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Sydney's Royal Easter Show


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Well the time of the year is finally around. All rides are erected and running, including the all new skywalker, all the animals are at there new show for the next few days. lol. This year's show should turn out to be a good show with a great ride line up, and the show produces ride coupons as well. I am going Friday, I will be sure to get some pictures for you all. Is anyone else attending this year?

Edited by mickey_079
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Hey. So I went Friday to which was a PACKED day full of people. I was in luck with the rain until, it rained just as I got back on the train for home. The show this year was great with more exhibits, but unfortunately less rides and Rainbow running HORRIBLY! But for the lack of rides it was made up by... Skywalker! I must say, THE best carnival ride I have been on. It was very disorientation but the ride never made u dizzy. Only two complaints. The seats where like stand up coasters, only thing is, u sat on them, making it uncomfortable to ride more than 3 or 4 times in a day due to squashing of the testicles and rubbing of the thighs. The restraints left brutal red marks on your shoulders if you let go and put your hands up. I got to ride 8 times and never did I get sick which was a bonus. Here is a video I took and edited, enjoy.

Edited by mickey_079
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Went yesterday. I estimated a crowd of around 458 billion Skywalker had about 20 seconds of ride time so avoided that. Went on the zipper. Seemed to be more savage than last year, which was good. Also went on NO LIMIT. Great ride but I find it hard to understand why it costs 15 coupons to ride yet rides like The Ranger and the Zipper only cost 6?

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That and it was a freaking expensive ride to buy, and because it's so huge and the ride experience is VERY intense. They can charge more for the experience. No limit was brought 2nd hand from Europe and was still around 1.5mill to buy minus the shipping costs. Another factor as to why it's so expensive is the nature of the ride means higher insurance premiums (this is the MAJOR reason the showmen have to charge so much for the rides is so they can keep up with the rising premiums) And not to mention fuel prices constantly on the rise etc.

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There was alot of people when I went but the cycles were doing more than 2 minutes all the time. My longest cycle was 6 minutes which was my 2nd ride. I was only paying 3 coupons to ride Skywalker, and only 7 to ride No Limit, I had discount tickets which REALLY gave me my money's worth. Was Hard Rock down Ninja? I managed to get the first ride of it in the morning and after that they had the ride closed ALL day. DSCF2194-1.jpg

Edited by mickey_079
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Hard Rock was operating fine when I was there. The ride ops were just struggling with Skywalker. The que was pretty long and they were sending it up empty. Then just puting 5 or 6 people on it. One cycle I watched the arm went up, it turned twice then came back down. No more than 20 seconds.

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  Ninja said:
Hard Rock was operating fine when I was there. The ride ops were just struggling with Skywalker. The que was pretty long and they were sending it up empty. Then just puting 5 or 6 people on it. One cycle I watched the arm went up, it turned twice then came back down. No more than 20 seconds.
from your earlier post you posted yesterday you said you went yesterday...so did you go on sunday??? because i was there on sunday...the cycle was quite long...around 3 minutes....i went on it at around 4pm... but then after the fireworks...i went back for another ride...but they were having troubles with it...
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Yeah I went on Sunday. The problems I saw with Skywalker were at around 1- 2pm Also saw a young girl split her head open in Spaceship 2000 or whatever its called not long after. She had blood pouring out of her head and the op had no idea what to do. Everyone was just running around in a panic so they shut it down for a while just as I was about to ride....Just wasn't my day. I hope they gave the girl some free coupons to go with her stitches

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Just to clarify: you're welcome to submit photos of travelling rides etc. from bona fide annual shows, but our system isn't designed to handle individual database entries for rides which move around periodically. Basically, when you're tagging the photo, just include the show/park (Royal Easter Show, Ekka, etc.) and then the necessary ride details in the title and caption. It'd be a good idea to include the year of the show somewhere such as in the title. Basically, individual entries for travelling rides aren't OK, photos of travelling rides at proper annual shows is OK, photos of travelling rides at random locations like a school fete or on the beach for NYE etc. aren't OK. Thanks for pointing out that Rainbow entry. From its individual ID number, it was a very old entry (2-3 years or more) that somehow slipped by back then and had gone unnoticed until now.

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I might be going there this year (when i told someone from work experience this he then said that i was a "player" because im going with 2 girls) and i am thinking of riding the "taipan rollercoaster" and would like to know if anyone has any pictures or videos of it because i havn't been there for a few years and is thinking of going P.S. i havn't been on for a while because my XP has gone in for serviceing and so ive been using my millenium which is a bit slower and doesnt have my login saved to it so thats why i havnt posted but just been checking on whats going on once every 2 or so weeks.

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The Taipan is just a Galaxy coaster. There is a galaxy coaster at Lunaparks Melbourne, called metropolis? I think. Yeah. Basically the same ride. Alot of fun if you ask me! Be sure to try Spaceroller. Australias only Mondial Topscan! It would be the best flat ride ever. PERIOD ! I will be going for sure and i can post some pictures on here if you guys would like to see them, for those who cant make it this year.

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3 new rides this year: Pirates Revenge: Log flume with pirate theming! :) Buried alive: Motion Simulater, with theming of being buried alive :unsure: Hounted Hotel: Ghost train thing :) Looks good, im going. But i really dont like the taipan. I think its boring and the line is huge. Wondercam

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  jjuttp said:
I might be going there this year (when i told someone from work experience this he then said that i was a "player" because im going with 2 girls) and i am thinking of riding the "taipan rollercoaster" and would like to know if anyone has any pictures or videos of it because i havn't been there for a few years and is thinking of going
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