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Cars and Vehicles of Hollywood Stuntdriver

Guest Doc Brown

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Guest Doc Brown

Which vehicles do you think are most likely to be used/ reused? i think there is a possibility that the original police academy show hot rod will return for another job, what do you think?


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This is just my thought but i don't think the hot rod from PASS will return as the show i going for more modern cars like as seen in both the training area for the show and driving behind the scenes of the park. From what iv heard and seen and I'm shore many other MW employees would have seen the Mitsubishi evo's and there is also a Holden commodore. They have been both seen driving in and out of the park to the training area and they have been seen practising in the training area.


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  klassen24 said:
This is just my thought but i don't think the hot rod from PASS will return as the show i going for more modern cars like as seen in both the training area for the show and driving behind the scenes of the park. From what iv heard and seen and I'm shore many other MW employees would have seen the Mitsubishi evo's and there is also a Holden commodore. They have been both seen driving in and out of the park to the training area and they have been seen practising in the training area.
I was out at MW today and definately saw 2 of the old PASS Hot Rods go out and into the training area. So they must be re-using the old heaps of junk again, What a shame (out with the old and in with the new 'n' all) never mind. There was also a few EVO's going out and a beautiful old VN commodore. I also saw a shiny red Honda go out as well so there must be some bikes in it too.
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Guest Doc Brown

i think its great that we will see the hot rod again, its a very beutiful piece of pass history, what are rice burners? what colours were the two hot rod you saw Parknut1?

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The similarities that lead to the name rice burner is basically any vehicle of a diminuitive size that comes from an asian country, as opposed to good old Australian muscle. Mitsubishi, Nissan, that sort of thing. Having said that, Aussie muscle has no place in a stunt show themed around how they achieve the stunts that they do in movies - even the movies shot in Aus use a great percentage of imported cars - Ford Crown Vics, and the like, so in actual fact, a lot of the police academy cop cars would be appropriate vehicles - as the Crown Victoria is frequently bingled and smashed in car chases on the silver screen.

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  Doc Brown said:
i think its great that we will see the hot rod again, its a very beutiful piece of pass history, what are rice burners? what colours were the two hot rod you saw Parknut1?
Hey Doc The ones I saw were the old yellow 1928 t-Buckets (replicas) with the red flames up the sides. And yes believe it or not they still had all the rust and faded crappy paint jobs that they had during the final days of the last show. Personally, I do hope that they go with the 'rice burners' as they are just slightly more modern than the old 1984 Chevy impalas that Rollie Lay imported for the show for its final years. Which, as I'm sure you would already know (as most of you seem to be well connected within all these parks) are so rusted and bent out of shape after hitting the walls so many times it's a wonder they don’t just break in half in the slightest breeze (That info from one of the ex mechanics). No, no, no, they need strong, powerful, contemporary, fast , maneuverable cars that might just drag that poor old tired park up into the 21st century!!! Cars that suit that small area, not old dying dogs that should have been put down ten years ago!!!! :o C'mon Movie World, give us something new and exciting!!! Tip out those old aircraft carriers (Chevy Impalas) and show us that you can deliver a kick ass show like no other, at least in Oxenford!!! Maybe Queensland!! Oh ok, maybe even Australia!! When next dropping the missus out there I will take note as to whether or not they are using the Hot rods still (please god, let them die a honorable death!! go to the light old rusty hot rods go to the light!!!) :(
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I'd have to agree with Richard in the fact you would think after all the talk a few months ago about it being a Italian theme they would go with Italian style cars also to fit with the shows concept. But then again not much has been said since those few months ago about the theming could it be different??? It might not be Italian themed that's just my thought, big money into the show, temporary walls covering the site during the construction you would think with the attention to detail that has already gone in place they would at least fit the cars used in the show with the set/concept. Its kinda like putting fire trucks in PASS for the police to drive instead of police cars.

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But with Lights Motors Action they didn't really go for Peugeots, Citroens or Renaults despite it being a French themed set. Admittedly, they did have some Barinas (Opel Corsas) but they are a Spanish built car, but those red cars seemed pretty nondescript. Dunno, guess it would be too expensive to risk smashing up Alfas or whatever if they were to go with Italian cars.

