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Hollywood Stuntdriver


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Hey Interesting & thanks for that Matt - I must say I am a little suprised to hear the new show being placed in the current venue. Of course it will be LOADS cheaper to do so because they simply need to change the set and update everything but I can't understand that after all of the years of PA running and all of the complaints from neighbours etc, why they would want to put the new show in the same troubled spot? Personally I thought it would have made more sense to earmark the current PA show spot for a future indoor Attraction and build the new show over by Lethal.. Anyway, looking forward to seeing what they do with it! I am sure it will be a great show so long as the talented cast have a decent amount of input into it's development. Afterall, they are who have made PA so great over the years

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Hey good work MickeyD on finding out some solid info on this topic! :) This will be a quite an interesting change for MW, as it could be a real bummer if not done right. I've been to MW loads of times over the past years and each time we go i get the same comment from my parents. "Oh they've still got that show. That Police Academy Show has been around for years, when do you think they'll change it", :lol: . Well now I can answer that question! I don't really mind the change, although I never got tired of watching the show. I used to watch it over and over again when I taped it on camera one year! It will be sad to see the show leave MW, but also exciting to see the new "Hollywood Stuntdriver" show take it's place. And hopefully be just as good, or out-do the PA Stunt Show. CoAsTeR TeeN

Edited by CoAsTeR TeeN
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just some more news on the show - physically it's going to be much bigger than the PA show. The venue area is going to be built right out either side as the train next to Intencity will be moved elsewhere. The show will eat into some of that area however there are no plans to move Intencity - it's a nice little cash cow for the Park's per cap. I heard that there have been numerous revisions of the new show's script. The old show was such a polished performance with a cute little story line. I am led to believe the new show will not have so much of a story line (which concerns me a little) and that it will be more along the lines of the Lights! Motors! Action! show at Disney

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As far as impressive YES, LMA was definitely that, it had some great stunts, some cool toys and of course what we all one one hell of a big explosion... BUT As a 'show' and piece of entertainment it well... SUCKED. Had no flow, no 'charm' and most of all definitely no story. PA has all of these and that is what will keep you coming back time after time.

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Well, to be honest you are dealing with massive Disney crowds so I don't see how that differs much from what you get at a major sporting event, didn't phase me much anyway. I was actually quite suprised at the size of the grandstand, and it seemed pretty well set up with stairs etc. My tip is to use fastpass for the shows so you can rock up whenever and sit down easily. So, once the date is fully confirmed (ie. by the park) anyone reckon we should do a meet to see the very last show?

Edited by Gazza
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  MickeyD said:
The venue area is going to be built right out either side as the train next to Intencity will be moved elsewhere.
can anyone PLEASE explain what the hell that stupid old train is supposed to be/do ? Is it from some show/movie ? If so, some sort of sign would help in identifying it to everyone cuz I have no bloody clue what that damn thing is supposed to be.
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I get back to AUS on the 26th april so just in time to see the last show or two as well :) not like what happened with bloody wonderland... I was overseas for almost 7 years , arrived back on April 28 2004 only to find out the bastards had closed Wonderland 2 days ago AGHHH I regretted it for ages but having read alot about the Sunway decline that occurred I am sort of glad I didn't go and see it in taht sad state - and keep it in memory as the great park it always used to be. anyway :) thanks for clearing up that harry pothead train thing, at least I know what it is now but still - it is such a useless thing !!

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it may be a little useless but what else could they put there that would be useful besides food stalls. Any way I wish I could go to the last show as well but I will not be heading up to queensland until late 2009 so i will miss out on it. But at least i have seen it one time before it closed.

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