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WVTP Changes

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Wow it seems as if nearly all attractions are getting work done. Good to see :) I hope Looney tunes river ride is next on the agenda.

I also noticed the spider in SDSC (I did read about it quite some time ago though)
Has anything else been done to SDSC, are all the lasers on in the disco room; fog?
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Its steam?? On SE? I thought it was smoke machine. Makes more sense though.. It disappeared as soon as it came out (unlike smoke machine where it lingers). But why isnt it warm or moist when we go through? Or is it that its so fast that we don't notice the heat? :blink: Why do they use steam? And I would also love to see the LT river ride get a little freshening up. :lol:

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They use steam because of the low cost to run the effect, instead of spending money to continually fill fog fluid tanks (and its also fairly Eco-friendly). most theme park attractions these days replace fog machines for other let costly systems (and some time more effective) like the steam system used on superman and the highly popularizing water fogging/misting sometimes called "mee fog" basically water pressured to 1000 psi and then forced through tiny holes that produce tiny water droplets that are so tiny they pretty much flash evaporate after a few seconds in the air. back to the steam system though, There is a boiler that produces steam. This builds up pressure and is then forced through the lines to the exit points. The steam looses it heat very quickly as it is dispersed...that's pretty much all there is too it, also if you really "inspect" the exit point of the steam you may notice small diamond shaped plates attached to the exit, they just there to spread the steam over a larger area. Hope that cleared a bit up for you. :D

Edited by zane
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But why isnt it warm or moist when we go through?
I don't know about you but during the pre ride section where the walls are cracking and there are pipes coming down from the roof I could feel the steam and it was warm and moist. Same thing when going through the building but that is just my experience.
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I will say that in the past, I have noticed the steam, and it is both wet and warm, but the warmth is only for a moment until you pass the effect, and it quickly cools as the air keeps rushing by. On my last visit to MW, I did not notice it at all. I mean - the pipes were steaming in the drive-by after the launch, but in the pre-show, it wasn't there.

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Now I feel like riding SE. haha. Interesting steam system info, thanks. I think the ride that needs the most attention at MW is LW imo the theming is pretty drab and I would like to see that movie area changed into something better. But I haven't been to MW in a while :( so might have been changed. And although it is fun, the batman adventure 'ride'?? is getting on in years and I would like to see some changes but it is a great family-ish ride/walk through. ;)

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As for Scooby Doo Cadboy i really don't know what to say about this except it's a on and off experience in the fact on Thursday when i went to the park to take photo's i went on Scooby all effects were going which was a positive and a fog machine was going off as i entered the main room all lasers were working perfectly. The last drop with the laser was going also then i went on in the afternoon and there was no were near as much fog and all areas.

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financial wouldn't surprise me but i highly doubt it. financially WVTP are doing all they can to cut back were possible with shops not opening till midday well most, Park opening later, less staff manning rides, Superman escape front of house person at the locker no longer stands to cut back on one persons wage and has been replaced with a none waged sign, picture below. Batman adventure ride now only operating a certain times to cut back costs same with some village rides (WB kids) Cutting back show times with HWSD though they still find time to play around with the fire ball effect after the last show with it going off about 8 times in a row and no it wasn't for a testing reason they were having fun. Though all these cutbacks are creating for a down on full customer experience, The park is seeing for some much needed upgrades and maintenance which will in the long run create for a much better park. These times early year i find to be the best time as the rides are just about done maintenance all rides are back in tip top form the parks are quite. it's good. Also while I'm at it i may as well mention the SE steam it is hot and yes it is going i went on the ride numours times in a row and they were working i think there may have been one or two which weren't going but the one that comes out of the wall on the right hand side at the facade station shoots a all mighty punch of heat and is right at you.


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Superman escape front of house person at the locker no longer stands to cut back on one persons wage and has been replaced with a none waged sign, picture below.
I have feeling we are about to see a heap of on ride videos appear on youtube :P I wonder how long it will take before some idiot brings something on the ride and drops it injuring someone. Only time will tell.
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Can say today SE had someone at the front of queue checking, a grouper, two ops at the station doing harness check and both trains running. Was surprised to find the overflow carpark open too. One good thing is the rides when I went on them were handling people no problem. Would have been slightly better with LW to soak some of the people. Hollywood Stunt Driver had a third show put on. I didn't bother with it as an hour before the last show people were already queued.

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These times early year i find to be the best time as the rides are just about done maintenance all rides are back in tip top form the parks are quite. it's good.
I don't quite understand this but are you saying the park is quiet at this time of year? But aren't the rides closed for maintenance in off peak times ? Its a bit of a concern and risky for people traveling a long distance but still want to beat the queue's without missing out on the rides? Solution ... MW needs a resort/hotel :lol: hahaha but I'm sure that will never happen.
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Cadboy there still very strict. I saw someone get up to the end of the line and an attendant saw them scratch there pocket. They made them leave the queue to put it some where and had to line up again without cutting past people to catch up to his group. The steam throughout the ride and the holes in the sound stage only operate during weekends as well and of course the obvious one train during weekdays. As for ride times, MW opens at 9:30 on weekends, rides open 10 and shops open 10:30. Scooby-doo theming is apparently all fixed but won't be turning on the fog machines again until these cut back's are over. The sensors for the water tank on WWF aren't working atm... there's two streams on all the time soaking riders (unless thats normal in summer). And here's one for you... a private function was held Saturday night at Movieworld... it cost $28 000 for the group of 20 business men to hire out Batman.... surely the park would have made a fair profit from that?

