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Money Spinner for Superman Escapes


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Have you noticed the "bouncers" at the entrance who are practically frisking you as you enter the Superman Escape ride. You mustn't have loose items such as hats, glasses, etc....fair enough, understandable. You mustn't have anything in your pockets...hmmm maybe. But even if your pockets close completely??? I got stopped because I had my Mega Pass card in a ZIPPED UP pocket in the back of my trousers...which i'll be sitting on during the ride. Then they make you hire a locker...which you got to pay for..which can only be used for the duration of your ride..you can't even continue using the locker for the day!! So basically, you have to pay to use a locker in order to ride the superman escape rollercoaster. Safety is one thing, but this was an obvious way to squeeze more money out of you. You dont have to do it for the other rides, such as the lethal weapon which is more likely to rip things out of your pockets. I watched them stop people and make them buy a locker for the most ridiculous items, such as park maps, hankerchiefs, and even a receipt!!! I saw one attendant forbid a rider from leaving the area to give it to a person outside, they were MADE to hire a locker. Anyone else got a comment?

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I thought this was rather crazy too... This is my idea, i think it could just work! greg
Not wanting to encroach on Tony's unique brand of sarcasm that he's slapped around over the last 24hrs... (lol) this topic really has been discussed to death, including your idea which was also brought up.... (All 1.5Mb of it) Let's let this thread die a peaceful death hey.
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not to mention that it is absolute rubbish that they FORCE you to hire a locker and forbid you to go outside. You can: 1) hire a full day locker - near the photo kiosk and other locations 2) leave your stuff with someone else before you enter 3) hire a short term locker for SE, which lasts for an hour, in most cases letting you ride at least twice 4) don't ride, reducing the queues for the rest of us who chose options 1-3 Agreed it's been done to death from the moment the ride was built, and hey since then Movie World has only installed 3 more new attractions, so it isn't THAT old a topic..... not.

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Just to clarify they don't make any money out of the lockers. The lockers are contracted out to a private company and the money self funds the operation. What this basically translates to is lockers that are always available and working. If you made them free people would just use them all day and half the time they wouldn't work. At universal the lockers are free for an hour and then charge, but you have to be smart enough to make sure you don't leave it longer than an hour with your wallet locked inside. Given how stupid the average australian park visitor is (i was dumbfounded at lethal weapon yesterday how long it took people to get on and off the ride) I just don't think the above kind of system would work here. I don't understand how in the states people can be loaded and unloaded in 30 seconds and rides can run several trains but here the public takes FOREVER.

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^I thought WVTP had bought out the locker operations at each of its parks, at least that's what their last shareholder report led me to believe. Or did this not include the ones at SE.

Given how stupid the average australian park visitor is (i was dumbfounded at lethal weapon yesterday how long it took people to get on and off the ride) I just don't think the above kind of system would work here.
Come on mate, the American GP is way dumber than us :P Personally, I think the Universal system would work (Actually, the main concern with that one is forgetting your locker number IMO) but I mean management obviously have it in their heads what would happen if they did provide them free (You yourself have stated the same reasons they have given) so nothing will change, which is a shame.
I don't understand how in the states people can be loaded and unloaded in 30 seconds and rides can run several trains but here the public takes FOREVER.
With LW it all comes down to the fact people have to cross over and put their stuff away before taking a seat, which delays when checking can begin. With loose items, its an all or nothing type thing. If is nothing allowed like SE or Hulk things are quick, and if everything is allowed Llike SDSC or RnRC its also quick. Property boxes in the station are what kills things, its not just Aussies who are slow, the generally crap station designs at SFMM get the same problems.
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Guest jake-train
I thought this was rather crazy too... This is my idea, i think it could just work! Storage compartments that slide along, as you exit at a different place to where you board... What do you think, it could probably even be automated... greg
thats is just like wAT the wipeout has and i dont rember having 2 do that when i went but that would be great anybody else with the same ider's
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You may be right, they may have bought out operations, I'm working on old info with that one so I'm happy to be corrected. No I'm not talking about station attendants being slow, I'm talking about people actually taking forever to get there crap and put it in the box but more importantly get their crap back again! It really is an aussie thing, I've been to parks in the US and Europe that operated with crap boxes on the load platform and people are much quicker. Australians really do tend to 'leave their brain at the gate' when they enter a theme park. I know that's a generalisation and of course it is not the official opinion of my employer, only my personal view but it realy is true.

