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2009.. My prediction for what's in stall..


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I was thinken that with all of the capital re-investment WVTP's have put into MW this year I'm betting we will not see a major new ride now till at least xmas 2010. Typically, a major new attraction in the realm of 10 - 15 million dollars worth has been installed every 3 or so years but this year with a 10 million dollar new stunt show, Main street roof as well as other recent minor installments such as Intencity & a few kiddie rides for the WB's kids zone, the bigger part of short term capital growth has been spent. Whilst I'm not expecting a major new ride I am sure there will be some nice minor additions being planned for the Park for 2009. Three things I'm hopeing for: * Rumoured (and much needed) update of the Batman Adventure ride with improved simulator projection technology, FX + how cool would the ride be if it offered random alternate endings (ie 3 different show endings split over the 6 motion bases) * A total refresh and update of the Looney Tunes River ride - not only bring this MW classic back to it's original grandeur but enhance the attraction with improved technology and maybe even some new scenes and suprises to this sadly dating attraction * A Haunted Mine shaft walk through scare attraction in the Western area where Boot Hill currently stands. Using what MW does best, I think they could easily (and cheaply) pull off a spectacular spook house themed to a western setting. Rather than using live actors opt for lighting, projection, audio and animatronics could nicely do the trick. Such an attraction could be a fantastic filler to an area of the park so desperately needing balance. Of course I am hopeful for something bigger than this but given what's already been spent, this is my best possible wishlist for MW in 09. What do you think might be in stall?

Edited by MickeyD
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No prediction for Dreamworld? Actually that sounds about right. I also think that Movie World is looking at renovating some of the shops on Main Street and Scooby Doo would aso certainly be higher on their agenda than renovating the River Ride, though it is also in desperate need, it would cost more. As for an added section, perhaps something with Dynamite? the force of the explosion could be mimicked with bright lights and a big fan blowing or riders. I like the idea of the haunted house thing, that building is for the large part empty so why not I say, why not.

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It's hard to predict what will be next for Dreamworld, with having the new CEO and everything. There are no trends at the moment with his ideas so it could be a interesting few years for Dreamworld. I do know that there has been some painting going on latley. The wipeout got a FULL repaint this year, and 2 of the Kiddie Rides (Nick o Round and Swinger Zinger) Got complete re-themes late this year. I see Sea World and Wet n Wild having a quiet year next year, with possibly nothing added. We allready know what's next for WhiteWater World it's just a matter of when with that though.

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God forget new rides, I've heard everything (now this is from outside the company or just run of the mill staff, nothing official, confidential or from management) from closing Outback Spectacular, or replacing the show, to selling it, selling Seaworld, selling Wet N Wild, closing paradise country and anything and everything in between. Couple that will the one that John Menzies is definitely leaving next year and you could entertain yourself for hours reading in to them all :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
* A total refresh and update of the Looney Tunes River ride - not only bring this MW classic back to it's original grandeur but enhance the attraction with improved technology and maybe even some new scenes and suprises to this sadly dating attraction
For some reason I think Looney Tunes River ride won't be around for much longer partly due to it's age and also the current state it is in. It has lacked maintenance and funding for a while now but I hope 2009 sees this attraction restored to its former glory.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Original as you added the Billboard located by the M1 has been removed that also being the reason for the temporary fencing, that was were the crane used to dismantle the Billboard sign was kept for the few days in which it was on site to stop anyone from touching it a night. I presume the billboard is going to be replace one reason for its dismantle i heard was because on the bottom was our parks operating times listed 10am-5pm which as of Feb 2nd is no longer the case. Though i don't personally see why they couldn't uses a little paint to cover and change that or get a pre made banner to go over top. Things are uncertain i don't see it to be anything huge just a means of curiosity but we shall see if there are any changes soon.

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one reason for its dismantle i heard was because on the bottom was our parks operating times listed 10am-5pm which as of Feb 2nd is no longer the case
Yeah, they totally decided to knock down a huge billboard because of some pesky trading hour sign at the bottom. Never mind the fact the whole image on the billboard is replaced every 12 months or so to reflect the newest attractions.
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There won't be another sign going up in that place because not only did they dismantle the steel, they broke up the entire concrete footing as well. I guess it was deemed an unessesary marketing expense which I guess is true. How many people drive past, see the sign and choose to come to the park that otherwise wouldn't?

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