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I don't quite understand this but are you saying the park is quiet at this time of year? But aren't the rides closed for maintenance in off peak times ? Its a bit of a concern and risky for people traveling a long distance but still want to beat the queue's without missing out on the rides? Solution ... MW needs a resort/hotel :lol: hahaha but I'm sure that will never happen.
I went a couple weeks ago and it was the busiest i've ever seen it. Wet n Wild also is still very much in peak season. Probably due to the Q150 passes, it seems they've been extremely popular, as you'd expect :)
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Cadboy there still very strict. I saw someone get up to the end of the line and an attendant saw them scratch there pocket. They made them leave the queue to put it some where and had to line up again without cutting past people to catch up to his group. The steam throughout the ride and the holes in the sound stage only operate during weekends as well and of course the obvious one train during weekdays. As for ride times, MW opens at 9:30 on weekends, rides open 10 and shops open 10:30. Scooby-doo theming is apparently all fixed but won't be turning on the fog machines again until these cut back's are over.
So basically if you pay full price and visit on a weekday you don't get the full experience or decent customer service? There's a plan for long term success right there folks.
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And here's one for you... a private function was held Saturday night at Movieworld... it cost $28 000 for the group of 20 business men to hire out Batman.... surely the park would have made a fair profit from that?
Who told you that. I asked one of the events supervisors about pricing for a party in Scooby Doo and was told the price would be approx $100 per person. At that rate it would've been $2000 for 20 people. I wouldn't think the park would even do events for 20 people. Are you sure you don't mean 200? That'd get closer to $20,000 and if they had the ride operating and higher end catering then the price might be right.
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No Cerberus, Mickey is correct i heard about it on Sunday functions these days are not cheap plus it also depends on how long you have the ride for also as to the price tag. But when i was a employee at maccas they each year would hire dreamworld out except last year they hired Movie World out with 7 characters, 6 of the parks major attractions, huge food and beverage setup and they also hired the show stage for a pre night presentation from 5:45 till 10pm for over 3000 crew members one great night for parks staff and those invited setting back Mcdonalds over $400,000.

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Yeah I really don't agree with turning off effects to save money at all, especially just on weekends! I mean Joz is right, if you pay full price you should get the full experience. I would sooner see an entire ride shuttered to save money than all of the rides running with reduced effects. Certainly something like scooby doo fog that adds so much to the ride experience, and it's not like the public don't notice these things either. Great to hear about all the improvements though.

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I rode Scooby Doo on Sunday, and the park was So busy it was NOT funny. Superman was running with 2 trains. Batman was using 4 pods in the afternoon and Scooby Doo was over a 60 minute wait. I tried to see Hollywood StuntDriver (2 shows BTW) and I lined up over 30 minutes before the show and still did not get a seat. They put on a extra show but at that time of the day I was just over it. I was VERY disappointed with Scooby Doo to say the least. The first half of the ride was flawless, but the rest was shocking. There was no smoke, and the music was so quiet you could barley hear it. The lasers were good, but no smoke and the quiet music sort of ruined it for me. I waited 45 minutes for it because I had heard that everything was working and it would be worth it. The fog on the final drop is gone yet again. Overall I was very disappointed with my visit at Movie World, and I think the Q150 has basically ruined the park. If you are going to have crowds, you should be staffed up and prepared for it. The only ride that had a tolerable line was Superman Escape, which was pumping through the crowds like I don't know what. I do however have one noteworthy thing to post. When I was sitting in the batcave on the batman ride, they were transitioning from 2 pods to 4 pods. However the Pre-Show only had 2 groups, and when they came to "evacuate" us one of the girls was full on going for it before noticing NO one was there. She looked so embarrassed and quickly ran away. And then when we were waiting for another group to be loaded in the pod, our attendant got a bit pissed off cause we were not enthusiastic to help batman. So we got punished for 5 minutes with a Shadow Puppet show. I reckon if the crowds had been a bit better, and the rides were running like they should it would have been a much more enjoyable day.

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What measures have DW taken to battle the economic downturn, anything yet?
Nothing as drastic as what WVTP seems to be doing. Little things like removing unecessary staff day to day to reduce operating costs, but nothing that severely affects guest experience. The only thing vaguely similar to WVTP's response is WWW, where on the quite/rainy days, Green Room and Hydrocoaster have been operating alternately, hour to hour, as have the BRO and the Rip. But again, there arent enough people in the park on those days to warrant running the two rides all day. With the reported upsurge in attendance at the WV parks from the introduction of the Q150, and their obvious lack of interest in keeping the guest feeling satisfied (by reducing ride operating hours and turning off effects, opening shops later etc), surely the people are going to be losing interest in the parks. Seems like they are pushing away the local demographic that the Q150 pass has worked so effectively to bring to the parks. Edited by Lotl_90
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