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Eureka layout


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Hi Guys, I am just wondering if any one has or could draw the track layout of Eureka Mine Ride. I rode numerous times when I was about 9 or 10 but have forgotten the layout since then. Can anyone help out ? I remeber it being really fun and exciting. Bring Back Eureka DW Pleeeeeasse :rolleyes:

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I had always thought it followed a pretty standard mouse layout, but instead of doing a 270 degree helix after the switchbacks it did a dip, bunny hill, rise, then a u turn over the station, then another dip and a turn back to the brakes...am I remembering it properly?

Bring Back Eureka DW Pleeeeeasse :rolleyes:
You do realise that " :rolleyes: " indicates sarcasm? So are you saying you want Eureka to come back, or do you want it to stay closed? Edited by Gazza
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  PixelPushed said:
The roll eyes thing doesn't even look sarcastic its looks like a smiley face for god sakes lol
I agree I thought it was just meant to be a happy expression. What is the standard layout for a wild mouse. I mean I know what most of the elements are but not how they are conected or in what order. :unsure:
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I agree I thought it was just meant to be a happy expression. What is the standard layout for a wild mouse. I mean I know what most of the elements are but not how they are conected or in what order. unsure.gif
Lol nah, it's a little guy rolling his eyes, so its sort of representing sarcasm, or exasperation, your happy expression is this one: :) , just thought i'd let you know because people might misunderstand you, or the meaning of your post might not get across as you intended. A couple of examples of a mouse layout are here: http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/AU/Sunshine_...0-Overview.html and here http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/US/Tampa/Bus...etah_Chase.html They all sort of follow a similar format, it starts off with a zig zag section, and then finishes off with a set of dips that run around underneath.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Copy of email asking about the mine ride..... (from DW) Good Evening Greg, Thank you so much for taking the time to send in an email asking about the Eureka Mine Ride. Unfortunately Greg the Mine Ride has been officially retired. We have continued to stay competitive in Themepark management with new attractions constantly being added and expanded upon. This includes constantly revamping our existing rides until it is time to say a final goodbye. We love hearing from guests who have long had happy memories with some of our old favourites and we look forward to seeing you again soon so you can develop some new "old" favourites! We'll see you and your family soon Greg :unsure::angry:

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NO! I wanted the mine ride bought back :angry: Well I hope they hurry up and get rid of the attraction if it is now 'officialy retired'. I wonder who wrote that email the CEO :P I hope they replace it, mabey with one of the new attractions the email talks about.

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  skystar_a320 said:
Copy of email asking about the mine ride..... (from DW) Good Evening Greg, Thank you so much for taking the time to send in an email asking about the Eureka Mine Ride. Unfortunately Greg the Mine Ride has been officially retired. We have continued to stay competitive in Themepark management with new attractions constantly being added and expanded upon. This includes constantly revamping our existing rides until it is time to say a final goodbye. We love hearing from guests who have long had happy memories with some of our old favourites and we look forward to seeing you again soon so you can develop some new "old" favourites! We'll see you and your family soon Greg :unsure::angry:
That sucks, the last time I rode it was in 2000 (I was 6) I can hardly remember it, but remember that it was one of my favourite rides.
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Yeh I can't remember the ride either. I hope they replace it with another dark ride if they replace it at all but knowing Dreamworld they will just leave it as is. It must look strange for first time visters to see the outside section of track and thinking it is another ride to go on and not being able to find the entrance.

Edited by cadboy
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  cadboy said:
Yeh I can't remember the ride either. I hope they replace it with another dark ride if they replace it at all but knowing Dreamworld they will just leave it as is. It must look strage for first time visters to see the outside section of track and thinking it is another ride to go on and not being able to find the entrance.
It looks ridiculous, what with the track in full view. In my opinion, they need to knock down the whole mountain (if possible) and put something else there. Preferably with the theme Goldrush in mind.
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  revolutionx said:
It looks ridiculous, what with the track in full view. In my opinion, they need to knock down the whole mountain (if possible) and put something else there. Preferably with the theme Goldrush in mind.
Absoulutly, I say get rid of the whole mountain and replace it with something else along the same line. Maybey that could put the Goldrush Countrry back on its feet once again.
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Guest dreamworldfan

Empty the insides, and extend the rapids so that they have a big drop(or however large they can make it) so that it becomes more of a thrill ride then well.....classically boring. And everyone loves to get wet

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I think they would have to replace it with another indoor attraction, to stay on top of things (well try to) considering MW has the Scooby Coaster. ;) I'd like to see the full knock down the mountain and create a whole brand new experiance, like a mine train ride, starting in a new mountain, similar to the one currently there. The train would zig zag its way thru the 'Mines of Dreamworld' (it could maybe be linked with the Giant Drop theme of the oil digging?) then the train accellerates thru the mountain, coming out at the top of mountain (sorta a Volcano shaped mountain) and the track winding down the sound of the mountain.. The track would then zig zag thru small camel humps around the Gold Rush area, and sorta make a 'border' to the themed area (like the Scenic Railway does at LPM). The track would then makes its way back to the mountain and finish. The main coaster part would consist of no inversions, however it would use a couple of helixes. I know I'm dreaming big, but we can only dream, can't we? I'd love to see my idea put into a scetch by someone, or whatnot. It would be Superman (accelleration coaster) meets Scooby (indoor coaster for the start, with intensive theming to set the scene) meets Scenic Railway (turns into a proper coaster[metal coaster themed to wooden] for the rest of the track). Here is my verison of my idea. The blue circle/shape is where the new mountain would go, And the yellow line is the track layout, going anti-clockwise.. nqdyj8.jpg

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The Eureka Mountain structure will not be removed any time soon. Removing it would be far too tedious with Thunder River underneath it, not to mention all the shops adjoining it. Such as IMAX, Kodak Photo Center, Candy Shop / Ice Cream Parlour and various Gold Rush themed shops. Even if the ride doesn't operate anymore the mountain housing still looks good. Without it Goldrush would look very different. As it has also been previously mentioned on the forums, the inside of the mountain is currently being used for storage. And with the size of the mountain (not that big) It is making good use of the storage. Just because the ride doesn't operate anymore, and will never operate again in the foreseeable future doesn't mean it has to be knocked down. I'm sure if it didn't play such a iimportant part on various structures around the park, Dreamworld would have done something by now about it.

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Guest dreamworldfan

it may have had its issues, and serious upkeep costs coupled with alot of down time, but that ride was still great and iconic. im sure Dreamworld still has plans for it to be rebuilt from the ground up (the ride part)to incorporate new technology and a more comfortable ride. Sadly, it will be many a years before we see anything happen

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I Don't think we will see it rebuilt in any way, shape or form in a hurry, and what is this downtime you speak of? Every time I have been to Dreamworld since 2005, I have NEVER seen it break down and I used to go there often. The only times it was closed was for annual maintenance or Screamworlds. I never felt the ride was unsafe once... except for maybe the lack of head clearance, but I'm sure anyone over 5ft would be worrying about that one! I am still upset at the fact it's had to close, but there would have to be a very valid reason why it happened. As they wouldn't just close it for the sake of closing it.

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  Spotty said:
I have NEVER seen it break down and I used to go there often. The only times it was closed was for annual maintenance or Scramworlds. I never felt the ride was unsafe once... except for maybe the lack of head clearance, but I'm sure anyone over 5ft would be worrying about that one!
i've seen it breakdown once. The seatbelt in one of the cars broke off.
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