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Stunt show is world class now!


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I went to mw today and saw the stunt shoe for the first time in a few months and there have been soooo many changes and improvements!! First up at the start they now have a guy called Dave who is the producer pick three people to shoot a few shots and they then work the shots into the final video which is hilarious! Dave does a really great job of being funny and getting everyone excited. Then the drivers come out do their thing and they r getting much better now having much closer near misses!!! The big finale is improved too. The old plastic doors flopping in the breeze are replaced by real doors that swing open. The bricks fly everywhere and the whole show was more polished. The crowd was loving it much more than other times I've seen it. Overall the show has improved now to the point where I think it's better than police academy was and I challenge anyone who disagrees to go see the improved stunt driver first before they pass judgement. Only bad thing about my visit today was scooby doo there was no smoke and few lasers going. Was worth the trip for stunt driver tho what a nice surprise!!

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Cool, when I head up to Coolangatta after new years I'll check it out. Last time I went I preffered Police Academy. IMO it was a waste of time, and I could've rode Superman or Scooby Doo once more before I left.But it sounds like it's changed. Edit: Also, has any of the plot changed?

Edited by Movie_World
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They seem to be gradually injecting more humor into the show. There are some 'easter eggs' to watch out for on the big screen during the preshow. There is a cheesy little gag that is quite funny too, basically Morgan Ross is jabbering on to the crowd, and in the background Marty rolls a tyre across the gap in the backdrop, and then a few seconds later appears in view getting chased by the tyre. MS paint probably explains it better: post-88-1251028635_thumb.jpg

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I saw the show on the first day it opened to the public. They did that camera stuff with the audience from day-dot, didn't they? I will admit that some humor has been added, although 2 cars have been removed... So the 2 cars being removed really takes away from the good stuff that has been added. Hey, on the GCCC website, there is something about phase 2, what is that?

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I do believe that that small gag (the tyre) really seals the deal for me... its good that the show is changing for the better as well, its just a shame that they got rid of the two extra police cars, the action/ car chases just don't have the chaotic feel that they did when it first opened.

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I went to mw today and saw the stunt shoe for the first time in a few months and there have been soooo many changes and improvements!! First up at the start they now have a guy called Dave who is the producer pick three people to shoot a few shots and they then work the shots into the final video which is hilarious! Dave does a really great job of being funny and getting everyone excited. Then the drivers come out do their thing and they r getting much better now having much closer near misses!!! The big finale is improved too. The old plastic doors flopping in the breeze are replaced by real doors that swing open. The bricks fly everywhere and the whole show was more polished. The crowd was loving it much more than other times I've seen it. Overall the show has improved now to the point where I think it's better than police academy was and I challenge anyone who disagrees to go see the improved stunt driver first before they pass judgement. Only bad thing about my visit today was scooby doo there was no smoke and few lasers going. Was worth the trip for stunt driver tho what a nice surprise!!
the only thing thats changed is the doors. the other stuff you mention has been that way for a couple of months. as has the thing with marty and the tyre. i love the show too, although i do miss the extra cars
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The doors are something new for me, but the camera stuff has been around a while - I wouldn't say day dot though. I haven't seen the tyre gag, but as usual Gazza, you created the image perfectly... hahaha.

much closer near misses!!!
On an unrelated note, that term really annoys me - A Near Miss - when things ALMOST hit, people call it a near miss... IT'S A NEAR HIT! It's like two planes flying through the air and they both crash into each other.... "look, they nearly missed".
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No, actually, you are thinking about it the wrong way round. In your example, that would be a Miss (near). Also by your logic, my argument of a Near Hit also works (it is near to a hit) But the near miss terminology is as faulted as terms such as fuzzy logic, or half truth... that can't exist, if half of it isn't true, then it isn't true, it is false. And no, not a pessimist... theres just 50% too much glass.

Edited by AlexB
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In this case near is an adjective and miss is a noun. What actually happened was a miss, but it's described as a near one, as opposed to a far one etc. If you say "nearly hit" that makes sense but now you're using an adverb and a verb. A "near hit" would be a hit because you're describing the hit as near, not as nearly taking place. My real concern is that we've got a topic called "Stunt show is world class now!" and one called "new stunt show a real let down!". Should we split the difference and just make it a single one named "Stunt show is a world class let down!"?

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ok so before I get the linguaphobes dissecting my diatribe, my comments relating to "near miss" come from George Carlin's "Airline Announcements" (its about the 7th one down on the list). And if you were funnier people, you would have known that. :rolleyes: But seriously now, how is it possible for MW to do so well, then so crap, then so well.... me thinks upper management need a good kick up the backside.

