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Warner Brothers Movie World RCT3 Recreation


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Well it looks like ive jinxed myself :( . I will be able to get it up and running by tommorow for sure and because of delay on construction I will post some pictures tommorow. cheers, Movie World Edit: I have just realized that I have to go pick up my school supplies and ill be busy most of the day which will delay me one more time. I will not be posting in this thread anymore, until I have some Pictures for you

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Hey, Well the long awaited update is here! My computer problems are over and here it is. Well , I have updated the hill so it is steeper Gazza: post-2298-1233140719_thumb.jpg This also effected the end layout, it made it better: post-2298-1233140885_thumb.jpg There is now more steam: post-2298-1233140946_thumb.jpg Yes there is a Car scene: post-2298-1233140982_thumb.jpg Now about the waterfall , when i started to move it around it made the whole building collapse. So i am leaving it, but if it does bother you that much please let me know and I will try my best. Also I will be decorating the "bomb shelter" later and I would like to point out this will be a scenario, if anyone had any ideas , E.g.: 1000 guests by year 4, if you could please post them. Cheers, Movie_world Comments?

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UPDATE: Ok well since i did need to change the waterfall, i have. It required me to build EVERYTHING again. Now since I moved the waterfall, it will help with main street. I have also edited the train station. I will start on Main Street Tommorow or Saturday. Cheers, Movie_World EDIT: I have removed the video since I made some changes on the layout of scenery, pictures will be posted later tonight!

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Well it seems im triple posting, I cant edit, Sorry. Ok well I finished some minor details that will make it look like movie world. Oh and I have also loaded the game onto my normal computer now, BETTER graphics! Picture of supports for superman: post-2298-1233307419_thumb.jpg Main Street is starting construction tomorrow, I wont be including the roof, it will ruin the look.

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Hello, I have finished main street. Main street includes Shrek 4D Adventure and also includes Food and Drink Stalls on the other side, the S4DA side will have stalls later when the park expands. Heres some screen shots : post-2298-1233395736_thumb.jpg post-2298-1233395926_thumb.jpg Here is a birds eye view of the park and a picture from the gates: post-2298-1233395981_thumb.jpg post-2298-1233396117_thumb.jpg Hope you enjoy! Please leave comments. If you want me to change something, let me know. The next attraction that is going to be installed is the Lethal Weapon. Cheers, Movie_World

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  cadboy said:
Quintuple post or what ever the word is for five in a row. Seriously that has to be a record. Nice work :)The Main street buildings are very detailed and look great.
Thank you but I didn't build them, I give the credit to Shyguy. See I started to build them and realized I cant build them , so I used the examples they had on the website. Also I would like to point out that WB Kids area has to be shifted to another area since their isn't enough room unless I only include the Road Runner Roller coaster, Any suggestions for positions? I am also looking for suggestions for the Scenario objectives. Cheers, Movie_World Edited by Movie_World
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I think you might be in a spot of bother...You might have made the map too small, so you will really only be able to build as far as scooby doo...there wont be enough space for WWF, Stunt Driver, Intencity etc. Is there any way you can save Superman and its theming as a ride, and save all of main street as a building, and then just plop them in a new scenario with a bigger map?

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Good idea Gazza. You see I have tried to make the map bigger, but it doesn't work. So i'm going to move the entrance down further left. Then There would be MORE room. Well since I will busy with this, Does anyone have a proper layout of LW? I think I may have downloaded someones REC of MW and that has a copy of it on there. I will look later. Anyway, Pics will be posted when finish I this stage.

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Dunno, the important thing is that you don't compromise in a way that causes things to have to be squished up or whatever. Perhaps with WB kids, build Roadrunner, and save that as a track. (PS, see http://www.rcdb.com/ig1035.htm?picture=5 and http://www.rcdb.com/ig1035.htm?picture=1 for good overall layout photos of an identical ride) Then build the layout of the river ride, use this image (It is actually a photo of a sign in the preshow room...knew it would come in useful one day) post-88-1233399893_thumb.jpg But just save the layout of the ride, don't bother making the building or putting theming inside yet. Then somewhere on the map, all you have to do is just have a play around plopping everything in, placing the flatrides in too, using the google earth image as a guide, but not bothering putting in the paths, queue areas, trees etc. That way you'll have a general idea of how much space it is going to take up, and hence how much space you will have to create by moving everything else. Then all you have to do is then use the saved layouts, and build it all properly with paths etc in the actual place it is in the park. As for main street. Maybe you could use grey coloured paths at the sides, but keep the bitumen in the middle, so it is like how it is in real life, where main street has actual footpaths at the sides. Also, the street lamps should be at the edges, as they arent in the middle of the street in real life.

Does anyone have a proper layout of LW? I think I may have downloaded someones REC of MW and that has a copy of it on there. I will look later.
If it was my half done rec you were using, you might as well just use that layout, as it is as close as you'll get to the rides layout. Though if you were wanting to build your own, here are some resources: Photos showing the overall layout: http://www.rcdb.com/ig961.htm?picture=1 http://www.rcdb.com/ig961.htm?picture=9 http://www.rcdb.com/ig964.htm?picture=12 Images showing the layout of the standard SLC (Same layout, just without the helix at the end, so dont forget to add that yourself) http://www.vekoma.com/index.php?option=com...4&Itemid=16 http://www.rcdb.com/ig987.htm?picture=2 Edited by Gazza
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Thank you Gazza and Mickey for your help. I definitely know that if I move the entrance to the bottom it will work, But as a precaution, I better do what you said. As for the light posts, they were temporary. Also, if I have enough room, Does anyone want the car park included? I think it would be a waste of time but , if it will make it look good, I will do it.

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Remember LW is really hard to recreate due to the lack of angles and elements. I would be really interested to see you're final of LW
With SE you can see the track doesn't bend in some ways it should, RCT3 is limited with track design! Also , for the Road Runner, would I use the Junior coaster? Edited by Movie_World
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As for the light posts, they were temporary. Also, if I have enough room, Does anyone want the car park included?
Maybe do it last if you end up with some free space at the front.
Also , for the Road Runner, would I use the Junior coaster?
What else? Edited by Gazza
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Well I have worked out what I am going to do. First, I will save Superman Escape and Main Street. I will then Start up a new scenario. As you can see on this picture: post-2298-1233446294_thumb.jpg This map is zoomed in, The blue area will be shifted down left (where the green arrow is pointing) and because i am doing this ,the blue area might end up being the WB Kids area since I will have plenty of room. As you can see on this picture: post-2298-1233446531_thumb.jpg The blue square is were I had my entrance and The Yellow Square is where I will have it now. I start School on Monday so this may take a little longer than usual. Cheers, Movie_World

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It might help to bring the yellow square back a little bit. The park's entrance is very much left of centre, but you won't fit lethal and WWF if you put it that far over. Remember Lethal is back and left of superman, and WWF is further back, and further left of that.
Yes, your right, thanks for pointing that out, Lucky! I'm going to start on this on Monday, so if you find theirs something wrong like Alex please say so before Monday 4:00 pm as thats when I will start this again.
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