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Halloween 2008


2008 Halloween Event  

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  klassen24 said:
I'm helping out with maze setup on Wed then going to the event that night and i asked for permission to take photo's during setup and I'm aloud to so ill post them on the site for those interested.
Being permitted to take photos is different from being permitted to post them online. Check please :) The spider webs and spiders look really cool, not realistic, but they do the job, and there are heaps of them up and down Main Street, and its not like the orange Hessian that they use at Disney in case you’re wondering.
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Guest Doc Brown

which rides will be operating for halloween? tell me all of them please don't leave out batman adventure the ride 2 like jerky movieworld who dosent appreciate a 13 million dollar simulator ride.


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^It's a bit unclear as to what exactly will be open...At the price being charged I would hope everything. The page about it on the MW website ( http://shop.myfun.com.au/attraction-highli...p?SpecialID=116 ) only says:

Main Street will be drenched in a ghostly atmosfear that will come alive with spine tingling thrills and chills on the Big Screen, spooky scenarios throughout the park including the ever popular Fright Zone and all-new Scary Maze.All this, plus the fun of Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster, Shrek 4-D Adventure, SUPERMAN Escape, BATWING Spaceshot and more!
post-88-1224670888_thumb.jpg Edited by Gazza
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Dexter is correct in the fact the mazes will start to be put up on Tue next week with final touches on Wed. As for rides on the night all rides will be open, But Wild West Falls is currently in maintenance till the 26Th that allowing some leeway between the event in case it needs longer that ride has a few time been under maintenance longer than it should be, but lets hope all goes well because it is a good ride at night.

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Dexter is right that is a 50/50 chance that it may not be open on the night maintenance on wild west falls is very extensive and in fact most of the time goes over schedule. It wouldn't surprise me that it may not be open till the last night. As i mentioned before it was original scheduled to be still down over the event but after discussion of the complaints last year of it not being open the decision was made that it will be going down earlier this in fact allowing it about 2 days between finishing and the event hoping all goes well. Dexter is right that is a 50/50 chance that it may not be open on the night maintenance on wild west falls is very extensive and in fact most of the time goes over schedule. It wouldn't surprise me that it may not be open till the last night. As i mentioned before it was original scheduled to be still down over the event but after discussion of the complaints last year of it not being open the decision was made that it will be going down earlier this in fact allowing it about 2 days between finishing and the event hoping all goes well.

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Guest Doc Brown

you guys really ought to stop making fun of one mistake/accident in my message, cut it out! i am only a person interested in moviewolrd like all of you, so lets be nice to each other from now on, okay thankyou

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OK why do you think everyone was making fun of you. The way I see it, you slipped up and made an interesting mistake and it caught on from there. Lighten up abit, things like this happen on the forums all the time. Don't take it as a personal attack because someone mimiks the mistake you made in your post.

cut it out!
Another mistake. :P


Edited by cadboy
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Yeah - Mistakes happen all the time! Here's a few choice mistakes by Cadboy

Posted on: Today, 09:53 AM mimiks Posted on: Today, 09:49 AM Yeh, riden, reat, "anyone here every riden it." Posted on: Today, 09:39 AM comprimising, inforcing, comprimise
Ok - now heres a real kicker - This one is from Cadboy Posted on: Oct 21 2008, 06:19 PM
What does that post read in ENGLISH. jjutp http://www.parkz.com.au/about/FAQ/Communit...idelines.html#5 take note.
That link points to part 5 of the guidelines, which says Spelling, punctuation and grammar should be correct and proper at all times. Take the necessary time to properly form your posts, because if they are not up to standard they may be deleted. Many Browsers these days have built-in spell checkers so there is no excuse for not making the effort.
Posted on: Oct 21 2008, 05:48 PM compitition, mabey Posted on: Oct 21 2008, 05:37 PM saftey
And all that within the last 4 days. Cadboy - "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". You seem to be able to police the site very well when someone else isn't following the guidelines, but can't take the time out to form your posts properly. You poke fun at others who make errors, and yet you make those errors too. You pull members up for not following the guidelines, and yet you don't either! The thing that really gets me is that you correctly spell some really complicated words like prosthetic and discrimination (well - I say complicated, I mean in reference to some of the above words) but you fail on words like Safety and Maybe. Do you only bother to spellcheck the big words you don't know? or is it really weird you can spell prosthetic, a 10 letter word, but not safety, 4 letters shorter? I guess what i'm trying to say is the way I see it, you slipped up and made a lot more mistakes than Doc Brown and it caught on from there. Lighten up abit, things like this happen on the forums all the time. Don't take it as a personal attack because someone mimics the mistake you made in your post. Back on to topic, but clint - anything you can share regarding any particular lighting we will see under the roof? Edited by AlexB
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OK Alex B, point taken.

