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since were 2-3 hours ahead of Aussie here in NZ, Ill get some opinions in here before you aussie guys wake up and go crazy in this post. That massive hideous looking wheel thing I assume is the catapulting mechanism which you can hear winding up before the launch and all those hydraulic hoses are just the pump or whatever to get that big motha spinning. On the track photos it looks like the big steel component in the centre of the track is that part which connects to the train to launch it. Would be cool to see some photos of the scooby doo track.

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Ta sweet, Its a side of superman we have never seen. I only just noticed how cool the faux concrete looks on the final section where the launch is, all detailed and cracked. If I can put in another request, can we get shots of stuff like the waterfall, the "metropolis square" station part (with that painted back drop), the car crash scene etc, there are a lot of people who couldn't see this stuff since no cameras can be smuggled on, plus on the ride you move at a quick pace through this so you miss the details.

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^In the above post can you see 6 pictures? If you can you are seeing them all. The way the forums render means you see a row of 3 pics, then a row of one, then a row of 3 etc. If you want, go back to the MW forum index, and on the link to this thread you will see a small paper clip, click that and it will bring up all the attachments so you can view them all there.

Edited by Gazza
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^LOL, there's your problem, IE has a nasty habit of not rendering pages properly, I recommend downloading and installing Mozilla Firefox, since I switched to that browser these sorts of problems are non existent, it renders pages correctly every time, its more reliable, and has better features anyway.

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Awesome pictures!!!!! I would have to say that its exciting having a person that works in the maintenance team at movieworld IN ROLLERCOASTER FORUMS :o :o so many questions to ask but forgot :( i already made like 2 topics already about scooby-doo ........ Now for superman escape i shall ask here later

Edited by PixelPushed
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