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They do appear to be anal about it here.. right down to taking passes out of your pockets.. include batwing. The UK is a lot less bothered, all I've seen is glasses+hats for rides like stealth , and high heel shoes for rita incase the they stab through your feet ( They lend you ride trainers ). Even the US doesn't check. All UK rides are happy with glasses if you have strapes. http://www.coasterforce.com/CF_Shop

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You may be right, they may have bought out operations, I'm working on old info with that one so I'm happy to be corrected. No I'm not talking about station attendants being slow, I'm talking about people actually taking forever to get there crap and put it in the box but more importantly get their crap back again! It really is an aussie thing, I've been to parks in the US and Europe that operated with crap boxes on the load platform and people are much quicker. Australians really do tend to 'leave their brain at the gate' when they enter a theme park. I know that's a generalisation and of course it is not the official opinion of my employer, only my personal view but it realy is true.
So your saying that everyone who rides LW are Aussies?
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Well, pretty much, most of MWs patrons are locals.... Though then again, not everyone who rides LW is slow, but yeah you can get what djrappa is saying. Max Thrust, I dinna ken how they could tell if you had an annual pass in your pocket. That's credit card sized and can sit flat against your body....X-ray vision?

Edited by Gazza
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Well, pretty much, most of MWs patrons are locals.... Though then again, not everyone who rides LW is slow, but yeah you can get what djrappa is saying. Max Thrust, I dinna ken how they could tell if you had an annual pass in your pocket. That's credit card sized and can sit flat against your body....X-ray vision?
Depends on what your wearing. The WWW shorts i have you can see if something is in them as u can see the outline. I've been pulled up as well with my pass. Edited by dreamworld_rulz
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Seems stupid, about a minute ago I threw a few cards from my walled hard, they travel the whole of two meters before stopping and fluttering gracefully to the ground, so no risk of hurting anyone there. They have to realize that zippers dont just explode, causing the contents of peoples pockets to spew out everywhere. At the US parks, on days where I didn't use lockers, everything rode around with me just fine. I know if the bouncers tried to pull anything on me like that I would kick up a stink at guest relations. Ah well, nothing will change, though speaking to another member on here, supposedly you can get stuff through if you have the right gear on, hoodies with stuff in the front pocket work well apparently.

Edited by Gazza
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What I find a bit rediculours is they are now removing park maps and tissues from people! So what you now have is a whole bunch of people who get given the map on entry and then head straight to Superman for their first ride and bin the map. A serious waste of paper.

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My personal gripe with Movie World's system is the lengths they go to clearly in the interests of revenue raising. They go well beyond general safety into borderline obsessiveness. A pocket with a zip or button should clearly be exempt as should a park map. We've discussed ad nauseam how the average pocket contents (excluding bigger things like phones or cameras) are extremely unlikely to cause any injury or damage. The most perplexing thing however is despite all this, if you're wearing thongs or sandals then that's totally fine to ride in. At the end of the day, Movie World obviously has spent a significant amount and need to justify that capital expense by maximising their earnings from it. On paper such a system creates a better experience for the guest by maximising safety on rides and reducing load/dispatch times so making queues shorter, but to me these benefits have been lost along the way and it's become a totally money driven operation that I think has a more negative impact on guests than anything else; we've all seen people arguing with the attendants over things in their pockets, right? I do quite like the term 'bouncers' though; seems quite an appropriate term for the job.

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When i went to the GC for my BB trip i had my SW hoodie. It has a front pocket with a zip. In my pocket was my lanyard (Bus pass and MW pass) my mobile phone and money inc loose change. Before getting to the entrance i took my jumper off and tied it around my waist with the pocket facing my back. I started walking slowly so the money wouldn't rattle. Well i got passed security and managed to get on SE with no problems.

Edited by dreamworld_rulz
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That is one point, the whole thing is a farce, if you really want to get loose items on, you will. An interesting this is one of my friends was at the park last week and the attendant on lethal made him remove his wallet from his secure pocket after boarding. He said it took him a good several minutes to manage to get the thing out of his pocket. I really don't see how it posed any risk of actually flying out by accident during the ride.

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