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ANZAC Crowds


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Yeah it's hard to say. With the later closing time, you're down 1.5 hours compared to a normal day. It might be a turn-off if you're paying to get in. On the other hand, people may assume that most would be turned off and go on Anzac Day thinking wait times would be extremely short. So who knows! I'm actually going Saturday. :P

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I did exactly that on Friday last week. I assumed that the crowds would be minimal due to the rain, unfortunately the park was busier than the monday I went when the weather was forecasted to be a fine and sunny day. I am guessing tomorrow will be a day where the parks are filled with 1. people who have to go because their holidays are about to end, and 2, locals who want to kill some time with the annual passes.

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  T-bone said:
I am guessing tomorrow will be a day where the parks are filled with 1. people who have to go because their holidays are about to end, and 2, locals who want to kill some time with the annual passes.
Thats pretty much what im expecting at Dreamworld tomorrow. I know last year was pretty much dead on Anzac Day, a few international guests as expected, and the Max Action Passholders, but nothing too big.
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Was pretty quiet today at MW. Only thing that marred it was SDSC having its blocking system in place all day, preventing me from riding. Lowlight of the day was when the train made its stop at Beenleigh and the huge crowd of ferals got on and were talking loudly playing woeful music full blast through crappy, tinny mobile phone music player speakers. Highlight of the day was riding Superman twice at night, and later, seeing a guy with a T shirt with the Wolfmother logo and "F******* Sucks!" printed below it.

Edited by Gazza
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^Yeah, I was bummed about SDSC being dead all day... Did they evacuate anyone because the door at the top of the lift was open? (I'm just taking a wild guess) Or was it down all day? First time on Superman and BW owned! :D LW and Superman in the dark is pretty crazy too. Only other complaint is that Superman was only one train, but wasn't too bad... I got carried away and didn't get many night shots, but the fountain looks nice. Also, just wondering did they shut Wild West because it was getting dark or other reasons? img1457wx3.th.jpg

Edited by WnW_Rocks
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^Yeah, I was bummed about SDSC being dead all day... Did they evacuate anyone because the door at the top of the lift was open? (I'm just taking a wild guess) Or was it down all day?
Yeah, it never opened. I spotted the door open, and a blue shirt came out of it and went outside down the stairs to another part of the building, so I'm guessing something is up with the lift because that door was open later on too.
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If a member of staff from the parks were to post on here saying the ride will be open tommorrow and then is not then technically the park is open to liability for false advertising. You may think it rediculous but a guest could complain that they were told a ride would be open and then it wasn't when they arrived at the park. Unfortunately all you can do is call the park on the day and see if it is open. Due to the nature of ride breakdowns it is often difficult if not impossible to give estimates on when things will be fixed until the problem has actually been tracked down. Often you will get a ride back up only to have it fault again minutes later.

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I went yesterday (Saturday). The place was packed. They even used the Revue stand (the one without shading) for the PA stunt show. SDSC was running. SE was down for a period during the morning. They were only running one car so queues were around 45 minutes to an hour. (We saw the safety video 14 times each time we queued.) Both LW and RoadRunner were running 2 cars. They actually had someone decent doing the Batman Adventure ride. The previous 2 were less than enthusiastic.

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  billyb67 said:
so that explains why I saw Superman still running at 6.20pm.
They must've been testing. We entered the queue at 4:15, got on just after 5:00. When we exited, there was a sign at the entry saying it was closed..... unless they re-opened it again because of the earlier closure. I've been once where they kept SE open 'til 7pm because it was closed for half the day.
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  cadboy said:
How cool would it be to ride superman at night.
Front seat around 6:20pm... Damn awesome... Lethal Weapon was pretty cool too, last ride of the day didn't hurt either! :P Who else went, because I could've sworn I heard a fair few people talking about things that I wouldn't consider general knowledge?
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