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End of an Era


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I attended the final Ski Show performance yesterday. It turned out to be quite an affair with most of the Skiiers that had perormed in it's 30+ year run in attendance. The show was returned to it's former (well cast numbers wise anyway) glory with a full compliment including Meter Maids. Unfortunately the items cut from the show during it's several year run weren't included but that's WPH&S for you. Adam was of course playing Sonny and did a great job, quite a few little "you're fired" jokes were snuck into the show. Some of the show's long running cast members had a bit of extra limelight, including a fantastic barefoot display by one of the worlds finest. The show ended with a final display of the iconic Ski Pyramid followed by all performers returning to the stage including both ski boats and jet skis, something we haven't seen for a long long time. Following the show a presentation was made to all current cast members, including some brief but hear felt words from John Menzies who was given a fantastic welcome from a loyal crown, including the man himself Keith Williams (interestingly enough Pete became Peter Millions for this performance, co-insidence I think not). It was certainly sad to see the end of a Gold Coast icon and one couldn't help that John's reasons for ending the show were somewhat less than completly sincere. Times will tell how wise this dicision has been, but I don't think there could be much chance of it turning out any worse than replacing PA with Stunt Driver, I mean how could it! Hopefully expect an article and Photos soon, there was plenty of media coverage of the event also.

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FROM THE WEBSITE: SEA WORLD CELEBRATES THE END OF AN ERA! Waterski Wipeout at Sea World After almost 4 years of catchy tunes, slapstick humour and world class waterskiing, Sea World's Waterski WipeOut performed its final show on Monday 20 July to a crowd of almost 2000. On-lookers included hundreds of past skiers who thoroughly enjoyed the trip down memory lane. The Waterski WipeOut show had entertained thousands of people over the years and Sea World would like to recognise its amazing world class water skiers whose skill, commitment and dedication have made the show such a success. The ski show began in 1958 at the Surfers Paradise Ski Gardens as a water ski show that combined comedy, aqua ballet and action. From the 1970s until today, the ski show has changed names and themeing several times, but it has always contained world-class skiing and hilarious antics. Waterski WipeOut will make way for an exciting new show which will include all new elements, unlike anything ever seen at Sea World. Opening September 2009 is an all new live action adventure 'PIRATES UNLEASHED!' which will have guests on the edge of their seat! This thrilling new show will feature death defying acrobatics, hilarious high jinks and exhilarating water elements.

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Sounds quite gay really
Oh yeah, it totally reeks of homosexuality..... /sarcasm, and on behalf of the whole internet thanks for wasting those few kilobytes of space with that incredibly valuable contribution to the conversation. It's a shame they closed it when they could have just slapped a fresh paint on it and given it a more attractive dangerous name like its roller coaster neighbour.. the "Giant Squid Ski Show" or something like that would bring heaps more people through the doors I'm sure..! Apparently the new show is by the same producers who created the Pirates show at Treasure Island in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, without the sinking ships, gratuitous sex innudendo and masses of fireworks, that Las Vegas show would look ridiculous. Fingers crossed we get something decent. rich
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I'm quite sad to see it go. I still wish they could've found a better way to do a better show. Ah well, management makes these decisions for reasons unknown. Another great comment by whitsy too. Thanks for clearing up the obvious gay undertones that were present in that seaworld media release, I couldnt pick it. (sarcasm)

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