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Parents and Theme Parks! Do yours ride?


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:D Hey guys! Just thought I would post this question as my mother is a roller coaster junky, just like her son. Even still now that she is in her 50's!! I can remember my mum taking me on my very first roller coaster at the Sydney Royal Easter Show - *The Wild Mouse* when I was under 10 years old. I was terrified and cried! The next time was after we had moved to SE Queensland and as a special xmas treat we were taken to Luna Park in Sydney. The orginal *Big Dipper*. I remember I cried and was terrorfied again! My father watched my sister whilst my mother made us ride. LOL From then on though, came my love of coasters and rides! As young kids in the 80's we were lucky enough to be taken to the west coast of the USA and went to all the big theme parks. I think my mother had more fun than my sister and I. I can remember when Dreamworld first opened and being there when the only major ride was the Log Flume! I even remember my father having to take my sister *through* the *chicken gate* that they had on that ride. I won't list all the coasters and other rides that my mother and I have enjoyed together but think of all the openings between the early 80's till now at all the following parks and you get the picture: Dreamworld Seaworld Movieworld Wonderland Sydney Segaworld *new* Luna Park Sydney There is nothing new in Australia that she hasn't been on. The last major big thing for her was Lethal Weapon (remembering that LPS's coaster went to Dreamworld and she'd been on that). I have pointed her in the direction of Cedar Point and now she wants a family holiday there.. heh heh! What about your own families? mb
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Hi Mx5_boy My parents arn't into rides but they do enjoy a day at a themepark. They arn't anti-ride people, they will still go on them with some light proding but generaly they are happy to just enjoy the atmosphere and have fun with the family. My little sister on the other hand is like my protege. I drag her onto all the rides with me and although a little reluctant at first, she loves rides of all sorts now. It so good to watch someone else ride a ride for their first time, just to see the satisfaction in their eyes afterwards and my sister has ridden with me on a lot of my first time rides on coasters. And also unlike everyone else she actualy enjoys (or politly pretends to enjoy) listerning to me droan on about all my coaster knowledge and opinions and I lazy i think the ride op's or ont he wipeout. :) Just remeber i'm from a diffrn't generation here ;) Shaun

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I remember when I was 4 my second time at wonderland and my dad dragged me kicking and screaming onto the beastie. I loved it so much when had about 50 rerides since I was too small for the BB. My mum will ride the corkscrew at seaworld but it ends there. She wouldn't even ride the thrillseaker! My Stepfather rides anything and everything. Like your mum mx5_boy he's in his fifties as well :)

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Well My mum ant total thrill junkeys but my dad thats a different story . My dad has been to most theme parks than all my famaily put together and I'm always pissed evil off at him becuase he teases me about It all the time. mrgreen

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My dad doesn't care which coasters he goes on, but my mum has been terrified of coasters since she was a child. The first coaster I went on was the Beastie with my mum. I loved it, as so did she. Last year for my Queensland trip, no one will come on ToT with me @ Dreamworld, so my mum was brave enough to go on it. She closed her eyes the whole way, but she quite overall enjoyed it. Maybe half her fear of coasters has gone?!

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yeah, both of my folks do, my dads been on the rainbow with me, lol, mums been on alot, she told me once when she was younger, she had gone with friends to Moomba, and they all went on the Wave Swinger, and down the street there was a carcrash, and cos most of the rides werent connected up to generators, everything shut off, and the chairs on the swings, just hit the middle!! freaky LOL :D

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  • 6 months later...

Well,I'm the coaster junky in our family but the latest three theme parks I went to were with my mum.I went to Dreamworld on my 12 birthday (not long ago) and was to chicken to go on TOT by myself so my sister said she'd come(rather nervously) and it was the most fun we'd had in a long time, although her mouth was hanging open the whole time.My dad isn't scared of any coaster,went to Dreamworld when I was 5 and he came of ThunderBolt smiling like he'd been given a free leg of ham!

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  scott said:
went to Dreamworld when I was 5 and he came of ThunderBolt smiling like he'd been given a free leg of ham!
I can't think of anything more exciting to be honest. How good would that be?!!! I'd smile for that. :D Thunderbolt was a dog Scotty. Piece of crap it was. Glad to hear it was enjoyed by someone anyhoos...
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Lol,Dan.I did go on ThunderBolt eventually,not long before it got pulled to pieces.I think it was OK,but it could sure hurt.My friend reckon's he had to go to a chiropractor coz it stuffed his back,and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he was telling the truth :D

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nah, Thunderbolt was good in the old (and I mean really old, say 10 years ago old) days. No one in my family really enjoys a good thrill ride, except for a distant relation of mine in England. We went to Alton Towers for the day, and he did all the rides with little in terms of hesitation, which wasn't a bad effort for someone in his mid 60s.

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