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Single Person Slides question

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i thought id post this under general theme park discussion, then to put in WnW. Anyway, from times on holidays, i have been on very small slides, lm talking hotel slides in the US for example, and have had some problems with them, cause i wear a rash shirt, not just for the sun, but i admit lm a heavy weight :rolleyes: Because of the rashie, it tends to cause friction with the slide. lm not sure if anyone has had any experiences of going on a slide for example, twister or river rapids at WnW with a rashie on, but i am sorta abit scared to try incase the problem of not being able to slide down, because of my bad experiences. Any feedback would be much appreciated!! Thanks.

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I always wear a rashie and i had no trouble getting down any slides at WnW. Actually, i loved the twister when I was there and went down it many times with no trouble.

but i am sorta abit scared to try incase the problem of not being able to slide down, because of my bad experiences.
What do you mean "bad experiences"? :huh: Wondercam
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You shouldn't have any problems. Hotel slides are usually designed for smaller kids, so they have shallower gradients (It's not so much to do with water pressure) But the body slides at WnW have fairly steep gradients, so you go pretty fast, and the rashie won't cause you to get stuck. Though, if you want some extra thrill, I'd recommend taking the rashie off just before you are about to go down, holding it under your crossed arms, and putting it on again at the bottom, since you'll go faster that way.

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  Gazza said:
You shouldn't have any problems. Hotel slides are usually designed for smaller kids, so they have shallower gradients (It's not so much to do with water pressure) But the body slides at WnW have fairly steep gradients, so you go pretty fast, and the rashie won't cause you to get stuck.
oh right, i always thought it was water pressure! haha. And the steep part of it, i get ya. Cheers for your help mate!
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  • 2 weeks later...

You need enough water under you to provide "lubrication". From my time as supervisor of The Beach at WLS I never came across anyone having trouble on the slides wearing rashies. There was a problem with people of the Mulsim faith and Indian decent thinking it was ok to try and go on a slide fully clothed. I lost track of the number of times I was called a racist because I denied them entry to the slides. I had to explain that it was because they physically wouldn't slide down the slide about 20 times before they got it through their heads and understood that I was preventing them embarassment. Bussy

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I can't remember the type of slide (WLS Beach and SeaWorld water park both had them years ago - but it was the tall tower, one with an relatively sharp drop, and another that had little bunny hops in them - i think they were free fall, and speed slide. I have experienced stoppage on the speed slide (bunny hops) with a rashie on, and as stated above, it is more about water lubrication rather than pressure. As the rashie is usually a Lycra material, it tends to hold a fair bit of water, which basically stops the water from travelling down (as much) and therefore, you don't travel down either. taking the rashie off is really the only way to enjoy most body slides. As Gazza said, tucking it under your arms right before you go would be the trick, although some parks \ attendants may classify this as a loose article, and insist you cannot take it down with you. As to Wet n Wild - i know from personal experience that twister, and the mountain slides have no issues with a rashie, but they also have launch bars to get you flying at the start too, so - i don't know. Most slides these days are utilising some form of inflatable tube, with eliminates the problem with a rashie anyway.

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