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MW's Next coaster Design


MW Next Coaster  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. What Design should MW's Next Coaster be.

    • Floorless
    • Inverted
    • Pipeline
    • Suspended
    • Stand Up
    • Flying
    • Sit Down
    • 4th Dimension
    • Bobsled
    • Wooden

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So what do you think MW's next coaster design should be? For me it is a toss up between floorless and flying. I don't think we need another plain sit down and we already have an inverted although something like Dueling Drangons would be nice. If we were to get a Stand up it would have to be something like Riddlers Revenge or Mantis. I think Flying would be a great option, although expensive, they are still relitively new and after watching movies of Tatsu it has left me hungry for more. A floorless would be great also, I think the floorless Superman ride at Parque Warner would be a fantastic option. A 4th Dimension coaster like X2 would be a nice and unique but I imaginge they would cost alto and running costs would be large. Pipelines although compact would be a bad option IMO. Finally the Bobsled, I think it could work with MW but would not be a first option.

Edited by Richard
Added "Wooden" option in poll
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Wooden isn't in the poll so I can't vote because that would be my first choice. Anyhow a quick run down: -Floorless: Yes, any B&M is a good choice and this seems to be the best choice of model if you wanted a looper. -Inverted: No, we already have one. -Pipeline: No, they suck, and are an obsolete coaster type, their sole gimmick was the ability to do heartline rolls, but normal coasters can do them anyway. -Suspended: Nothing really groundbreaking about them. They seem typically better suited to terrain based layouts (See Eagle Fortress, Big Bad Wolf, Ninja) which MW doesn't have. -Stand up: Cool coasters, but they cant do Zero G Rolls (B&M ones anyway) so I wouldn't get a stand up for that sole reason (Not alone anyway, if other coasters in the park had Zero G Rolls then it doesn't matter as much) -Flying: Yes, fantastic rides, though it would probably have to be scaled back for cost reasons if it were built at MW. Please no Volares! -Sit Down: If it were a B&M then yes. -4D: The S&S version is way too far out of MWs budget. The Intamin version could serve well as a more middle of the road thrill ride (sort of halfway between a flat ride and a coaster). Intamins start at $5-6 Mil, which is equivalent to the cost of a flat ride anyway. -Bobsled: Nah, not really, foremost I cant think of any major movies to theme it around.

Edited by Gazza
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I would actually like to see another sit-down coaster, even though Australia has a lot. Especially any of these from Intamin: a Mega-Lite Coaster, Mega Coaster or a Giga Coaster. Can anyone tell me what the difference between a Mega and a Giga are?? :huh: They look exactly the same IMO. Or a sitdown hyper-coaster from B&M would be fun and intense. Actually anything from B&M is great in my books. A Stand-up would be a great novelty coaster. It will definately bring in more people than just a sit-down coaster and will provide a different feeling, which will be interesting. Except are they uncomfortable to ride, restraint wise? If so, is it more so for guys? :lol:

Wooden isn't in the poll so I can't vote because that would be my first choice.
Well that would be..... AWESOME :P . I want a wooden even more so than one of those Intamin's as I stated before. Never ridden a proper wooden rollercoaster before. Since the Scenic railway doesn't really count <_<. Are they really as rough as people make them out to be? Mabey a El Toro type woody will be good for MW, as it uses that new steel track from Intamin. But I would still like to experience a original 'wooden, wooden' coaster one day. So i'll pick sit-down in the poll, but I would've picked wooden if it was there.
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After being on the East Coast TPR tour and experiencing a tone of roller coaster types that i have never been on before i definately think a floorless coaster or a B&M Dive machine like griffon. Either would be a brilliant choice... They are both a more intense ride then a conventianl sit down and very marketable as it would be an Australian first. Since they are not as complex as a 4th dimension or as BIG as a Hyper Coaster it would be an affordable option. Movieworld has the western building sitting unused which could be gutted and used as the building for the new coaster. Just like Superman i would use an internal cue line, but weave it underneath the actual coaster thats weaves in and out of the building. I would also try and develop with B&M a launched lift hill... fatser dispatch times but still not as complex or intense as the superman launch. After the amazing success of Superman which is a top rated ride on the world charts an awesome feat for an aussie park i would definately develope a short dark ride section. When i was explaining the superman dark ride section to the TPR guys they where interested as the majority of their thrill rides in the US are very under whelming when it comes to themeing etc. its is bascially an open air que-line and the ride, no story or anything. Movieworld could also remove the current Batman simulator and replace with a coaster.. update the mansion facade and the internal etc. possibly even enclose the Batwing... With the current domination of gaming in our entertainment indusrty these days i would be more inclined to theme the ride after a game. Something like Resident Evil... Halo... Anyway just a thought...

