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Christmas Eve day is the quietest in my experience there is absolutley no one in the park even the days leading up to christmas eve. The theme park sites can help ypu with the days their closed but yes over this period Christmas Day is the only day there closed. Boxing Day and New Years would be the busiest and the period between boxing day, New Years and the weeks after this are very busy as well. So your best time to visit the parks is before Christmas Day.

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Sea World, Movie World and Wet'n'Wild are all open every day throughout the year except Christmas Day (Restricted trade on ANZAC Day). I know from experience that Christmas Eve is the quietest day over the holidays and boxing day is almost the busiest. New Year's eve is also very busy at WNW and it's mostly just luck after Christmas, and by that I mean whether you get 7500 people or 10000 people, everyday will be crowded. If you're coming to WNW then dive in movies are now every saturday before christmas and normally every night after christmas (although they changed the schedule this year and I haven't seen a list for after christmas yet, so maybe double check with guest services).

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