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Sea Viper - New Ride


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I was there yesterday and rode Sea Viper for the first time. Here's my two cents worth: The queue building was boring, to say the least, I mean a coat of grey paint and we're supposed to feel like we are in queue for a "new" ride?? There was, however, a TV showing photos from the previous ride/s and the safety signs were themed to the new ride. Seriously, all the station needs to freshen up the queue is some lighting effects (I know it's been discussed here already). Then the train rolled in... At first I'm thinking "woah, that's awesome!", it looks so much better that the old corkscrew trains and the whole presence of the ride seems modern and new... But then I take a closer look. The black panels surrounding the whole car look horrible, to say the least. The backs of the seats looks like scaffolding and there are wires visible everywhere. Neat? No... Then I climb aboard. The orange and black seats may look cool from afar, but man are they uncomfortable! Once the harness comes down you notice that on the outside of each seat the harness has a bit jutting out to prevent you from raising that arm. So we still can't raise up our arms like we can on Superman... :( The whole load/unload process took between 5 - 8 minutes. If this is supposed to be better or quicker than the Corkscrew then it's most definitely failed. Once we are on our way in our uncomfortable seats, I try to enjoy the ride. The back seat makes the first drop enjoyable, as it always did! The ride seems a little smoother than the Corkscrew, but due to the higher centre of gravity on this ride, you still feel all the bumps and you still rattle from side to side (I noticed this mostly between the loop and the turn). The Head-chopper at the monorail track is VERY INTENSE now. Seriously, I can't believe how damn close they let you go! Once we round the last corner we are treated to some whiplash from the coaster's abrupt stop. Ouch. Exiting the ride, I take a long hard look at the new trains and think to myself "WHAT THE F*** WAS WRONG WITH THE CORKSCREW??!" :angry:

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It's not that close. I thought so too but when I was queuing up for Jet Rescue it went past and there is plenty of clearance. You'd have to be freakishly tall to hit it, and if you were that tall the harness wouldn't close anyway.
I felt that if I raised my arm, it would be taken off! I know it probably won't.... :P But it's closer than it was on Corkscrew..
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I felt that if I raised my arm, it would be taken off! I know it probably won't.... :P
That is the whole point of a head chopper, however as has been discussed countless times - the pull through with a new ride \ train has an exclusion zone, and this mustn't touch anything or it fails, so guarantee with arms fully outstretched, you won't hit it.
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lol The first resut is classic:

Have you realised that you are not as attractive as you could be? Is your appearance holding you back you back in your career, social life and sex life? Unless you are one of the few most attractive people on the planet then the answer, to some extent, will be “yes”.
But yeah but lets be honest about Corkscrew though, what's gone on there is more of a leg transplant with some spray tan.
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Agree that there is so much more they could have done with it. I rode yesterday, and while I agree that it does seem a little "rougher" the head chopper is certainly better. I love the little detail on the kick pads that gazza pointed out, but in my opinion, the guard rail at the front serves no purpose. The sides - I can certainly see why they are installed, as well as the little meshed guard on the outside arm, but they do certainly ruin the experience of the new train. I have to say that the orange paint job - while it is different and a little garsih - makes the train stand out. It looks shiny and new and really is a magnet to the crowd. The signage above the entrance is ok, but I would have liked to see them do something a bit bigger and out there.

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The thing is that the Corkscrew train was pretty comfortable to sit in, the new trains are not. Even when you're in the station in the new trains the seats have random bits of plastic and metal that randomly jab into your back/side. They're not nice to sit in when you're stationary, the sad thing is that means now when you're going around the track you can now feel the jolts that have always been there but the train didn't pass on. Perhaps next time Kumbak design a new train someone should sit in them, just to see if the seats by themselves are comfortable to sit in, rather then just making sure they look cool*. * I don't think that they do look cool, nor do I consider "Sea Viper" an upgrade or an improvement. I used to think Corkscrew was such a marketing icon it was pretty much untouchable. Now I think that Corkscrew's footprint, combined the plot of land that used to house the Pirate Ship, as well as some of the lake is plenty of room for a BIG new coaster.

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^ Maybe the area could be used to build a floorless dive coaster themed to a shark or something like that... Maybe they could actually call it Sea Viper, then the name would suit the coaster better because it would be a scary ride!

Seriously Corkscrew was our ONLY SMOOTH COASTER in Australia.
You don't think Superman is smooth??? Or are you just talking about older coasters here? Anyways yeah I agree that the new trains are much rougher than the originals. But not quite as bad as LW.... :/
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I've always found Superman to be reasonably smooth, pretty much on par with the other Intamins I have ridden, I've noticed on their rides you tend to hear rattles (Yes, even at Disney with their perfect maintenance! On CA screamin I manged to get a ride without music, so you could hear the rattles then.) but it doesn't really transfer into much roughness really. I would've put Corkscrew and Superman on par with each other actually. While we are here, I think it's fair to say the bench smoothest coaster in Australia is clearly Surfrider (:P) with Jet Rescue a close second.

Edited by Gazza
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Hey Went to SW today went on sea viper 1st , no line so i was happy but i disagree it isnt smooth because when you do the corkscrew at the end of it it shakes and it was like lethal then stops ( feels like you going to hit the tram rail ) i would not recommend during holidays because you can tell it will get packed and the ride only goes for 20 or so. cheers

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