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Fire on Wild West Falls


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Shifty McShift, Did you read any of the previous posts? It's currently being investigated. They don't know, however, they've suggested a possible cause is arson. Only time will tell my good man. 5:45?? Would these rides have not been powered down at this stage of the day? Surely yes... You're saying that the function wasn't using any rides, so wouldn't they have been powered down by 5:45?

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let me clear things up here as one of only 2 warner village employees on this board The Emergency Reponse Team took the photo its part of there job. as for talking about how it started looks from my human eye electrical but I think everybody should stop commenting on if buts ect and let the investgaters do there job and then tells us.

i think this is very bad publicity for movie world.   i feel so sorry for them, the park is a great park but to tell   you the truth they need more rides. last time i went to movie world,   we finished within 2 hours. now that the wild west is broken down its even worse.
so wrong there mate. (1) this past few days we are having bumper crowds 5000 plus. (2) And as for rides you forget movieworld is like Universal studios a movie theme park not a thrill park for rides if you went to Movieworld and did all the shows including the new matrix show you wouldnt have time to fit all the rides in. why do you think universal in florida built a seperate thrill park IOA for rides instead of joining to what they all ready have. I really feel the local park community down under has to understand that there are many types of parks from your thrill parks to your theme parks. and rollercoasters arent the only good rides out there ride indy or soarin over california and you will see what I mean thrill parks six flags knotts cedar point Ioa dreamworld theme parks disney sea world movie world universal
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Nobody on this forum has suggested what the possible cause might be Rabies Disney. None of us. Only comments in regards to a cause have been quoted. I'm sure the investigators are working their little Richard off trying to work out the cause. Like I said only time will tell. I see what you're getting at, don't speculate, but who has? The Qld police have, that's who!

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Nobody on this forum has suggested what the possible cause might be Rabies Disney
seriously dude im only trying to tell you from my point of view as a insider at the parks, but if you dont want my opion then i will just take my thjoughts some where else and never ever call me rabies disney again
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Yeah mate I understand that, everyone enjoys some inside information, but it wasn't. I'm not trying to be disrespectful towards you but all I said was no member of TT so far has given their opinion on the fire. Any opinions expressed have been quoted. We do love your opinions, keep them coming but you didn't give an opinion. That's all I'm saying. Please keep your thoughts here. I'm sure I speak for every member and especially Richard, your input is valued. Chill out re: the typo mate 8) Sheesh someone put the air conditioning on. Everyone is so touchy.

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What I'm trying to say Rabid is that if you take your definition and apply it to IOA then it should be considered as a "combination" of both. IOA in my opinion is the best "Theme" and "Thrill" park I have ever been to. All rolled into one magic place :) If IOA can deliver in both areas there is no reason other parks can't (I'm not saying that all parks should).

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I think that we have strayed from topic so it would be nice to get back to it. And as far as the info from Rabid goes, it is 100% truth as he talks to the people that we try to everyday as part of his job. If there is any truth to anything said here about the park, Ian is one of two people on this site to tell us, ( with Joz being the other) And as far as your "typo" goes dude, I think that it happens a bit too much to be just a typo, Rabies, Shifty Mcshifty etc. Just the names that appear or shorter versions will be fine but no need to try to go overboard, as some ppl are a bit touchie about that. I think that is all we are trying to say. :twisted:

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If you can't cop someone having a bit of fun with your nickname then I honestly think you should get stuffed. Howcome everyone is so serious? Doesn't anyone have a sense of humour? Everyone seems to be so black and white. This is meant to be a FUN park site... Don't take everything to heart. I'm not a harsh person. I just enjoy mucking around. Don't tell me I have to go through all of this again... You seem to have it in your head that I had a go at him because of the info he posted... Just point out where I did and I'll cop that sweet. I never made any comments towards his information. Don't call me dude either :twisted: For all you know I could have made a 'typo' with my name and I could be Danielle. Overboard? haha. I haven't even begun... :twisted: I like everyone here, but just chill out or your head's will explode.

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Haha never mind Daniel... It is obvious to me that you are just mucking around. In fact I have started to really enjoy some of your posts... very funny. I like the fact that you can be serious too when you need to be. And yeah, some of you guys could relax a bit, the changes Danielle made to your nick names were more humorous/affectionate rather than aggressive!

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I will not be continuing on with this as I have yet to have a "fight" on this or any other site over one person's opinion. And the "dude" was a pun at your previous puns on other peoples names, so now who is getting touchy? And I would choose your words carefully as I know that Richard does not like any bad language of any sort on his boards. Just a friendly bit of advice. And my reply was just to inform you of one fact, and that is the people in the know are the ones you are talking to, and now like Ian I have said my piece and will be leaving it at that. And by all means have fun, but you will find Richard draws the line at certain points so just take it easy. If someone does not want you to change their name, then don't. It is good maners and that is all. Have a nice day...... :twisted:

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Lightning001, :twisted: Me either mate, I love everyone's opinion, regardless of whether I agree or disagree. I am yet to and will never ridicule anyone because of their opinion. Doesn't mean I won't put **poop** on them in general. That's just the way life is. What fun is a forum if you cant put **poop** on people? (and learn a bit on the side) :P You still don't get it do you?! I was paying out... making fun... having a lend of you... I think you need to understand the concept of sarcasm... Nothing you have said has upset or insulted me... I have a much thicker skin than that... I was just trying to get a rise out of you... and I have succeeded judging by your seriously anal reply... lighten up! :twisted: I know exactly what Richard's stance is on language don't I Rich? :D If you don't want your name changed please post and I won't. If you ever make it to NSW, I suggest we skip the macho outside activities and go straight for the beer... then I can explain the Australian sense of humour to you. Feel the love in here.. it's invigorating.

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Daniele, Danny, Dann, Dan, Dude....(think that covers the bases) :twisted: Ok, so sometimes I go a bit overboard and may need to lighten up, but all that I am asking for is some manors, and maybe a spell check. I think that now the point is lost is all of the huff and puff so I guess it is time to bury the hatchet ( I know where :twisted: ) and get to that beer. As far as the humor goes, I was raised in a place where ppl die or are killed for not haveing a sense of it, and I am sure my skin is thicker than yours by a long shot, and it is a good idea to skip the macho thing as I hate to damage another good looking person and make them look like me. As far as that beer goes, you can buy the first as I am sure that I will be the only one standing at the end of the night, so I want to get your shouts out of the road first, and then you will have had a leason on drinking by a real Aussie Outback Bloke. I have had the last 14 years to pratice... :D Now lets get back to the origial topic, or do we need to get the machine that goes "Ping" in to sort out this mess?????

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Hopefully insurance will mean they won't cut too many corners. I'd otherwise be pretty worried, given Movie World's current "cheaper is better" way of working (don't you just love the plywood box extension to the Commissary Restaurant at the front of the park). If they do it cheap and quick, then that's all insurance will pay for, so they're really not getting their money's worth.

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Ok, so sometimes I go a bit overboard and may need to lighten up, but all that I am asking for is some manors, and maybe a spell check.
In reading this topic again, I see you mention a spell check? Who might that be directed towards? You I hope? :D Not me that's for sure. I don't make spelling mistakes due to my amazing intellectual ability. Then again, I doubt I've made any at all. If I have it would have been a typo. Spelling is just too easy.... for some on this forum anyway... :twisted:
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  • 2 weeks later...

How could no internal damage have been done? Didn't it start internally? How strange. Great to hear the ride is back open. Go Movieworld! Now we just need one of you guys to ride it and see if the end room before the splashdown is all ok with all effects still working (the big expanding barrel, smoke, wind)

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