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No limits


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NoLimits v2 is in the pipeline. Perhaps if you write to the creator you may get lucky and have it included in the new version. As for reversing wheels, I imagine they'd simply be a Track Setting within the Transport Segment. A turntable would be a new type of segment. Switch tracks would be difficult to implement, unless they were done using the block braking system, in that if the block currently switched to is now occupied, then the track would switch to the other. A vertical lift would involve a new segment type being added. I imagine you would simply create a VerticalLift segment from the vertex you wish to depart from to the vertex you wish to arrive at, and they'd have to be on top of each other. If you then wanted to replicate Scooby Doo, i think you'd need a new option added to the Track Segment Settings box, called Direction of Travel, in a similar fashion as to selecting if you want 2, 3 or 4 tube track with the HyperCoaster.

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