"let he who is without sin cast the first stone"
Believe me I am far from perfect, I understand my grammar and punctuation skills aren't quite up to standard and am not trying to be police. I do however 98% of the time reread posts to correct any mistakes I make, but not being and expert in this area means that some will slip through the gaps. Re the spelling mystery. Those big words "prosthetic and discrimination" were not corrected by spell check. I must have just known how to spell them. BTW how do you use a spell checker in browser, excuse my ignorance. Finally I am sorry to those who I have offended and will try not to be so hypocritical in future.
I guess what i'm trying to say is the way I see it, you slipped up and made a lot more mistakes than Doc Brown and it caught on from there. Lighten up abit, things like this happen on the forums all the time. Don't take it as a personal attack because someone mimics the mistake you made in your post.
Good One ;) Cheers and sorry to those offended.
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OK Doc Brown LISTEN TO ME VERY CARFULLY. firstly thank you very much donjailn La for the complement i try my best ^_^ and the joke after that i laughed :lol: Doc brown i used to be the one you are currently turning into now and very fast, the one they will pick on for every little thing and don't go and say it's not your fault they will only do i if needed. I have some points for you. 1)Read the Community Guidelines very well because that for a start will help you out. 2) calling people a "Dumb ass" in another post will 1. shows you didn't read the community guidelines, 2.your being a hypocrite saying before you guys are making fun of me your making fun of someone by calling them a Dumb ass and 3. you are gonna loose peoples respect on here very fast. 3)This has all happened because you didn't watch what you said to begin with you asked what rides and attractions would be open on the night, then you end up being the one telling us "the wild wild west adventure ride will definitely be open" if you already know why ask???? Plus i went and told all those on here what was open plus others said the same thing in total backing me up then you turn around saying a statement in which you have nothing to back you up. I'm sure you are gonna maybe firstly listen to someone who for one works at Movie World and for one who is helping out for the night maybe, and you can't say you didn't know that because its been spoken about on this forum. Doc Brown I'm not having ago at you i used to be the one who was always attacked at, I made a HUGH mistake when i first came on here tying to prove everyone i was right they were wrong they didn't know anything about me or who i was then i made a stupid move to try and prove myself right which in fact made it worse. In my opinion now after listening to these guys who have been on here so much longer than you i have gained a lot of respect now from taking in these tips they have given me, they will give you feed back along the way and you just need to try and listen to them, i get feed back all the time i got one on this forum just before. You may have started off badly but there is nothing saying that we and you can't fix that, don't bit back that will make things worse trust me take it all on board.

Edited by Gazza
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Are you able to buy tickets at the gate for the actual Halloween night? It says tickets are strictly limited so will it sell out if I wait? I hear Dreamworld plans to have a Scream world on the same night as Halloween next year, and have Halloween theming too.... But with only half the park open (I assume all the front areas leaving all the animals and Wiggles World closed. Anyone heard something to confirm this?

Edited by DonjaiInLA
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I would assume you should be able to but get there early probably my best bet for you would be give them a call on my fun in the morning go all the way through to ticket sales and ask them if any will be available they should be then able to tell you if there is heaps or not as far as i know no nights as of yet are not sold out but they have been giving out leaflets in the park and people have been purchasing them at the upgrade booth.

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I think the problem with that strategy is that the people at the park would just enthusiastically encourage you to buy tickets, rather than telling you it is ok to wait (I doubt they would know exact sales numbers anyway). Also, Cadboy, with respect to spell checking in browsers, well Firefox and Safari have it built in (Accessed by right clicking on the words with red underlines, (or shift clicking if you are on a Mac)) Internet Explorer doesn't have spell checking (Then again, it doesn't have a lot of things) so you'd have to download an addon like the Google Toolbar.

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