewer turns (therefore less "wall time"), but it would still probably be better than Mammoth Falls because the layout is less predictable. And the Tornado Alley certainly looks interesting, would like to try that out too.

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Here's hoping we see at least part of the expansion happen this year. Even if they just built one of the planned new attractions with the rest to follow in later years. I know that Macquarie Leisure (like most companies right now) is actively trying to reduce their debt levels. I believe they have a reasonable and manageable level of borrowings, but nonetheless want to improve their balance sheet anyway. I'm just wondering whether this will impact on this planned expansion. Or perhaps the cost has already been factored in

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Here's hoping we see at least part of the expansion happen this year. Even if they just built one of the planned new attractions with the rest to follow in later years. I know that Macquarie Leisure (like most companies right now) is actively trying to reduce their debt levels. I believe they have a reasonable and manageable level of borrowings, but nonetheless want to improve their balance sheet anyway. I'm just wondering whether this will impact on this planned expansion. Or perhaps the cost has already been factored in
Actually its probable that Macquarie Leisure will do better this year than before: domestic tourism, i.e. the "staycation" is on the rise owing to the recession. This should compensate, or possibly even overcompensate, for the drop in international tourism, at least for the amusement park market.
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I have to agree with tipsy. I was keen to find out about the planned expansion during my WWW day last weekend so I asked a few WWW Lifeguards about what was happening. They all seemed to knock the expansion plans on the head and spoke about winter staff cut-backs (hahahah) rather than park expansion. One lifeguard also said not to expect anything this year (or maybe next?!?) due to the current economic crisis (?!?!). It's a shame because WWW has so much potential in my opinion! Oh on a side note I was very disappointed to see SO MANY LEAKING ATTRACTIONS throughout the park! Take a closer inspection of the Green Room and the RIP if you need evidence. We are constantly reminded about the WATER EFFICIENCY of WWW with signs all throughout the park yet half of these slides are wasting sooooo much water! What are we to think?!?! Things can't be that tight (with such a high entry/food price) that they can't afford to fix a few leaks! There's my rant! ;) hahahah. TMB

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Some interesting news today regarding all of this. Macquarie Leisure announced they are going to seek shareholder approval to internalise management and essentially depart from Macquarie. If approved the company would be given a new name and rebranded ie. no longer Macquarie Leisure. This is probably a discussion left for a different thread but my reason for posting here was I found some information regarding WhiteWater World in their presentation to investors. They said the separation from Macquarie and an accompanying capital raising will give the company further opportunities for growth in the future. In regards to WhiteWater World they said there was potential for expansion as conditions permit. This is a good sign and means this planned expansion we have been talking about for ages is not completely off the table. They also mentioned opportunities for further innovation at Dreamworld in the form of new rides and interactive attractions (I shuddered to hear about 'interactive attractions' but at least the rides part sounds good). Here's hoping we see some exciting stuff coming up in the future

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Everyone will be happy to know that MLE's stock prices are rising.

Some interesting news today regarding all of this. Macquarie Leisure announced they are going to seek shareholder approval to internalise management and essentially depart from Macquarie
Does anyone know how this is going?
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