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Jet Rescue Reviews + Opening


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Yeah I did....lets get stuck into it. Id say it is pretty close to the speed in the video...decide for yourself with these LD ( :P ) youtube vids of mine: http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=TkWHhZ4W9YY http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=gC1OF5qPs2E But I really liked it. Obviously its not a large thrill ride, and only clocks in at about 32 seconds in length, but it still is really quite good, and I was pleasantly surprised at just how good it was. I think as the 'family thrill ride' it claims to be, it does that job excellently. The quick pacing, sharp turns, sudden directional changes and low to the ground layout create this really cool ride that leaves you a little bit light headed at the end. I think the jet ski trains genuinely add to the experience in this case. You climb over, and your feet go into these rectangular slots, its a simple lap bar you pull down (no seatbelt) and it sits comfortably over your hips. But what makes it great is that your torso is virtually unrestrained, with only a small backrest, so when you go through the rapid fire transitions you can sway side to side (almost like a ragdoll, but not at all painful) and enjoy it without neck bashing. Its also really cool when you enter a turn...it didn't seem as heartlined as other Intamins, so its like you get flicked sideways, and it feels like your head is about to get conked into the rocks around the ride. As for the actual experience...there is a tiny queue area, similar in size to Corkscrews, and there is a video where Trevor Long (Director of Marine Sciences at SW) informs you that a sealion is trapped in a blowhole, and a storm is rolling in. A team of Jet skis has been assembled for your mission. So you load in, hear the gurgle of the jet ski starting up, then you launch towards rapidly into a highly banked 270* helix, (with your head nearly scraping the rocks and you go through), you then turn a bit, hop over the launch (not much air) dip and do an S bend and enter the cave, without stopping you surge forward even faster, catch a glimpse of the trapped sealion, and then burst out of the cave through a cloud of mist, is then a tight u turn, double s bend, another tight u turn, another double u turn (the whole time you are being flung from side to side, very close to the rocks), you then breeze past the sealion, who is on a rock by the track happily nodding. Its a quick 90 turn, then a u turn into a part brake run that trims some of the speed, before the last turn and the main brake. What is funny with this is that the ride broke down for a little while, and the last two cars are on an angle because the whole train doesn't fit in the brakes. But yeah, its pretty forceful, the transitions are the best bit IMO. The ride has separate load and unload, and the second train was moving to the load just as the first train enters the cave. The queue moved very quickly, and in fact the longest wait later in the day was to get a locker (The ride has a strict no loose items policy) only 38 lockers available, with one control station meant this was really inconvenient...hopefully they get a few more lockers and modules in. Its a $1 for a large sized one, so no tiny lockers like at Superman. I suppose once you get a locker it is easy to just get many rides in a short time span. As for theming, I really quite liked what they had done around the ride...give it a year and all the plants will have grown in and it will look a treat. The thing I like most is that the landscaping genuinely does add to the ride in this case....you come very close to the rocks, in some places it forms a sort of canyon, and unlike MDMC, you really do get that true sense of speed. They did some really excellent rock work on the cave section, but as has been mentioned already, some parts of the cave have just a mural which spoils it a tad. I'm personally not much of a fan of murals as they just tend to look cheap (There are some exceptions, like the one in the Wild West area at MW), I think it would have been better to just to use rock all the way. On the other end of the spectrum, the area leading up to the ride entry is noticeably bland: http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/members/159,...et_Rescue_.html It pretty much is just the Corkscrew observation area...while it was probably OK to be like this in a low traffic area, I think now it has a major ride there, it really does need some proper landscaping. It would be really easy for them to dot a few garden beds around in ground surfacing, put some plants in that wont get too high, some benches, and perhaps a handful of inexpensive theming elements that relate to the ride (Eg a tinny, rope reels, marine fuel barrels, some plastic crates etc), and maybe some boards with educational facts about SWs marine rescue efforts, and hey presto you'd have a really pleasant area for guests to wait in at minimal cost. At the present time it is a bit lifeless compared to the rest of park, and it shouldn't since the rest of SW is the most relaxing and pleasant park on the GC. To sum up. Positives: + Really fun ride that satisfies its target audience perfectly. + Exciting turns and directional changes. + Thrilling from start to finish. + Easy to use restraints, Much faster loading than MDMC, hence a fast moving line. + Nice theming and landscaping around the ride that genuinely interacts, cute little story to tie in. Negatives: - Short ride time, but to be fair they didn't have much space. - Bland landscaping around the ride entrance and viewing area. - Not enough lockers, not enough control stations. Naturally John Menzies was on hand, and he seemed pretty chuffed at the positive reactions of visitors. I got a chance to ask him a few questions. -The reason for this ride...Their research had told them that a new ride was what was in demand by guests. they went to Intamin, looking for something that would fit in with with with SW. They worked with Intamin to develop the jet ski concept. They were after something low to the ground, with a real sense of speed and high banking....I guess they definitely got their moneys worth in that respect ;) -Was it a response to MDMC? No...Development had begun on this before they knew of MDMC. Later on, they were aware people would be comparing, so they made sure they worked hard to enhance this rides unique aspects. A good portion of the budget went on theming, so I guess they still do very much care about that aspect. -Why do rides traditionally open on Boxing Day? Well, its not really intentional and they do prefer a September opening so they can have a good lead up to the Summer holidays. Engineering challenges for both Jet Rescue and HWSD played a role. With jet rescue the sandy site required piles 10m deep for intstance, as well as other engineering challenges. At HWSD they discovered they were building on a creek bed, which presented challenges with those concrete walls. I also got some stats that will make their way over into the database. I must mention, but one other Parkz member/reader was there too, but I didn't know them, and they must be an infrequent reader. All I'm going to say is that it was an amusing situation. So guys, especially locals, get down to SW and have a go, it's a lot of fun.

