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Yes they are all great ideas but it would haveto go with the theming though because the rides are(apart from the rock climbing wall and the claw): the wipeout stingray reef diver the vortex the flowrider And if you havnt already noticed but their all water themed but still another nightmares would be nice but you could put a set of bumper boats or somthing elselike the small rc speedboat racers or somthing. and if they like go to get rid of the swings or somthing they could probally put in a avater themed ride that shows how like he defeated firelord sozen or somthing or other because that could appeal to alot of young age groups like im in highschool right and i know some people who still just like me still like avatar ;):lol::P:rolleyes:

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Yes they are all great ideas but it would haveto go with the theming though because the rides are(apart from the rock climbing wall and the claw): the wipeout stingray reef diver the vortex the flowrider And if you havnt already noticed but their all water themed
Dont forget the cyclone... Oh and while you're at it - DON'T FORGET WE'RE TALKING ABOUT BLOODY NICK CENTRAL AND NOT OCEAN PARADE - nit wit.
but still another nightmares would be nice but you could put a set of bumper boats or somthing elselike the small rc speedboat racers or somthing. and if they like go to get rid of the swings or somthing they could probally put in a avater themed ride that shows how like he defeated firelord sozen or somthing or other because that could appeal to alot of young age groups like im in highschool right and i know some people who still just like me still like avatar ;):lol::P:rolleyes:
I'm struggling to find just one cohesive idea there... let me see... Nightmares.. ok so were... woops hang on - next line... Bumper boats - ok so we're in ocean parade... yep sounds like it - RC speedboats is on the same track... Unless they go to get rid of the swings - wait thats in Nick Central... weren't we in Ocean parade? So now we're talking about some firelord sozen - now either thats a reject from the power rangers, or you are too young to be surfing the net alone... and yet you claim to be in high school. We're also talking about Avater, or is it Avatar? you've spelled it differently both times. What kind of name is that anyway? You want Avatar? Its the little picture on the top left of my post. It's a roller coaster, and since you can't be over 5, you wouldn't recognise the coaster - so to help you out - heres a link to the database - Its a Roller Coaster - something people ride when they get older. This one is a Wooden one, bet you didn't know they made those? This one specifically closed 4 years ago, around the time you were learning to talk. Don't worry, i'm sure you will learn to use the english language a little better over the next year of primary school \ state school \ preperatory school \ whatever they call it in the state you're from. Edited by AlexB
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The unfortunate fact of life is that regardless of how you tell them, those who are incapable of properly constructing a sentence in a forum style, rather than chat, instant messenger or txting, are victims of the modern world, and a poor school system, and rather than recognise the message for what it is, it will usually boil down to aggressiveness or defensiveness on their part due to the lack of education and proper schooling. But I digress, and this discussion has not only been done before, it also belongs in a different topic. On this topic, It is a good filler attraction. We all talked about WBMW a year or two ago, when batwing was announced. A low budget attraction that came with a difference, a year after a new coaster had been unveiled. It is an attraction to "fill the gap" between coasters. A low expenditure (comparatively speaking of course) attraction to bring crowds in who have tired of the last attraction, and need a reason to come back, without the park spending millions on a new coaster every year. (much as we would like them to). It is a smart move by Dreamworld (who woulda thought?) and while it is a Nick Central attraction, I have a feeling its unique experience will draw the bigger kids too (like Reptar). I've seen this style of attraction at the royal shows, but never felt like paying $6 pr $7 a ride, especially when the last time I saw it I was on a photo shoot for the Royal Easter show and snapped quite a few pictures of it broken down and leaking copious amounts of hydraulic fluid. I guess so long as dreamworld's maintenance doesn't make a similar mistake in their upkeep :lol: , i'll get the opportunity to ride it now.

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^To clear up that incomprehensible post, Avatar from what I can gather is a Nicktoon done like a rip-off of anime cartoons. Pretty weird name for a show, and even weirder is the fact the main character has a big arrow tattooed on his head. Interestingly, the Nick Universe Park has an Avatar half pipe coaster. Seems like a pretty crappy theme for a ride, just because it is possible to do a ride themed to something doesn't mean you should.....what broad appeal do cartoons like that have other than to primary schoolers and nerdy high schoolers.

Edited by Gazza
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Thanks Gazza, While I didn't research it, I made the presumption that it would be a nicktoon, as it sounded like half of the crap you already see on Nickelodeon already. It was just me taking the p!ss out of the show, the storyline, the network, the viewers and the suggestion as a thematic element. 5 in one paragraph... nice eh?

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It's great to see Dreamworld adding another ride although as I said before we havn't ssen a thrill one since the claw, hardest thing about Nickelodean there always changing shows and soon enough one's out of date, I found this with Seaworld's Cartoon Network Beach, the rides were outdatted because the shows no longer existed and had been replaced, whereas Seaeme Street is easier, same for WBMW Looney Tunes is one theme and never get's old they have started playing them on Saturday again!!! Although I would like to see WBMW get more adult kids rides, like DW Spooty Spin, the swings, the new ride at DW!!! At the moment its all kids rides!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Just a quick update.. Havent had a chance to grab any photos but oh well.. The core of the ride is in, and the arms have all been attached, And now the operator console building is in. Its starting to pull together.. The Sponge (gondolas?) are inside the temporary fencing.. obviously to be attached sometime this week. The wall behind the ride has been painted to look like jellyfish fields, and is nice and bright at least. Thats all for now.

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Well Spongebob Flypants is coming along great, I have attached 2 photos of the ride. The gondolas are all in place and all that seems to be left to do is some cosmetic and ground work to the ride and the operators booth. Sorry for the quality of the photos, they were taken on my phone through the fence. Flypants1.jpgFlypants2.jpg

Edited by Spotty
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^Come on mate, you don't need to post for postings sake. As for the ride, it doesn't look terribly comfortable actually, i don't know why they would try making people lie on fibreglass when those rubber type restraints are far more comfortable. Then again I doubt this would have been much more than a mil, so you get what you pay for. So was this looking to be open by the end of this month, I have that free ticket, but it runs out on the 30th....At least this gives me somewhat of a reason to bother going down.

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I was at dreamworld on Tuesday and I did happen to see the ride testing!!! Look's good, they were also working on the queue!!! Fences are up, still look's to be some cosmetic stuff done on the ride, not looking to bad, it looks slow, but defiantly fun for little kids, let's hope they keep up kepp on this and should be good!!!

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Managed to snap a quick photo of it testing today on my phone for you guys (i.e Mega Crap Quality and Poor shot.. didnt have a lot of time). Yeh its been testing and ironing out kinks for the last few days. They took the crash test dummies out today.. Here are some quick facts I found out. Ride Classification: Moderate Thrill Ride Min. Rider Height: 110cm Max Weight: 125kg per Carriage Open Date: Friday 20th June.

Edited by Lotl_90
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