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For so many years they had the black security 4x4 driving laps around the carpark all day. Looks like they may have been cost cutting in the wrong areas.

In saying that, they certainly aren't legally liable for damage to guests property when parked in what is really a public carpark so why would they pay for someone to monitor it?

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  On 22/05/2014 at 3:29 AM, Wyncenuros said:

In saying that, they certainly aren't legally liable for damage to guests property when parked in what is really a public carpark so why would they pay for someone to monitor it?

PR. Whilst they're not responsible and by parking there, the public acknowledge it (assume there's a sign or something somewhere), it's still going to be better PR for them if they have someone do some laps around the carpark. It may only take a few weeks then the people doing it will probably move on to dreamworld or a shopping centre carpark.

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^ precisely.

Disneyland (prior to becoming Disneyland Resort) had a fairly expansive carpark, and there was a lookout tower, with guards and cameras that were able to see the entire carpark.

You may park there at your own risk, but if the risk is real, rather than fanciful, who will choose to park there? MW will lose customers as word gets around, and then they'll have to spend far more money trying to bring those people back, instead of buying one of their guards a pair of binoculars.

Seriously though - if the cost of running a 'patrol vehicle' was too much (fuel, maintenance etc) then put up a tower in the middle of the carpark, with either a guard, or cameras. At the very least the cameras will get some vision of the crims, and given the carpark is pretty much one way in, one way out, very likely to be able to get number plates.

$5k would probably be more than enough to give guests peace of mind... and scare off the guys knocking them off to a place with easier pickings...

(Perfect example - a car was stolen from a petrol station in logan last week - WHILE THE OWNER WAS FILLING IT - because the keys were left in the ignition. The servo had surveillance, and the vision was published online. QPS media announced earlier today that they had arrested and charged a guy for that crime... so it does help.

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Did Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s minders take Dreamworld for a ride?


The family of Hollywood A-listers Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had exclusive after-hours access to Dreamworld four times during their stay and allegedly didn’t pay a cent.

The stars’ camp agreed to support the Dreamworld Wildlife Foundation, but five months later no money has been sighted, despite inquiries to Brangelina minders.


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  On 23/05/2014 at 5:02 PM, mba2012 said:

Breaking from the current conversation.

Do any of the theme parks offer temporary jobs over the summer period? And if so, when would you be able to apply?

I'm wanting to get a job because I'm currently broke...

So you're currently broke so you want a job in 7 months when summer comes around again?

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VIP isn't currently Postcode restricted. Occasionally, they do a special reduced pricing for 'locals only' which usually doesn't come out until after December... but the current pass pricing does not have a postcode restriction - go to themeparks.com.au and try to buy one - there are no T&C's on it...

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