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Back on the subject, I went to Movieworld today and saw the stunt show again today. The doors are a huge improvement over the vinyl ones, however there were no bricks for the final jump. There was only the two Police cars, the motorbike, and the two red cars. I still feel like the show is lacking in physical stunts and comedy. "Marty" provides some laughs but there isn't any of the human element that PASS had like the scaffold and the running into walls etc. I'm not saying that what the drivers do is easy, but i still stand by my opinion that it is 4 or 5 guys drifting and doing doughnuts. Sure, its called Hollywood Stunt Driver and I know that people will pull me up and say that its stunt driving and that's why its called that and what do i expect from a show of that name etc. It seems like they need something with that physical aspect. PASS had the ability to be viewed three times in one day whereas HWSD has the "one a month" or "when you take someone who hasn't seen it" viewing rate. So i think it may be time to bring back something like the Wild West Stunt Show that can solely be physical. Or, if that isn't an option, maybe try to include something else in the show, ie maybe jumping off a roof or similar or hitting a motorbike and crashing over the bonnet or just anything that breaks up a still somewhat monotonous display of drifting... So rival81, i would have to respectfully disagree based on the show i saw today and one that i saw a month or so which i found to be not much different to todays one. If i got a lemon of a show then I am disappointed but i understand that some shows are better than others. I would still like to see something with people rather than just vehicles.

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I went to mw today and saw the stunt shoe for the first time in a few months and there have been soooo many changes and improvements!! First up at the start they now have a guy called Dave who is the producer pick three people to shoot a few shots and they then work the shots into the final video which is hilarious! Dave does a really great job of being funny and getting everyone excited. Then the drivers come out do their thing and they r getting much better now having much closer near misses!!! The big finale is improved too. The old plastic doors flopping in the breeze are replaced by real doors that swing open. The bricks fly everywhere and the whole show was more polished. The crowd was loving it much more than other times I've seen it. Overall the show has improved now to the point where I think it's better than police academy was and I challenge anyone who disagrees to go see the improved stunt driver first before they pass judgement. Only bad thing about my visit today was scooby doo there was no smoke and few lasers going. Was worth the trip for stunt driver tho what a nice surprise!!
I have to agree with you rival81. I too went and saw HSD show for the first time in a few months and it's good to see there's finally someone on here who can pull their head out of their ar$e and actually enjoy the damn thing for what it is, 'A VERY ENTERTAINING SHOW'!. And yes I agree that the show’s writers are not going to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. But Jesus Christ on roller skates it's just a little theme park in South East Queensland. I must say when I sat in the crowd with my Kids and my brothers kids, Everyone around us were going absolutely crazy to the point that my children were so caught up in the excitement that they cheered and screamed more than I had seen them do in any other Park we have taken them to back in the States or even Europe. My wife was contracted to work out at Movie World from time to time and we came up from Melbourne with her whenever they needed her to do something and I honestly think the stunt driving show gets better every time I see it. When I spoke to some of the camera guys after the show they told me that the show has at least 13 of the old PASS performers in it. So there is a still bit of the 'old crew' there for the die-hards to enjoy which maybe makes it a good show. Sorry, but it appears to me that some of the guys on this site are taking it all just a little bit too seriously and maybe need to find another hobby. Something they can actually enjoy, instead of whining and whining and whining about EVEEEERRRYTHING that IS in fact not that bad, at least for all of your average holidaying families. I know, Maybe try becoming ambulance chasers or visit the cancer ward in the local hospital, Anything that might give you some perspective. :D
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So can you honestly say that the show is the very best that it can be? And that this show is 100% better than PASS? Because i think that HWSD is nowhere near the standard that PASS had, nor the replay value. Yes, the drivers are talented but it lacks good solid entertainment value. Its good to see once, but after that its not really worth seeing again unless there's nothing to do. The first time i saw it, i went in with no expectations and left feeling slightly cheated. But i brushed off most of that on early in the pieces life, but after seeing it with 4 police cars 6 months ago, and then to hear that they were using less, and then this thread came up and i had new hope but still felt disappointed by the end of it. I was waiting for the rest of my party to come off the SDSC and i saw the old stage that used to be used for the loony toons shows etc and it got me thinking about the old shows and how HWSD lacks that physical values. Its not a hobby either, and what the hell, saying to become an ambulance chaser or visiting a cancer ward? We're talking about a stunt show here, not about getting some perspective in life. Overall, the show didn't live up to the hype, and although there has been improvements, i won't deny that, it isn't world class yet, but hopefully it will be in the near future because it definately has the ability to

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I'd like to see the western stunt show come back. (A while ago now) In universal Hollywood, we saw the SFX show, Waterworld, and their Western Stunt show (not to mention the animal actors show), and all 4 were well rounded, complimented each other, and showed different aspects of movie making. The western show didn't really require a lot - pyro and crew, and animal handlers. Nothing says the stunt show crew couldn't do both shows either (although the drivers are quite "specialty"). It wouldn't require any more crew than the current looney toons show either, but certainly makes it a much more diverse offering. Sure you lose a big drawcard for kids entertainment (RRRC took out that stage), but there is plenty of room for a showstage in WB Kids if they tried... They really do try with HWSD, but there is nowhere near the people's interaction that they had with PASS or the WWSS\ Maverick. It is the people's interaction that makes the show slightly unpredictable and changeable every time as well. While he was a plant, Rodney was a good addition to PASS, and they just can't do that with HWSD (and i'm still waiting to see those ramps we saw in the press preview).

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