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Restraints comparison


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Just wondering if anybody could give a comparison (in terms of rider size accommodation) between the restraints on Batwing and those on The Giant Drop/The Claw (which I believe are the same?). Also, is Mick Doohan very accommodating (more/less than Superman/Lethal Weapon)? Much appreciated.

Edited by coaster_kiwi
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Dunno, its hard to do a direct comparison, especially since for me they close quite well since I'm not tall or fat or anything. Batwings might be a bit easier for some to fit into because they don't go down as far, but still, the belt has to reach. As for Motocoaster, there is a test seat at the front of the ride you can use to check, but I think it might be more forgiving. The Claw also has a test seat, so check that before going on the Claw or GD since they have the same harness.

Edited by Gazza
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