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On-Ride Videos: The Great Debate


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isint it funny that in are australian parks, you cant take cameras on rollercoasters, yet when i went to america, i took my video camera on nearly every rollercoaster i went on......GOLIATH..COLLOSSUS...PHYCLONE...FLASHBACK..CALIFORNIA SCREAMING....BIGTHUNDER..SPACEMOUNTAIN...MATTERHORN MOUNTAIN..the only ride at disney that i wasnt allowed to film was on mailliboomer....only x and deja vu are u not allowed to at sixflags magic mountain. just a little info for everyone..my two centts worth. although saying that...when i went back to america this year there were no cameras allowed on any of the big rides at knotts berry farm, but last year i did.

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I don't think the "againsts" have it. You're saying that it's dangerous. I'm saying if the parks allow it, then I allow it. The parks don't want to get into trouble at any cost, so presumably they've done risk assessments and whatnot, and the results of them at some parks were such that risks associated with objects on rides are perhaps outweighed by the risks of theft or they've come to the conclusion that there is no significant danger to other riders or nearby guests.

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kennykoala do you know how many accidents happen at the American theme parks every year? You will not be able to find exact statistics. I know that they get loads more guests every year going through their parks. I have seen the articles about people getting injured on rides from various loose article, not just cameras or phones but things like prosthetic (artifical) limbs. Next time your at Wonderland ask the operator at Demon or Probe if prosthetic limbs are allowed on the ride. I dont care if a park says it is ok to take loose articles on the ride, it is dangerous to everyone (yourself, fellow riders, people in the queue line, people watching and the staff). Loose articles on thrill rides is dangerous full stop. "The Bus is now leaving for Guinea-Bissau"

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Yes, but how many of those accidents are caused by loose objects. Only a fraction would be the correct answer. Furthermore, of those loose objects, how many of them were in the riders hands at the time. I'd say a nearly negligible number. It's being caused by the supposed secured things like mobile phones in pockets, keys, as you said prosthetic limbs and whatnot. Holding a camera in your hands as steadily and tightly as possible (so as to get the smoothest possible video) with a wrist or neckstrap is a completely different scenario from loose objects in pockets which fly out during the ride. Tell me honestly (assuming you are/were a ride operator), of the incidents you've dealt with regarding ejected loose objects, exactly how many of them were cameras that were in the hands of the rider at the time? I'm guessing a tiny number, if any at all. As much as an "almost on a daily basis" sort of answer would help your argument, I'd like a truthful answer. Now, tell me how my camera, securely in my hands, with a wriststrap is not safe, but the backpack sitting on the floor at my feet (in no way secured) that the park forces me to take onboard, is safe?

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Taking bags on is just as bloody stupid. Wally World won't allow you to take them on either. Qld parks are kidding themselves if you can take them on. Common sense tells you to leave them elsewhere anyway. They're not responsible if something gets knocked off. 'Please make sure you secure all loose articles before riding as Wonderland Sydney does not take any responsibilty for items lost, stolen or damaged', which they don't and won't. The 'againsts' or anyone that knows what they're talking about for that matter, do have it. A lot of us have seen it first hand, have you? Like Bus said, loose articles of any kind are dangerous. How's a neck strap going to keep everyone safe on a ride that goes upside down? I'll say it again, what if your bloody strap breaks? What if you lose consciousness for any reason? Out of your grasp she'll come. You sounded like you had some brains for a while there Dick. Proven us all wrong. Your 'tiny number' is still too many. One injury in a theme park is too many you dolt!

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When i was a ride operator i never had any incidents with loose articles cause i would not allow anyone to ride with them. Daniel has it spot on, what happens if you loose consciousness for some reason, and dont say you wouldn't cause you dont know. I dont know what park told you to take your bag on the ride with you but that is an absolute joke! Tell me if loose articles aren't dangerous what caused the recent accident at Luna Park in Melbourne? Oh thats right it was a hat on the track. It doesnt matter what type of loose article it is taking them on rides is dangerous. Richard, you obviously have never worked at a theme park and if you had you had nothing to do with the rides or you would understand this. "The Bus is now leaving for Djibouti"

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I can't believe we're all arguing over the issue of SAFETY. It seems quite clear that from my perspective that some people are more concerned about their $6000 camera than the safety of themselves or others... im sure if someone damaged their camera they would do everything to get the park to pay for it, despite the 'no liability' rule What do I call that? Being selfish Any item taken on a ride with high speeds instantly becomes a projectile - a missle - if it leaves the hands on the owner. Regardless of how 'experienced' on the ride you are YOU CANNOT rule out the possibility that the item will leave your hand. Isn't it a wise decision, not just for the parks, but for us to not use of these items. Cameras, mobiles, walkmans they're all the same!!!!!!! It can hit an unsuspecting guest for example... on rollercoasters where queue lines are beneath the track. Richard, you wrote