Edited by Gazza
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Sounds like the ride was worth the $10m. I'm especially happy that it has decent capacity following the MDMC fiasco. Must say am not really a fan of the locker concept but I suppose with separate load/unload stations(which seem to increase capacity) it isn't easy to just use baskets for personal belongings. Glad to hear that two of the main negatives you picked out are easily solvable. Hopefully WVTP management take you advice on the theming and locker capacity. BTW did you find out when the Reef Ray display would open?

Edited by Bush Beast Forever
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I heard that they were having some small issues with water contaminants and decided against putting them in immediately, then the theming workers were sidetracked to Jet Rescue to finish it in time. After the Penguins incident the park has got alot more stringent water testing protocols. That probably should have gone in another thread, but I couldn't find it. I must be blind

Edited by DonjaiInLA
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It looks like this ride has turned out quite well. Judging by the latest photos it seems that the landscaping/theming is quite good afterall. You made a good point Gazza regarding most other roller coasters not having any landscaping throughout the ride at all. I like the animatronic seal. Like you Gazza, I am also not a fan of painted murals but I think in this case it works quite well. I think it looks nice having a depiction of the ocean in the background and adds to the effect. Particularly as they have included 3D elements such as rock walls etc. The only things I'm disappointed about are the main building, queue area and entry signage. As with DW's motocoaster they seem to have done it on the cheap with temporary looking buildings and basic shade structures over the queueing area. I also think it is a real shame that the main signage at the entry to the ride is very basic and 2D. I like to see signs with 3D elements, interesting lettering and good theming. Anything else is not doing the attraction justice. Hopefully this is just a temporary measure and proper signage and entry theming will be built in the near future

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I rode this morning and loved the ride (as a coaster that is), found it hard to fault if not impossible. The 2nd half packs some real speed and punch and I'd probably rate it as my favourite of this new 'motorbike' style of coasters. As for theming, its a good job, to be critical I would sooner all the track over water but for the coaster section that's my only fault. The animatronics are good enough given you're going so fast you almost miss them. The Cave has been done well although it suffers from the new trend in theming of ignoring the bits where (most) people won't look. I think the left wall should have been themed also, but that's my only real gripe. I hated the station, the loose articles policy is stupid because the ride does not travel over people. Sunglasses will never come off, and anything in a zipped pocket should be allowed. Why won't everyone else learn from Disney in this respect? The handling of articles was done much better by Dreamworld IMO, the lockers are a disaster. Other faults with the station are the fact you que beside the transfer track, you can see hoses and plant everywhere, the audio is really unintelligible and the screens at the conclusion achieve nothing because you're off the ride by the time it gives you the unload instructions. Only other gripe is the long run of cable tray complete with hoses, cable and 100s of uncut cable ties that sprawls out in front of you along the launch track. I believe all of this could be tidied up easily and as will all rides, these things improve as the attraction finds its feet. Now I know the negative went longer than the positive but that's just because there isn't much to say in the positive that isdn't summed up by GREAT. Excellent layout, great use of pace, great balance of family and thrill, decent theming and just a good, well presented attraction. It's very Seaworld. Once Corkscrew re-opens it will really round out Seaworld’s ride line up well.

