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As an avid fan of the park, Demon holds much Nostalgic value for me.


Bit in this case - it's time for that ride to die a horrible death - and i'm sure it will achieve that operating in India.


The Wonderla rumors came out years ago - but nothing was confirmed anywhere, and we wrote it off as just another rumor... RCDB confirmed it about 2 months ago.

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Shouldn't it be called Dem if its going to Wonderla ?

Lol. Nice one. RCDB hasn't got a name as yet, but i'd say they'll probably go pretty reliably towards one of the clone names - boomerang, zoomerang etc.

If they are going to stick with a name it has held previously and follow your lead, instead of Dem, they should go with an abbreviation of it's original name - Titan.

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So I was at movie world today and it was a bit of a mixed bag. Justice League had a fairly long queue but there was only one person loading, so the ride stopped a couple of times and the timing during the last few sequences was off because of that.

Superman on the other hand had two trains running and the queue only just reached the second switchback. The effects were running the best I've ever seen them. I was thinking about it afterwards, and as unrealistic as it might seem, I think they should add some loud sirens/alarms and music during the indoor segment to make it that much more intense. 

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Can confirm from a visit last Monday the all the effects were working (sans steam). Good to see them running both trains (expected being school holidays) and the queues are short. My visit had a hour queue and managed to single rider jump at least 30 minutes of queue. Attendant at the entrance was warning those hiring a locker the queue was over a hour before they hired or entered the queue after hiring. Surely the park would have some control over the lockers and be able to extend the hire duration when the queues are longer than the short term hire period.

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What are the sounds/audio in the section from station to launch?

There's the usual voices plus theres some rumbling. But something I never noticed until I was sitting in the front was that there are just general subway noises that you can hear from just inside the tunnel while they're loading the train.

Also, the vibration you feel when the train leave the station. Is it intentional to feel like an earthquake or does it just do that and it happens to fit in perfectly with the theme?

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