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Hi guys, As The thunderbolt was closed before I had a chance to ride it I would like to know from those who did ride what the experience was like. I have heard before it was a really rough ride. Was the layout good or bad and being the longest coaster in Australia was it one of the best when it was operating. Was there an on ride camera and did it ever derail. Cheers. ;)

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I can give you a pretty good explanation seeing's I rode that terrible thing too many times to count!! The cars themselves appeared similar to the corkscrew however the TBolt had very small guide wheels - not like the eurothaine ones found on all good coasters. I think this was one of it's major flaws! From the station you would slowly creep up the hill that was about the same height of Lethal Weapon's. The ride could run with two coasters easily and was probably even designed to cope with three. From the top of the 1st drop you would move horizontally about 20 metres before taking the first drop. This was not a straight down drop, it curved it's way down to two huge double loops. The trains would make a very loud squeeling sound at this point (and at other points of the ride). Just before hitting the first loop I remember a rather nasty snapping jolt - the first of many during the ride. I think maybe the poor design of the trains and the track itself caused this. After taking the first two loops and taking the next turn (another nasty jolt to the neck) The ride would start losing speed. The rest of the ride was 700metres or so of boring corners and mild dips. Then came the horrible finale! Just as you would take the last turn to the left (before entering that rather pointless tunnel) your train would take one last neck snapping jolt to the left. No matter how many times I rode I used to always brace myself for this one and make sure I stuck my neck out to save my head from injury! By the time the train hit the first trim station it would have only been travelling at about 30k's, if that.. Almost the entire track had steel catwalks running alongside it that would shake and rattle even after the trains had traversed by them!! Add to that with such poor upkeep on the ride during it's final years it was covered in rust and signs of poor patchup jobs where sections of the track had been replaced. Interestingly the Thunderbolt was only about the same age as the Corkscrew which is in relative mint condition. I laugh every time I hear about people complaining about Lethal Weapon being a rough ride - it's a smooth as Superman in comparison to this steel nightmare! R.I.P Thunderbolt You will not be missed!!

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That 'rather pointless tunnel' was to shelter the skid brakes, which lose effectiveness when wet. We've got a whole heap of photos of the ride if you've not already looked: http://www.parkz.com.au/photos/AU/Gold_Coa...46-Thunderbolt/ All in all it was a pretty miserable ride. Forget trying to figure out what was wrong with it; you'll have a hard time finding anything that was right with it.

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Im positive i still have a video around the house that has the thunderbolt in action, coming down the first drop,screaching and all, and the thunder/roar kinda noise it used to make as it went through the two loops! ill dig it up for you. Will also have alot of extremeworld stuff on it...from the first time they did it years and years ago.

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