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-Bobsled: Nah, not really, foremost I cant think of any major movies to theme it around.
Well - theres Cool Runnings...? lol... or The Running Man ? :lol:
Wooden isn't in the poll so I can't vote because that would be my first choice.
What major movie can you think of to theme it around?
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I guess with the Woodie I am still stuck on that long running idea of having it in the Wild West area. As for the bobsled, it perhaps becomes less flexible compared to other coaster types because the nature of the ride is very prescriptive...It's going to be themed around bobsledding, and even if you do try to make it another theme (Like Trace Do Hourra) it still looks like a bobsled. Cool Runnings, while memorable for some, is probably a bit old to be doing rides around. On another note, for those who have ridden both, which is more fun? the stainless steel self controlled toboggans, or the full scale boblsed coaster? Oh, that's the other thing I was going to say, but for now, please not another launched coaster. 4 in a row is enough for now, I kind of would like a coaster with a bit of clickity clack going up the hill.

an anyone tell me what the difference between a Mega and a Giga are?
Mega just refers to 'hyper coaster' style rides....you know, big hills and drops. A Giga coaster is a hyper that is over 91.44m high (300ft)
as it uses that new steel track from Intamin
Intamin wooden coaster still have a wooden track, that, on the surface looks pretty similar to normal woodie. Normally, wooden coasters are built by first putting up the trestles, and then on these the track is laid. The track is formed by laying planks of wood, and then on top of these layering again and so on (From memory its about 7 layers of wood) and on top of this they put the metal strip the wheels run on, see http://www.rcdb.com/ig3231.htm?picture=10 for how it looks. The issue here is that the quality of the track is dependent on the workmanship of the carpenters because it is done as a bit of an art. Also the track geometry may not be perfect, so when the ride is running the track will get pushed a bit out of shape, leading to roughness, However, Intamin woodies are prefabricated. The track is laser cut and glued together in a factory, and manufactured precisely according to calculations, and the metal is also put on at this stage. So what you get is a bunch of curved wooden rails that 'plug in' to each other meaning no errors in workmanship. It is smoother to ride, and lasts a long time, without the maintenance requirements of a normal woodie because it is built properly in the first place. Look here http://www.rcdb.com/ig3183.htm?picture=1 and you can see the way they bolt the track sections together. Edited by Gazza
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I didn't find the floorless coasters I went on any different. Gazza was there any extra excitement or intensity due to a missing floor when you rode these? I would love to see a woody like many others do.

. Except are they uncomfortable to ride, restraint wise? If so, is it more so for guys?
Nope not at all. If you follow the instructions how to straddle the ride correctly it offers a very fun and exciting ride. Heck I have even see guys just lift there legs and sit on the saddle. Like I said but if you don't follow the instructions then you can get a few pains in your legs as your get further and further into the ride.
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^Yeah, with Standups if the bicycle seat is right up between your legs you're doing it wrong, you need to slide the whole harness arrangement downwards. I think that bicycle seat sort of detracts a bit from the whole experience though, because it doesn't feel like you are 'purely' standing up. It would be better if the OTSR covered more of your front (say to just above your knees) and the bicycle seat was narrower and lower down, so it felt less like you were being supported in some way.

I didn't find the floorless coasters I went on any different. Gazza was there any extra excitement or intensity due to a missing floor when you rode these?
No extra intensity, and the only place they were better was on the outside seat of a dive machine. I've said this in the past, but looking down at the track whiz by your feet is as interesting as sticking your head out a car window and watching the road lines whiz by. However, It is still worthwhile for parks to get them instead of sit downs because they look cool, and have that gimmick to attract visitors. The beauty of it is that once people have ridden it, they won't really notice that the floorless aspect was nothing special because at the end of the day the coaster experience on the whole would have been excellent (Due to it being a B&M) Edited by Gazza
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I voted wooden (since it now appears in the poll). I, like others, would like to see a wooden coaster built down near Wild West Falls. I only ever got to go to Wonderland once, and it was my first ever park when I was 14. I got separated from my group and ended up just riding things on my own. I got to the Beastie, and loved it, and started heading toward the Bush Beast (I thought I'd do the small one first), but they'd closed the queue before I could get there. So, I'd like a wooden coaster to go on here in Australia, and I wouldn't trust Dreamworld with one.