Yes, but how many of those accidents are caused by loose objects. Only a fraction would be the correct answer
... im assuming that you are thinking of major accidents... but morestill why not think of guests who are hit or suffer from brusing as a result of being hit with a camera or other loose device... im sure the number would be at least moderate. I found the points made by Daniel were valid because he was (he claims) a ride operator with first hand experience... but for some reason i just found his account was disabled. Thats the cost of knowledge... obviously someone who presents their opinion, and then disliked or in contrast to another person, they will be booted off. Its a shame that we cant post our own beliefs and views on issues - because if the moderator dont like it, you get banned. I refuse to be part of a FORUM where you cant freely express your views, so yea, think of this as my last post (im sure the moderator didnt like what i wrote, so ill be disabled anyway).
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Nothing new just wanted to have the 4000th post on the forum. Edit. Got something to say now. I cant believe that Daniel has had his account disabled, yes he does say some stupid things sometimes but that is no reason to disable his account. To me that is very petty and childish. It might not be any of my business Richard but did you have any correspondence with him outside this forum (email/pm) about his comments? ps. Please dont disable my account for these comments. End Edit. "The Bus is now leaving for Ah Cut, Pitcairn Island"

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Ok I'm gunna have to say something here :) i've been quietly reading and enjoying this topic and am going to have to agree with the boys here, takeing on any loose articles, foreign objects, cameras and what not can not be doing any favors at all for the safety of the park guests. I like what the fellas said above, 'safety comes first' One thing that really anoys me is how can anyone say that 'I can hold onto my camera and I will never drop it' (I'm not saying anyone has but that is the sorta message comeing across) and 'I've ridden this coaster 50 times so I 'm right to hold onto my camera and will never drop it.' That's just stupid....... That's like saying 'I'm never going to crash my car' but someone always does, even people who have driven that road 1000 times before can still end up crashing their car. I could no way gaurantee you that I am never going to have an acident or be part of one in my car, it's the same thing. The rules are the rules I sapose, and if your happy for every tom dick and harry to take their camera onto rides and sit with you then I sapose go for it, but personnaly I would preffer to give up the right to take cameras (and what not) onto rides then end up being hit square bang in the middle of the face by some punk sitting in front of me who thought he could hold on to his camera too, but dropped it going down the hill. I think in the future we will see less and less parks all over the world letting people take what not* onto rides. my 2 cents Shaun

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I mentioned earlier in my trip thread, today was our video day at Disneyland/DCA. It's not just a few small Australian parks that choose to stupidly risk every human being on the face of the earth by allowing loose objects on rides, but the father and leader of the industry. Both Disneyland and California Adventure make you take all objects onto the ride with you, with the exception of Maliboomer which has the strict "absolutely nothing but yourself" rule. We got videos of Mulholland Madness, California Screamin', Matterhorn and a heap of others, which I'm sure will please some people. Operators were more than happy, and there is absolutely no written policy about loose objects. Just something that's been looked over for the past 48 years. Clearly something that they've never looked at and thought about. I tell you what, Roy Disney's campaign to highlight the problems with the corporate side of Disney is a wasted effort. He should be just get a season pass and open a can of whoopass on anyone he catches with any sort of loose item on any ride. That's where the problems lie.

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I just got this email from Disneyland in response to an email asking if I could take a video camera on the rides there. Dear Vek Oma, Thank you for your e-mail to the Disneyland Resort. Video equipment and cameras are not forbidden from Disneyland Attractions, however for your safety, and the safety of others, most attractions require you to stow your personal belongings during the ride. Again, Vek, thank you for taking the time to write. We hope you will have the opportunity to visit the Disneyland Resort soon and trust your visit will be pleasant in all regards. Sincerely, James Thomas Disneyland Resort Guest Communications Notice how James says that for the safety of yourself and others belongings should be stowed while on the attractions. I think that says enough about loose articles on rides. If the leader in theme parks have this attitude why don't all parks? "The Bus is now picking up Jean-Bertrand Aristide (2000), President of Haiti"

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I think it should be at your own risk, you break it, drop it........your fault, but sum rides, say PIRATE or sumfin, like at the royal shows, is ok, except for Zipper, the ones that don't throw you around!, and if you do take a camera on, at least have a strap to go round ur neck, so that you make sure you wont drop it or anything, i plan to take my cam on a few rides.............rainbow, mad mouse, breakdance etc..........fine for cams i think

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I think it should be at your own risk, you break it, drop it........your fault,
This is exactly why people get hurt. You are only thinking of your own safety, what about the people standing near the ride or walking past that cop a video camera the the back of the head? Are you willing to get sued and have to pay compensation to those people? I think not. "The Bus is now leaving for Libreville, capital of Gabon, with a population of 661,600 "
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