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nope the hole house is gone nothing left accept dirt they might be re making hole new 1 for nxt yr
Did you read his post? I think you miss-read it.
They never completely demolish the house to build a new one, they just remodel it. I don't mean that harshly, I enjoyed the show too, but its time to let go.
He said that they never completely demolish the house, they just re-model it for next year. That answers your question: they might be re making hole new 1 for nxt yr Also please use proper spelling , this isnt msn. Edited by Movie_World
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  little lefty legend said:
Very doubtful that another house will be built considering ten axed the contract for bug brother, and no one else has decided to sign up with the company who produced it. Bye Bye House.
nope its comming back next yr on another network or back on ten im so ganna apply in 2011 if its not in aus il apply usa
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It's not coming back to Channel 10, they would have just put in on a Hiatus for a while, they were quite solid with saying that it was axed. As to if a Channel wants to buy the rights off Endemol Southern Star and Big Brother Intl., I think that would be off the idea board for a while. Then again, Channel 9 does seem to play whatever is in hand.... Also, stated in the American Big Brother Guide Lines;

All contestants must be United States Citizens.
And you were just warned how to type properly, at least go one post of mostly correct spelling Edited by DonjaiInLA
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  DonjaiInLA said:
It's not coming back to Channel 10, they would have just put in on a Hiatus for a while, they were quite solid with saying that it was axed. As to if a Channel wants to buy the rights off Endemol Southern Star and Big Brother Intl., I think that would be off the idea board for a while. Then again, Channel 9 does seem to play whatever is in hand.... Also, stated in the American Big Brother Guide Lines; And you were just warned how to type properly, at least go one post of mostly correct spelling
what the hell im sick of this y do i have to write propperly and plus there has been aussie people on big beother in other countrys bfore
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and plus there has been aussie people on big beother in other countrys bfore
If there has been country swapping going on, it would be on a similar term to when we had that English transexual that time. Short visit, no prize money. The shows format is just used and tired. There is little direction for it to go, thats why the show is being dropped by stations around the world, or played on cable television stations.
Knock our socks off Dreamworld!!! Give us something that shows you're still a theme park to be reckoned with after all.
Perhaps the home of the new B&M aye :rolleyes: Edited by DonjaiInLA
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what the hell im sick of this y do i have to write propperly
Mickey got it in one. See: http://www.parkz.com.au/about/FAQ/Communit...idelines.html#5
Spelling, punctuation and grammar should be correct and proper at all times. Take the necessary time to properly form your posts, because if they are not up to standard they may be deleted. Many Browsers these days have built-in spell checkers so there is no excuse for not making the effort.
Chat shorthand is not permitted at any time. The Parkz Forums are not a strictly real time discussion environment such as chat rooms. Here you have time to properly construct your thoughts into full and meaningful sentences.
As the guidelines say, just use a spell check! It takes 10 seconds, but it makes your posts look nicer, makes them easier for other to read, plus it helps keep Parkz at a higher standard. If you are so sick of people bugging you about it, then why not just type properly? Everyone else manages to do it.
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  DonjaiInLA said:
Perhaps the home of the new B&M aye :rolleyes:
LOL, no. Wasn't thinking that -- but I'm imploring Dreamworld to work on something that represents true thrills, true boundary-pushing for the Australian thrill market & even if it has compact footprints/more economic dimensions still provides a really great ride for the money that CAN be realistically allocated. But if you had the rolling eyes in your post for that guy on TPR who keeps insisting the B&M is going to an Australian park, haha yeah, he would no doubt think DW is the lucky park now that house is gone, haha :D Edited by Gold Coaster
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

the house hasnt moved. hasnt been demolished ! when i did a park round ( we do that to make sure everything is running smotthly if we arent assigned a ride) i saw the big brother house. cause i was guna say. i never heard anything from management about the house being demolished! thatd look pretty bad if someone asked me how to get to the bb house and im like yer its just down this way and they came back and said theres just dirt!!!!!!!! and id have to say well sorry i dont get told anything lol ;)

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  i_operate_rides_dw said:
the house hasnt moved. hasnt been demolished ! when i did a park round ( we do that to make sure everything is running smotthly if we arent assigned a ride) i saw the big brother house. cause i was guna say. i never heard anything from management about the house being demolished! thatd look pretty bad if someone asked me how to get to the bb house and im like yer its just down this way and they came back and said theres just dirt!!!!!!!! and id have to say well sorry i dont get told anything lol ;)
Lovely, except for the fact that; a) As an attractions staff member (which i'm doubting you are), you would be nowhere near that area of the park. b ) That area of the park is completely closed off. c) Attractions staff don't do park rounds to make sure everything is running smoothly. If they are not assigned a ride for the day, or are not put on reliefs, they wouldnt be at work. And regardless, why you would be doing rounds in a closed area is beyond me. d) As a lower level staff member, you wouldnt be in that sort of discussion with anyone of any importance, and finally, e) Even if you are a Dreamworld staff member, why you would be showing guests the way to the big brother house when you would quite clearly know, as all of Dreamworlds staff do, that the area is closed off? Sorry, nothing you are saying makes sense. Edited by Lotl_90
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  Lotl_90 said:
Lovely, except for the fact that; a) As an attractions staff member (which i'm doubting you are), you would be nowhere near that area of the park. b ) That area of the park is completely closed off. c) Attractions staff don't do park rounds to make sure everything is running smoothly. If they are not assigned a ride for the day, or are not put on reliefs, they wouldnt be at work. And regardless, why you would be doing rounds in a closed area is beyond me. d) As a lower level staff member, you wouldnt be in that sort of discussion with anyone of any importance, and finally, e) Even if you are a Dreamworld staff member, why you would be showing guests the way to the big brother house when you would quite clearly know, as all of Dreamworlds staff do, that the area is closed off?
ok mate youve obvuioulsy misread my entire post. lemme tke you through baby steps here. in reply to: a mix of arguments a, b, and c. ok mate we DO do park rounds IF we are NOT assigned a ride. they are not official "rounds" but if we are moving from one attraction to another we are required to monitor areas in between attraction A and B. this keeps a constant security measure happening. going into detail would breach my contract but basically we are on occassio required to go and check, not "do rounds and supervise" but check, closed off areas. its a safety precaution. people can still get into closed off areas in different ways and you would know that yourself mate. mix of arguments d and e. I NEVER SAID i was in dicussions with any member higher than me. in fact i said the opposite. i said i havent been told by anyone that the hosue had been demolished. i was using the rumour that the house WAS demolished as a scenario, saying that IF it had been demolished, it wouldnt look good to be directing people to the big brother house if it was gone and i just hadnt been notified. also mate we are notified if something is shut or closed off, eg the big brother house. i can tell you now i get asked a lot how to get to the house. my answer is sorry the house is closed off at the moment. not the house is demolished. i am a junior member of staff but im not an idiot buddy. Edited by i_operate_rides_dw
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Settle down, Take a step back for a second, and you might realise youre not the only dreamworld staff member on these forums.