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What, no Wild Mouse option? ;) Ahem. Having done each of those, I'll comment on the various types. Floorless: Visually more interesting but not overly fantastic. Dark Knight at Six Flags New England is a lot of fun though, wouldn't complain about something of that type of layout going in. http://rcdb.com/ig1549.htm Inverted: We have a couple already but if it had some decent theming ala Nemesis Inferno and was B&M, a new one would be a more than worthy addition. Perhaps to replace Lethal Weapon? Suspended: Would need some decent terrain. Loved Big Bad Wolf at Busch Gardens Europe but that's the only one that stands out for me that I've done. Usually the sensation of speed is lacking & in the case of Iron Dragon at CP, totally absent. Pipeline: Well, haven't done one of these per se but having done Hydra at Dorney & Colossus at Thorpe Park, I can see having heartline rolls incorporated into a normal coaster would be a great selling point for the park that installed it. So long as the layout didn't use it as the sole gimmick, there would be no complaints from me. Standup: They're fun, like people have said the bicycle seat style half-defeats the sensation & while they can be intense on the legs, are more than a worthy type to consider. Really cool to ride. Having one of these in Australia is a strong wish of mine. Love Mantis & Chang. Flying: They're good when it's Tatsu-style - IE, you have at least some halfway decent height and are looking straight ahead. But something like Superman: Ultimate Flight SUCKS for the reason of you being forced to look down at the ground/random supports whizzing by so it's a crappy flight experience. Okay, we'd probably not get something of Tatsu's scale for some years to come but if they kept to that style, it would be #2 on my list. Sitdown: So long as it wasn't an Arrow and had a half-decent layout, I'd accept it but wouldn't be jumping up and down. Perhaps one of these would be good for MW in a few years time: something fairly compact, well themed (ie, something that could maintain interest for awhile to come) & another option for thrillseekers to help compete against Dreamworld... 4th Dimension: Fantastic coaster type but don't see it coming it coming here anytime soon. :( I don't see any point in putting it on my wish list. As the old jingle used to go, 'Don't say one day, that day will never come!' :P Bobsled: Having ridden one - Avalanche at King's Dominion, a Mack Bobsled - I think one of these would be cool. Theming at MW would be an issue so perhaps better for DW (so long as they maintained it). Flying Turns looks awesome too so something like that would be my preference. Wooden: The most wanted on my list. We need one BADLY and even if it was fairly compact like Phoenix, I'd ride an Aussie one of these to death. Ideally, we could have something like Boulder Dash at Lake Compounce which has insane airtime and excellent use of terrain. I could see this working very well but it would have to go into somewhere like DW that had the space. Alternatively, something like Ravine Flyer II could go into MW if it ever extended to the other side of the highway because you could incorporate the coaster bridges element RFII has (and wouldn't complain about having NINETY DEGREES either :P) I don't think we'd get an El Toro but you could do a compact BD fairly easily at DW.

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^ Obviously. I'm talking about an outdoor one with no theming and block braking in every section like some in the States. :P I was very relieved to survive Ghost Rider in July last year, it really felt horrible. Never want to have that feeling on a coaster again. Have been on other woodies that actually felt SAFE yet had insane airtime...

