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On-Ride Videos: The Great Debate


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That's what I like to hear Huss. You're learning old son. Only 15, so plenty of time to work on the pi*s taking techniques. Don't they teach spelling and grammar at school anymore? Mate, I'm just taking the pi*s. Everyone else seems to understand that and enjoy it, most bite back and enjoy the in-house banter and if you can't cop a little well you can get stuffed. You've got a lot to learn. You started us off at you anyway. Grow up. Put your shoulders back, pick your chin up and lets rock. Kind regards to you and yours for tomorrow. Don't take it personally old son.

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Hussy, mate there is no need to get all fired up like that. But Daniel is right it is a stupid idea. If your plans to get a Rainbow and travel around with it come good, and I sincerely hope they do, you will understand that due to a little thing called public liability insurance you will not be able to afford to allow people to take cameras or any loose articles on to your ride. If you do you will be paying an exorbitant insurance premium each year and your dream will come crashing down around you. Sorry dude but this is reality, wake up and smell the coffee. If you want to work at a theme park why not try one closer to home? Luna Park maybe? "The Bus is now leaving for Silly, Belgium"

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Hussy, Look mate, just further to my last, you've obviously never heard the word exaggeration before. I've heard some rippers in my life time. Your statement didn't rate near any of them. Don't take it personally. As stupid as it was however. I don't mean to offend you, I'm sorry if I do, it's called good old Australian sh*t stirring. You should try it sometime. Use me as your bunny if you wish. I've got broad shoulders. You're your own worst enemy sometimes that's all. You're at a good age to start to learn old son. Look at Jobe or Flea. He gives as good as he gets these days and that's what it's all about. We're all here for a knowledgeable time and to have a laugh. If you can't do that, well you're not going to get very far in life. You're going to need thick skin if you want to work in a theme park at some stage and be able to give it back to some of the most arrogant people you will ever meet in your life. You've got to lighten up. That's all I'm getting at. Once again mate, we all value your input, whether we agree or not. It's just fun talking about it and putting a bit of sh*t on ach other in the process. Just because I don't agree with what you're saying, doesn't mean I'm right either. That's why it's called a forum! Say what you're thinking. You did in your last post. Well done! I'm sorry you think I'm arrogant. You may be shocked. I'm just a big teddy bear who enjoys a can and having a muck around :D Anyway, it's Christmas, you can't hate anyone at Christmas ;)

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Huss, you seem to be a good guy. But however, it is quite clear that Daniel is just joking around. I know that at first you get a shock at what Daniel is saying, but all he is trying to do is lighten up this place a bit. I cop it all the time on MSN, but I take it, and give him a serve too. I don't take what he says seriously, instead laugh to my ass falls off! He's a funny guy, tough at times, but naturally funny. I can completely understand that you are getting angry at this, but soon enough you'll both be best of buds. Merry Christmas to all! ~Liam

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lol, i know, it just drains it sumtimes, he cant go bagging making ride models if he hasnt built one, anyways, lol, ive seen people take cameras on rides before, its stupid, and if i do get to own a rainbow, people would certainly not be allowed to take them on, after realising what i posted, i should have meant to say, ill be filming rides but not on the ride, its a very stupid idea, and i see people alot do it, e.g someone when we were on the scenic railway, she pulled out her camera to take a pic, and the brake girl in the middle said no photos, since she was behind her she though oh well she wont turn around, pulls the camera out again, the girl screams at her, and she puts it away, DOES IT A 3RD TIME! i was sitting infront of her, i turned around, and said, you might want to actually listen to the girl, and she goes im holding the camera, and i said, well then I HOPE YOU DROP IT! and the break girl just laughed

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Yeah stopping for air is also vital. I think I'm going to explode sometimes. My face goes blue and I start going in and out of consciousness. S-L-O-W down Hussy and Shifty. Did you guys get that spell checker for Christmas? JAG, did you? I'll go bagging whatever I want to Huss. There's a lot of people that support my anti-model building sentiments on this forum old son. It's not just me being a hard to get along with bastard you know, as much as you'd wish it to be and you probably think it is. It's something that doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. I may have tried it for all you know. How much different can it be from a model car anyway? Boring as bat crap... Get outside this summer, take your pooch for a walk, throw a frisbee. Do something outside this summer. If you want to build models at least do it in winter when you're meant to be inside. Scream, did you mean CONTINUING old son? By the way, your camera girl post was meaningless. ;) I know, I know, you're just trying to knock up a quick ton so you can rename your title. Also if Rich banned me again, the average IQ of this place would drop too much :twisted: muhahaha

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Let's learn to write properly. Take the extra time to use punctuation, capital letters and correct spelling (sumfin is not a word) and people might actually read what you have to say. One Nightshifter is enough around here. Now, wonderbus, two things.