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I went to Sea World today and went on the Jet Rescue and thought it was awesome. Simple but effective themeing, great speed and pace, simple but effective station. IMO the station (themeing) is enough. It's exactly how I would picture a 'Marine Research Launch Station' to be like... the white sails, the blue colours and the simple flooring. I think it works great. Overall a TON better then MDMC. The second launch on the Jet Resuce is (obviously) my favorite bit. Once you hit that launch and then out into the first turn after it's got some great forces on it. I took some video footage and some photos which I'll put into a short vid and place it on YouTube later on for anyone who is interested. I agree, once the Corkscrew re-open I would happily spend most of the day going too and from those two ride. Agreed 2nd (or 3rd) Not enough lockers, and placed in a bad section which is hard to get to in busy times. The loose article policy is always anoying, but it's in place for a reason. It only takes one pair of sunglasses to fly off someone's head while on the ride and injure someone behind them. It's not always about by standers. Maybe once the ride cycles more they will start getting more leaniant towards loose articles. FYI - The park was PACKED today. Officials at the front gate were claiming it to be the busiest day of the year (although, I wouldn't know for sure) but it sure was packed. And the most I waited for Jet Rescue was no more then 10min. Very impressed, although I'm sure that once they stop using the second train that will drop down but for today it was ran very well. Good job Sea World!!

Edited by tom
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  • 2 weeks later...

It's funny how we haven't heard much more about this ride since it opened. There has not been much recent discussion on here and the only vids of it on Youtube are Gazza's. I seem to remember Dreamworld's Motocoaster generating much more interest. This surprises me as it seems Jet Rescue is a much better ride. Surely the marketing of motocoaster and it's link with motoracing and Mick Doohan wasn't actually successful?

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Went to Seaworld today hoping to have a few rides on Jet Rescue, however it was Closed :o Just had the bog standard "this attraction is closed for maintenance" nobody appeared to be working on it, one of the trains was at the front of the cave and the other in the maintenance bay. Anybody know what has gone wrong for it to be closed when it has been open less than 20 days? On a unrelated note Ray Reef is now open.

Edited by Jordan M
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Yes unfortunatley. It is broken, but they are working hard to get back up and running even if you might not see it, they are. By the way rode it a couple of weeks ago and thought it was an awesome experience. A couple of things though I think the station and area around could be themed better like Gazza said and the outside of the tunnel. I also had an idea that it would be really cool if the rockpools as you go around them water shoots up. Kinda like on Maverick, I just thought it would be really cool to add to the ride experience. But other than that it was an awesome experience and recomend to everyone. Just hopefully SW can fix it up and get it back running soon.

Edited by Original
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Yes unfortunatley. It is broken, but they are working hard to get back up and running even if you might not see it, they are.
Is it just me or does anyone else think these type of Intamin rides have below par reliability. From what I have heard MDMC breaks down all the time whether it be minor or major. Now I am sure the lack of maintenance has some part to play however at Seaworld this isn't really an issue and it has already broken down after well under a month. Whats the deal, is there an explanation? Cheers,
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An air bubble was apparently inside one of the cylinders, which caused hot water to spray and melt everything. That's what I have been told. I found this out the hard way. What angers me is that I had to pay $10 to return, but within 2 days. They can't guarantee the ride would even be back open by then! At the start of the day, I was told the ride would most likely reopen, but I canreturn for $10 if it didn't. He said nothing about the 2-day rule. At the end of the day, when I found out about the rule, I asked if they would let me return a few days after the 2 days since there was no 100% chance or would reopen, but I was told I would need to purchase a 14-day return pass for $40. And I was also busy, but that's beside the point in my opinion. Anyways, I have wrote a page-long letter to Sea World so we'll see what happens. I know I'm not going to get to ride it unless I now pay $140.

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I don't think it's a reliability issue with this technology so much as it takes a while for them to settle down and run in. Once they get the initial bugs out of the system they seem to get a lot more reliable. Whilst it sucks we have to remember that these modern coasters are pretty amazing pieces of machinery, machinery that is really put through the stress ringer day in and day out. Sure they could make them simple and reliable but its us, the enthusiasts who really push the manufacturers to take the technology to the limit.

Edited by djrappa
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