Edited by Gold Coaster
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I voted Flying (It became a toss up of Flying or wooden). After reading comments about the floorless designs I am a little bit unsure about getting one although in years to come I am sure we will see one here in Australia. Floorless I think would be highly marketable even more so flying. I didn't put wooden in the poll because I was going off the design types shown on the Rollercoaster page RCDB http://www.rcdb.com/is.htm Wooden falls under the catagory of type rather than design so that is why. I was also away last weekend and that is why I did not change the poll because I see wooden as a whole different coaster and something valuable to MW. A too have been fantasising about getting a woodie in the Wild West area for some time now. A Woodie and the spectacularly themed Wild West area just seem to go together. El Toro - Why not? It is one of the highest ranked wooden coasters in the world and would be the highest and fastest coaster in the park slashing Superman Escape by 15 m and 10kmph respectively. It was designed by Werner Stengel who if I remember correctly designed our famous Superman Escape. Definitely a thrill ride with the steepest drop of any wooden coaster 76 degrees and nine delicious airtime hills by comparison Superman only has three so triple the airtime sensations featured on Superman. It has a great compacity of 1296 riders per hour and a ride time of 1 minute and 42 seconds. As an extra bonus it is Prefabricated Intamin track and very smooth. It features also features a Lift/launch system Cable lift hill. I think this would be a fantastic option and seems to fit the bill and features pretty much every thing that a great coaster does. All facts were found on this page. It has some very interesting information and ride descriptions on that page also. http://www.flickr.com/photos/shawn_wainwright/2638172996/ I think MW should seriously consider a coaster of this type. Does anyone know how much this coaster costed I have been looking all over the net and can not find anything . If it is any thing around the 15 million mark or lower it is well within MW price range. Come on MW, PLease !!!

Inverted: We have a couple already but if it had some decent theming ala Nemesis Inferno and was B&M, a new one would be a more than worthy addition. Perhaps to replace Lethal Weapon?
Absolutely Not, I hope you were joking :o . Replace Lethal Weapon that would a crime. MW have got to stop replacing rides to make way for new ones or the ride count stays the same and there is never anymoire to do in a day. Even if Leathal Weapon is bad in some peoples opinion it is not worth it to demolish it for a B&M Invert as much as the are cool it should be built in a different spot. Cheers,
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Does anyone know how much this coaster costed I have been looking all over the net and can not find anything . If it is any thing around the 15 million mark or lower it is well within MW price range. Come on MW, PLease !!!
I heard 21 million US, which is unfortunately out of our price range, however, a scaled down version would still be massive and an awesome addition to any our parks.
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I was very relieved to survive Ghost Rider in July last year, it really felt horrible. Never want to have that feeling on a coaster again. Have been on other woodies that actually felt SAFE yet had insane airtime...
Unlucky. Ghost rider was running sweet for me when I went. Ghost rider is just one of my favourite woodies, the first drop is really intense. It was a much smoother ride than what Bush Beast was. Too me I guess a woodie should feel rough, it just seems to suit them rides.
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I rode Ghost Rider this July and it was painful! It's a great long, fast ride, but not when you are fearing for your safety. Strangely they now have the option to buy a video of yourself riding this ride (as well as Xcellerator and Silver Bullet), but having seen the 15 second preview they show on the monitors it would just be footage of me swearing and wincing in pain. It's a shame because it would otherwise be a great coaster. The sensation of going into the first drop is terrific, but it is quickly replaced with dread and a terrible case of the shakes. On topic, I voted wooden as I too miss the two Wonderland Coasters and would love to see one in the Wild West area, but would always worry that it would become unridable in the future...

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Granted it's been five years or so since I last rode GhostRider, but back then there was just as much hatred of it for being rough/painful as there is now. Despite this I found it to be well within the realms of what I'd call acceptable for a wooden coaster. Yeah it's a wild ride, but isn't that what wooden coasters are all about? In fact of all the wooden coasters in the US that have a reputation for being rough/painful/badly maintained etc. that I've ridden, the only one that lived up to it for me was Gwazi at Busch Gardens. Collossus and Psyclone at SFMM were both incredibly smooth (more so than most of the park's steel coasters). Belmont Park's Giant Dipper had not a moment of roughness. Even Coney Island's Cyclone, though not smooth, was by no means rough to the point where it was painful or unenjoyable. I don't know, but it seems to me that a reputation has been formed in certain enthusiast circles which eventually just become fact because it becomes cool to just bash the ride. Dreamworld sucks. Only wooden coaster I've ever had a 'painful' ride on was Bush Beast back in about 2003 or so. It was always a ridiculously rough ride due to its maintenance (or lack thereof) but the next time I visited it seemed to have improved. Likewise, Luna Park's Scenic Railway is also way too rough, but I find it pretty funny that a ride with almost no significant speed can be so badly kept to the point where trains are bouncing around as much as they do, even on flat, slow sections.

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