Video equipment and cameras are not forbidden from Disneyland Attractions, however for your safety, and the safety of others, most attractions require you to stow your personal belongings during the ride.
He says explicitly that it's not forbidden. Meaning simply that they allow it on attractions (meaning all rides, shows, walkthroughs and other experiences). Don't go trying to fill gaps in what you were told. Secondly, and I repeat this from earlier, there are only two rides at the Disneyland Resort that provide any sort of place to store belongings - Maliboomer and Orange Stinger, both at DCA. The only lockers anywhere are found outside of the park, about 100m down from the Disneyland entrance. It can take up to half an hour just to re-enter the park. Unless "most attractions" means those two, our friend James is slightly stretching the truth.
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Talk about reading between the lines Richard! Did you read the next bit of that email, the part after the comma?

however for your safety, and the safety of others, most attractions require you to stow your personal belongings during the ride.
There must be a place at most attractions to place belongings, I know at Wonderland there is, it's called the station at roller coasters or next to the operators booth at other rides. Yes I know that there is the issue of theft at all theme parks but for most attractions there is only one group of guests on each ride at a time. So that is not a big issue. Yes some attractions have multiple groups of guests on them at one time ie. Bush Beast with two trains, but there is always somewhere to put loose articles at a theme park. "The Bus is now leaving for Saddam Hussein, Sri Lanka"
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I didn't read between the lines. I told the truth. Disneyland Resort only has two attractions where space is provided and they insist, or even suggest you should not take items with you.

Yes I know that there is the issue of theft at all theme parks but for most attractions there is only one group of guests on each ride at a time.
We're talking about Disney here. They have what are probably the highest capacity rides in the world. The only rides where there is not multiple groups running are the small flat rides, for obvious reasons. Most rides also have different load and unload stations. Placing items randomly around the station isn't what I'd call safe. Let's say I've left a bag in the station of Demon. During the course of the ride an operator is moving around the station for one reason or another. His foot gets entangled in a strap and not only has he landed flat on the track, but there's a several tonne train heading at 75km/hr straight for him. If a park wants people to stow items, they should do what just about every other park out there does and put in some sort of proper storage system. I understand Flea's camera was damaged because a ride operator stepped on it, so obviously you can't say it wouldn't happen.
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Rich, there's no chance of the operator tripping over someone's bag while the ride's going due to the fact they're in the operators booth with the gate shut. The operator behind their locked gate, otherwise the train can't dispatch and the unloader is outside the locked exit gate. The raised platform at Demon is there for the use of the operator/unloader, and is used by them while checking harnesses so they don't have to contend with such objects. Your theory re: tripping in front of the train isn't any good. You better come up with a better argument now :D That's the reason unloaders must stand outside the exit gate. Both gates have to be closed otherwise the train isn't going anywhere.

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You're saying that there's no chance of staff taking shortcuts or doing the wrong thing for one reason or another? If an operator dispatches a ride using their foot, then I wouldn't put it past them to change things to suit their purposes. It's pretty poor that you say Wonderland has a very strict no-items policy with their rides, yet doesn't provide any safe way to store them for the duration of the ride. Every other park I've ever been to has done so.

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There's a big bloody difference between using a foot to press a button and plainly breaking safety procedures. How can you compare the two? That's the worst insult anyone's ever given me on this forum. You've got to be kidding. I don't see what that has to do with the price of bloody fish anyway. I didn't say that there's no chance of staff taking shortcuts anyway. It's pretty rare at Demon these days, if at all. They know, if they get caught, they'll get their balls fried. If you happened to be an unloader, as if you'd be walking along the station while the ride's going anyway. They're standing up having a yarn with the operator :twisted: I can't believe you dribbled that Rich, with all due respect.

