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Don't bother about going to white water world this summer and for us pass holders it is even worst. I just drove all the way to WWW with my family and got told we were not aloud to enter because it was full. This is very typical for Dreamworld you shell or this money to them and you get nothing in return. At least down the road at WnW they extend there trading hours to 9.00pm to give the guest some value.

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Well if there are that many people in the park, you wouldn't be able to get on anything anyway... 9pm every night for Wet'n'Wild? That's good to know. I was given a 3 Park Mega Pass for Christmas so that's something I could do to avoid turning into Lobster Boy like half the people you see walking around Surfers :P

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  Gold Coaster said:
Well if there are that many people in the park, you wouldn't be able to get on anything anyway... 9pm every night for Wet'n'Wild? That's good to know. I was given a 3 Park Mega Pass for Christmas so that's something I could do to avoid turning into Lobster Boy like half the people you see walking around Surfers :P
we just wanted to sit in the pool.
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Today was an insane day for parks, I know MW went over 9000, I was there as a guest and it was crazy, I believe Sea World was the same. Wet and Wild had filled its own car park, overflow car park, outback spectacular car park, outback spectacular overflow car park and any road and grass space around also!

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WnW had 4000+ guests boxing day, 8000+ on the 27th and 10,000+ yesterday and today. Chances are it'll be the same for at least a week and possibly until the end of January. Busiest days I've seen, and I've been there for three summers. Having said that, I went recently as a guest and we managed to get on everything and have a great day out. Basically don't be too put off by the crowds. You get an extra 4 hours and the alternative is coming in winter and freezing. And yes, WnW is now open until 9pm every night until the 25th for dive in movies. The park has also been opening early to get people through the gates so if you're planning a visit, arrive early.

Edited by cerberus584
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Don't bother about going to white water world this summer and for us pass holders it is even worst. I just drove all the way to WWW with my family and got told we were not aloud to enter because it was full. This is very typical for Dreamworld you shell or this money to them and you get nothing in return. At least down the road at WnW they extend there trading hours to 9.00pm to give the guest some value.
To be fair, A few GC theme parks closed their gates today due to the amount of people. DW/WWW extended trade to 6:30pm to allow for the amount of people. 9am-6:30pm is a fairly decent day really. Being a passholder doesnt mean that you get extra special treatment, too many pass holders develop that mentality and its just disgusting really. It the park is full, its full. I personally wouldnt want to go in if I knew the park was that busy. Also, being a passholder you should know better than to go this time of year, CRAZY STUFF!
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Yes I would like to see our parks do night trading, overseas parks do this very well, he'll Disney is open 8am to midnight many nights. It's something we lack her which is a shame because the parks take on an etirely different atmosphere at night with the lights on.

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Yes that's the sad thing that once again our parks are limited when they were built in the middle of nowhere and residents have chosen to move in on them and then restrict their operation. In Sydney is bad enough, but the parks on the GC are a major draw card for the tourist visitors that support our economy.

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Well I no longer have the article, but it was in 'The Gold Coast Bulletin' yesterday and it really really praised the parks. It was a couple of pages after the 'Jet Rescue' article. It alked about how the Gold Coast would not be the same without the theme parks and how tourism is to thank for them. But then it talked about possible theme parks in Sunshine Coast and Melbourne. It said we as the Gold Coast need to step up. We need to give these parks more support and let them do things they normally aren't allowed to do. That they should really push how great they are and add more rides with tourism about to slump next year they really need to do this so people come here and it said we need more theme parks and some are already on the way. i.e the park from New York. It just got me thinking, it's the people's fault for moving in they should just put up with it. We need the parks to have longer hours, they'll make more money out of it. People will have to buy dinner. After all as the article said we are thank the parks, not hate them!! By the way in other article yesterday or something it looks like the Ferris Wheel in Surfers will be open soon.

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^Yeah, there was actually a video on the website with the editor saying an shortened version of the editorial, essentially saying that the the government is largely absent from supporting the parks, despite the benefits the parks have for the state. I think the editor is a bit behind the 8 ball with respect to a park in Melbourne though.

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The park licensing sign out front of Movie World has been updated -- and I'm almost sure it used to say that the latest the park could operate was 11pm. Anyways, now it says 12am. Is that now letting them keep the park open later on night time events? I have always thought the idea of night time trading was a wonderful idea, especially considering the fact that customers would need to purchase dinner, or at least a more substantial meal, while in the park. The entire park's atmosphere is so much better at night time, and if Movie World can sort out buses to and from the park at night, then I am sure it will be a hit with the GP.

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