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Yeah, I don’t know. Those Opel Corsa's we've all seen over there were built from the ground up and (I know I’m not telling you anything new) have Suzuki Hayabusa engines in them (also known as the GSX1300R) As does the Hero car that was loosely modeled on the Opel version of the Astra coupe. So they have absolutely no weight and go like stink. All this plus the fact that their set is slippery as your local fish mongers rubber glove! So I'm sure their operators (Lights Camera etc...) weren't really worried about the continuity of their cars matching a certain country, maybe they were just focusing on their vehicles suitability to what was required to perform their style of show. God knows I'm just guessing here! Maybe, and I’m going out on a limb here. But Maybe MW are going for full scale cars such as the rally proven WRX or Lancer EVO simply because they are pretty much bullet proof when it comes to throwing them around in harsh conditions. Plus the fact that the cars over here don’t look and sound like little miniature RC cars. Why else would you have an all wheel drive car in a live show if you weren’t going to punish the crapper out of it. Either that or they were going cheaper by the dozen. I just couldn’t imagine a poor old Peugeot, Citroen or Alpha copping a hiding from these gun drivers they have hired for their new show, they just wouldn’t stand up to it. Which, by the way my missus was positive she saw Warren Luff ???? at the staff canteen last week among the new driving team. However, as big of a V8 supercars fan as she is, I do think she's probably dreamin!!!!!!! :unsure: If anyone can confirm this please let me know as I’m a big fan of the DJR team and I’m sure Warren and Steve (Owen) will do well at Bathurst next weekend. Anyway I'm kind of glad they might be going with a manufacturer it should give the show some realism.

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All this plus the fact that their set is slippery as your local fish mongers rubber glove!
It's called slick tires, some have diesel jets around the wheel arches.
Cars that suit that small area
As you said before, there good for rallying when there set up, but don't forget, rallying is in big open sweeping corners. Rice burners have no place in small areas, they require long sweeping bends to actually drift. I think that's what we need, just the small European cars, nothing else, nothing more.
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Talking about the show from what I've been told just a couple of days ago and I'm sure if mickeyD has been told stuff also I'm sure he can back me up in the fact that the concrete walls are there to stay. There is more concrete walls currently going up on the left hand side of the arena. I on Sunday was lucky enough to get a walk on the site on the basis that no photo's were to be taken i didn't get to trance all around but i got a look inside and it looks huge compared to what PASS arena did. There were 3 other groups taken on the site that day including a photographer and reporter from The bulletin, so those who read the paper keep a eye out for a article i would assume it will be in there this week. Also those keen on seeing what the set plan looks like go on batwing and if you face over at the practice area you can see a pretty good layout of the shows arena and the entrance and exit sections. I've tried to remember what it looks like but cant remember fully so in the next few days i will go on batwing and check it out and ill do a diagram.

Edited by Gazza
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Holy Crap - bust me sideways - Gazza when did you become a community leader? I mean its not that I don't think it is deserved, I think it's well deserved - but that was a shock seeing that edit! Don't know how much time you'll have to run around and correct all the spelling on the site, but if it was going to be anyone, glad you're on the team... helpful to have a little more presence - just like it was when Clint and Joz were "upgraded". On a side note, it will be good to see this when it finally opens, even if the concrete stays.

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  DonjaiInLA said:
Finnally someone created a Klassen to English Dictionary and named it Gazza
HEHEHEEHEHEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG that has to make joz's quote of the month (OCT) Classic, well done DonjaiInLA :lol::lol::lol::lol: No offence klasen Hey Gazza if you keep going like that you are going to be a very busy little bee. Still smiling :P:P:P:P:P Edited by cadboy
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Holy Crap - bust me sideways - Gazza when did you become a community leader?
Richo had said to me earlier about doing stuff for a site in a more official way...Messaged me about it 3 days ago, and then a couple of hours after that I came back to the site and discovered a few new menus etc. Edit: No Spotty, I don't intend on being a spelling nazi...'shore' just really bugs me. Edited by Gazza
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