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Nice pic mate, and welcome to the site. I personally do hope that Dreamworld does spruce up the ride a little bit more. I'd love to see giant Jellyfish on top of the fences in a similar fashion to what they did with The Claw. That and some general ground work to make it look a bit nicer. Also Jjuttp why do you always add those 4 emoticons to the end of your posts? ;)

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I think those pink jellyfish on the structure are ridiculous. Someone got the work experience kid to knock something up with a band-saw and some poster paint. I agree with the theming on the ground, but its a week or so before it opens, and that is a very last minute touch to do, so it could still happen. To be honest, If they do paint the ground, I certainly hope its done in paint that weathers well in high traffic areas. It will be very annoying if it fades and crumbles apart... then again thats dreamworld all over...

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I think if you were going to do some sort of concrete pattern then it should have been done when it was poured, either by making a wavy pattern in the concrete with a grooved device, or by making a wavy pattern by embedding stones. The only thing I could think of doing could be to use rubarok, again laid in a pattern. Paint (as they have done in the old Wipeout pool) wouldn't last at all, and would be too slippery in the wet.

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I understand the pink jellyfish - my point was they just look cheap. gazza, when I was talking paint i didn't just mean straight run of the mill enamel... i was more referring to a gritted paint - something that grips. Alternatively a spray-crete overlay would be good so long as it was thick enough... too thin and it flakes off.

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OMG !!!!!!!!!!!!! post-88-1213946147.jpg Anyway, check out http://www.dreamworld.com.au/content/drw_2..._Rides_Flypants

It wasn’t until some friendly jellyfish squished beneath SpongeBob and lifted him up, that he first took to the watery skies. In SpongeBob’s nasally terms, “If you want to fly, all you need is friendships.”
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Now, there are many things wrong with those emotions... I don't know where to start Gazza! But at least they came up with a slightly creative storyline behind the ride... Now if only they could re-incorporate a story into the Tower, Drop and Cyclone and actually theme the rides. But then again this IS Dreamworld.

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Did it today, as far as family flat rides go its pretty fun. The vehicles feel pretty free, and it spins at an appropriate rate. I guess there's one main negative point, but from the previous pics, I had been under the impression that the pads of a darker yellow on the carriages were soft, unfortunatley they weren't, so it was like lying on a hard floor. Also, you had a tendency to slide backwards a little bit, with that narrow wedge being the only thing in the way, so i was sort of holding myself forwards to prevent getting squashed. I do hope this is not the only new thing for this year though. In other news, the ramp down to the BB cafe from the bridge over the rapids has been partially demolished, and replaced with a concrete ramp. My hopes and dreams were shattered at about 12pm in the cyclone queue when I discovered I had failed to put my boardies in my bag, yet had put in a towel and sunscreen, the water park had all walk ons, so I was planning on doing the $15 after 2pm thing, but no. I also managed the biggest fluke of a photo: http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/AU/Gold_Coas...ng_down_in.html I went up to the viewing area of vortex, planning on taking a photo, I took it, but I realised the dial was on scene mode (fireworks setting) instead of autu. Impatiently I waited for it to do the exposure so i could take the photo again, not really holding the camera still or anything. I come home, and it came out really well for no apparent reason, like something out of doctor who.

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In other news, the ramp down to the BB cafe from the bridge over the rapids has been partially demolished, and replaced with a concrete ramp.
And the funny thing is, it was opened and all of this done after the Thunder River Rapids maintenance was complete, the poor guys who had to repair the ride wall were all squashed under the old ramp for a day while they re-concreted it up. Also, on the topic of rapids maintenance, Gazza, did rapids seems to be running faster to you? Since it came back up on the 21st, could just be me, but it looks like its running heaps faster. Edit: Typo. Edited by Lotl_90
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It might have been, it did seem to get going on the last straight, one thing that did happen is that a couple of the waves actually poured into the boat properly, so you got properly wet (though still nowhere near as bad as rides like Shipwreck Rapids) instead of just having a bit of water flicked onto you like normal.

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Well for starters the kid was too small to ride. The harnesses on these attractions hold you in position. Watching it slo-mo, it looks as though he was trying to get out of the harness. At any rate, his father was the one to catch him, so I don't see this as being anything wrong with the ride, just the size of the kid. Ash - have you ever watched a funniest home video show? Well, whether you have or not, the premise is that lots of people getting hurt are funny - why? because it isn't YOU. If you don't get hurt, its funny. Thats where the expression comes from - it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. I watched that video about three times. My first reaction was to laugh - it is ridiculous seeing this oversized merry-go-round spinning while this kid dangles below it. The second time I wondered whether or not the kid was hurt, or if it was just a few bumps and bruises. Third time I wondered how a ride operator could admit someone that so clearly could get out of the harnesses - and to laugh about it again. Of course, if it were you falling off the ride.... i'll get back to you on how i'd feel about that.

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^Same video was posted by Cadboy. Anyone think i'ts funny the way old camcorders would record things like the battery status and type of sound onto the tape....As if the designers thought viewers at a later date would like to see ugly blocky icons and text intruding on the image.

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