lemme tke you through baby steps here.
No need for that, I feel im more than capable of understanding. Ive never known a junior attractions staff member to do rounds, or monitor areas between rides for added security, nor any other staff apart from the supervisors/security themselves. Sure, all staff are aware of stupid behaviour, smoking, restricted areas etc, and if it is seen, its dealt with, but nobody goes actively looking for it.
we DO do park rounds IF we are NOT assigned a ride. they are not official "rounds" but if we are moving from one attraction to another we are required to monitor areas in between attraction A and B. this keeps a constant security measure happening. going into detail would breach my contract but basically we are on occassio required to go and check, not "do rounds and supervise" but check, closed off areas. its a safety precaution. people can still get into closed off areas in different ways and you would know that yourself mate
If you read my post, what i was actually saying is, it is very unlike Dreamworld to have unassigned staff sitting around, especially in junior/casual positions. All staff are assigned something for the day, or they just wouldnt be called in.
I NEVER SAID i was in dicussions with any member higher than me. in fact i said the opposite. i said i havent been told by anyone that the hosue had been demolished. i was using the rumour that the house WAS demolished as a scenario, saying that IF it had been demolished, it wouldnt look good to be directing people to the big brother house if it was gone and i just hadnt been notified.
Fair enough, clearly didnt understand what you were trying to get at. Apologies if im the only one who didnt make sense of it.
also mate we are notified if something is shut or closed off, eg the big brother house. i can tell you now i get asked a lot how to get to the house. my answer is sorry the house is closed off at the moment. not the house is demolished. i am a junior member of staff but im not an idiot buddy.
Im aware that youre notified, I never said you werent. I just asked why you would be directing people to a closed part of the park when it is made obvious that they arent open. But again, obviously misread your post. Edited by Lotl_90
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  • 2 weeks later...

hmm... I sort of stopped posting on this forum because its a joke all that seems to happen is 'slagging' matches... Good to see in the months ive been away from this board nothing has improved! you are discussing amusement parks not the end of the world..... How hard is it? this place is not fun and is an embarrassment Some of you need to take a step back and think before you post.... Is it any wonder there is hardly any movement on this site anymore? Well, No its no surprise because of the 'vibe' and 'attitude' of some members... People will join, post, be screamed at, then leave.... Pull up your socks guys its a joke

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skystar_a320 you do realize someone is now going to have a go at you for saying that and you are probably going to cause a day long argument :lol: i find it funny because its bound to happen and i agree with what you have said there is going to be someone who is going to have a go at you over it because i also find these days there are so many members now who just argue back at everyone's post's they don't have a point to make or add something or contribute yet they always argue back and they generally end up being wrong in what they say. Mind you there is one member i know who will have a say in this or will attack at what i have said because they do it to me all the time. I would just like to add on that note great work to the community leaders and moderators of the forums for not getting involved and carrying on the subject at hand. Oh and back on topic through all the arguing in this topic i cant seem to find a correct answer here but is the house actually gone or not.

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I agree with the above posts, however, i can see Lotl_90's point. There are more senior members of Dreamworld on these forums who know a lot more about that park and when someone posts a comment talking about things that we haven't ever seen or heard of, of course we are going to set the record straight. For example, in the six years that I have been working at Dreamworld, I have never seen a junior member of staff being told to do "rounds" in order to monitor certain areas. As far as the Big Brother area is concerned, the closest attractions are the Log Ride and Giant Drop. So, if these "rounds" do exist, (which i agree with Lotl_90 when i say i don't think they do) there would be absolutely no need to be anywhere near the Big Brother House and you would be in a completely restricted area. So, overall, what I'm saying is that i see no point in these "rounds" and especially to have them done by a junior staff member rather than a) a security guard or B) a rides supervisor.

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I apologise if my replies are coming across as slagging. My intention was to correct some slightly misleading information, which then caused a response full of more of it. If anyone finds my tone disrespectful, then i'll also apologise for that.

  klassen24 said:
Oh and back on topic through all the arguing in this topic i cant seem to find a correct answer here but is the house actually gone or not.
No, the house is still very much there. Edit: Reworded to avoid further arguments. Edited by Lotl_90
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