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Old Sydney Town

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Not sure if anyone knew this.. But Old Sydney Town is still completely intact and is currently lending the property for movie shots. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Sydney_Town http://www.oldsydneytown.com.au/ My friends from school have told me they got into Old Sydney Town and looked around, took pictures etc. They told me its still completely intact, and possibly even still functional. I'd love to see the place re-open. It was a great experiance!!

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Does anyone know, will Old Sydney Town ever re-open? I hope they do. However, I feel if they were to.. they'd need to extend the time period, of the place.. similar to Sovereign Hill in Victoria, give it more a time period to cover therefore; giving them more attractions etc etc. If they ever re-opened, they could get support from the Reptile Park etc. Who currently owns Old Sydney Town?

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I assume that he is referring to the eerie atmosphere of being in a town that is modelled after 19th century Sydney.
I loved Old Sydney Town, I think it was amazing. I've never been to Sovereign Hill in Victoria, but if Old Sydney Town was to ever reopen, I think they should take a bit of inspiration from Sovereign Hill and expand the theming period of OST so they have more room for expanstion, giving more things to do there.
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I think if OST were to ever re-open, they should do something like "Blood on the Southern Cross". If you don't know it look at this: http://video.vividas.com/media/4031_SovHill/web/BOSC/
Wow. That looks amazing. I'd love to see OST do something like that? I can just picture a production put on of a convict uprising during the 19th century.. I could picture the grand-stand (where people sit) on the opposite side of the river/'Sydney Cove' looking across the 'harbour' towards the goal etc. Does anyone know, the ship at OST in the 'harbour' was that accessable to the public and did it ever move? Anyone got any photos or maps of OST? I'd love to see them.
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My uncle worked as a drunk person there and my grandfather worked in administration. Its just being run into the ground. it was a fairly boring place though.
Oh i remember that scary dude, he used to hide in a cave like think there too, and was being chased by the red troopers! He scared me cause i though he was going to rob my mum and dad! hahahha i loved that place, would love it to reopen and take my son there, show the kids of today whats real Australian history is all about I found this site with heaps of pics http://www.bscene.com.au/royalty-free-imag...sydney-town/46/ Edited by secki
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