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Is is procedure to press buttons with your feet? Would you get into strife if you were seen by a supervisor or management? If someone is going to do something the wrong way, regardless of how insignificant it may seem, how can you tell me it's entirely impossible for it to happen in another situation? How about we get back to the topic at hand? If a park says something is alright, then who am I, or anyone else, to suggest otherwise?

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Tell me, is it procedure to press buttons with your hand? Richard, I know what you're implying and you're trying to have a go at me here? I don't see how you can justify making a comment like that. Somebody's performance as a ride operator isn't judged by them holding down a button with their foot. Learn the difference between putting sh*t on someone and smearing sh*t all over them.

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I don't see a way how an operator/unloader can be in the station while the train is in motion on Demon. If I understand correctly, both gates (operator gates and exit gate where the unloader stands) won't be unlocked until the operator presses a button on the control panel. However, it is very possible to twist the law a bit on all rides (Space Probe, Bush Beast etc). At first, I too had a problem with Daniel operating Bush Beast with his foot - until I saw the control panel. Although it is an odd way to operate the ride, it is 100% safe. It is possible to hit another button, but I know for a fact that Daniel took extreme care to make sure that he pressed the right button, not that it was a huge challenge anyway (press the big green button, not the yellow ones). All of the buttons around the dispatch button are only enabled during in manual operation mode (with the e-stop on the other side of the control panel), so the idea of Daniel mis-hitting another button instead of dispatch is totally out of the question. It was a cool way to operate the ride to say the least (Daniel actually made the ride interesting! The antics he used to pull off while operating the ride were hilarious).

It's pretty poor that you say Wonderland has a very strict no-items policy with their rides, yet doesn't provide any safe way to store them for the duration of the ride. Every other park I've ever been to has done so
I totally agree. After having my camera stepped on, the main thing I want Wonderland to add is little storage boxes to place your belongings into. To say that "theres only one train so there is no use in adding them" is not acceptable, since Corkscrew does have little trays on the side of the station. "Wonderland Sydney does not take any responsibility for items lost, stolen or damaged *cough* by an operator *cough*" ~Liam
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Hand... foot... who gives a crap when you're know what you're doing. It's like you Richard using your remote control for your TV because you didn't want to get up. What difference does it make? You get the same result. As an unloader you can stand on the station. Instead of being outside of the gate when you close it, be inside you gimp... :? You've seen unloaders inside you goose.

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It's pretty ironic, Daniel, that for someone who's so intent on insulting everyone else that you're getting so worked up about something that was nothing more than a simple example. I'm fully aware that there's no harm in the actions you took. It was simply used an an example of how something can be done in a way other than they would be expected to do it. Daniel, would you have done the foot thing if someone from management happened to be standing behind you? I'm well aware that my scenario is about as likely as, well, a camera held tightly in someone's hands being ejected from the ride. Tell me, anyone, in your experience as a ride operator, how many times did incidents occur where an object held in a rider's hands was ejected from the ride? I don't mean a mobile phone falling out of their pocket, or a stuffed animal sitting on their knees, but a camera, held in the hands, falling out.

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Like I said, there's a difference between putting sh*t on someone and smearing it all over them, which is exactly what you are doing. You're referring to someone's performance as an operator just because they use their foot every now and then, whilst they're doing other things. All I can say is if that's the biggest safety issue against your name as an operator you're doing pretty well. Of course it was done in front of supervisors, it's not really a big issue is it? Why should they care? Just like baseball and cricket umpires, operators have their own little idiosyncrasies. I'm sure I'm not the only one to have ever done it and I definitely won't be the last. It's called time management if you ask me. While dispatching the ride you can be filling out the count sheet, other paper work etc. :twisted: It beats holding it down while the train leaves the station with your hand and it sure beats holding it down while it comes from the emergency brakes right down to the dispatch brakes. It's basically the same principle as a dead man button. There's another thing, people using height sticks for dead man buttons. No I never did that, and wouldn't for that matter. People have/do. Doesn't mean to say I wouldn't use my foot though ;) Re: your camera question, no it hasn't happened to any of us because we won't let them take it on in the first place! That's why you're answer is going to be no. By the way, I only insult when it's warranted!

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