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Girl hurt at amusement park


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Haha yeah Flea I forgot about 'cokecool' - what happened to that guy? I have a funny feeling he might have been one of nightshifter's many incarnations. Regarding the incident... this type of thing happens ALL the time in the US. It happens at both permanent and travelling amusement parks or carnivals. Small one-off incidents don't seem to dent the industry too much. Especially if there is just an injury and no fatality. Sorry if I don't sound very compassionate. For those that don't know there is a website which has a listing of all known US amusement industry accidents - http://members.aol.com/rides911/accidents.htm

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Back on topic, I heard on the news that the person had stood up during the ride > was flung from it. Most accidents on rides are caused by rider stupidity or not folowing the rules. I think people may become scared of going on rides, but I think this is because the incidents happen so rarley, that it is sort of a bad novlety if you get what i mean. Things like car accidents happen frequently but we dont get scared of going in cars so it amazes me when peole have said to me rides are dangerous, but they are not.

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But we must realise, that Sizzler was SAFE, it was the girl who stood up, but the operator also played a part in the accident. If he had of slowed the ride down, and not hit the emergency stop, then she would not have been thrown forward. But I guess this will teach people that you got to follow the rules, eitha it being on a carnival ride, or park ride. Yes carnival and park rides are in a different class, except for germany, they look after their rides superbly. But this doesn't mean that nothing can go wrong with park rides. There are some rides in Australia that are kept fantastic. e.g - wittingslow's chance zipper, that is over 20 years old, not one accident, and it is still running in perfect condition

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Ok guys, a six year old girl is in a critical condition and is fighting for life, can we stop turning this into a discussion about chippy being stupid? Every other post he's in has this information in it, and we don't need to clutter serious topics with that junk. Back on topic: The accident was supposedly caused when the girl put her feet up on the seat, and was thus unaffected by her restraints. The operator of the ride is believed to have called to the girl, then pushed the emergency stop button. Before the ride had finished, he'd noticed the girl lying underneath the ride. The ride appeared to be in normal working order, and is currently closed for the investergation.

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Most accidents on rides are caused by rider stupidity or not folowing the rules.
I totally agree with this and I could get back to the old discussion about on ride videos but I won't.
But we must realise, that Sizzler was SAFE, it was the girl who stood up, but the operator also played a part in the accident. If he had of slowed the ride down, and not hit the emergency stop, then she would not have been thrown forward.
Hussy you have obviously never operated a ride, be it in a theme park or at a carnival or you would know that by hitting the e-stop on a ride like that would not cause it to jerk to a sudden stop. When the e-stop is hit a ride like that it will come to a gentle stop up in the air, thus preventing anyone who may be under the ride from getting hit. "The Bus is now leaving for Tivoliland"
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Wonderbus is right. There is no way it would come to a screaming stop. That just makes it more dangerous than the situation may already be and people may suffer injuries such as whiplash and/or get THROWN OUT of the ride if not secured. The idea of an e-stop is to prevent further injury or prevent any at all if the situation arose. Look at the now defunct Tasmanian Devil. When e-stopped, the ride would not come down to the ground, it will just in fact spin until it runs out of momentum. Then it would have to be restarted and lowered manually. I'm sure it would be a slow finish after the e-stop is depressed, not at a speed that's going to give someone whiplash or throw them out anyway. I know the Sizzler (if that's what the ride was) doesn't lift up, but it certainly won't throw the anchors out that's for sure. No doubt it'll be a quicker stop than normal, just nothing that's going to hurt someone.

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well first of all its HUSS, I don't see a y. And second of all, the CHA CHA that is run by wittingslow, i've seen them test their ride, and push the e-stop, and this one certainly didnt slow down, it made a quick decrease in speed and came to a hault very quickly. I do realise most rides do slow down, I know that if anything happens to a Huss Enterprise, the arm will slowly drop and slow down, most rides are clever, but wittingslows simple cha cha, I think made my Ferrari, under licence, didnt have that technology

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Yeah I remember that CokeCool Fella. Some great times there..... :P Back to topic. Thanks for that Ride Accident link Goboi. Provided quite the interesting read. After reading that you can see that most ride accidents happen due to the rider being at own fault. Either standing up or not securing the restraints properly. But sometimes rides do malfunction. When I was at Dreamworld we were stuck semi upsidedown on WipeOut for about 20 min. It was the first ride of the day and it happened around Sep last year. Screammachine (the original one thankyou! :) )

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Well in all fairness equipment does fail. It doesn't matter how well you maintain something there is always the possibility for a component to malfunction or a computer to crash. Thing is if the proper maintenance is carried out etc, these sorts of failures should result in minor breakdowns, not catastrophic accidents. I motor burning out is one thing, a critical weld breaking on a ride vehicle is another.

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I wasnt really talking about just a normal breakdown, they happen all the time., I meant actual accidents. Take the Melbourne Show mad mouse incident. Had the operators not put so many cars on the track, The block system could have stopped all those other cars form ramming into the back of the one that had derailed. Im uncertain as to how the car derailed, but somthing had to be wrong with it for that to just happen. And when i rode it the ride did look a little bit iffy. An accident would only happen if a fault had been ignored. as daniel said, proper matinance minimises problems and faults should not be allowed to get to a stage that an accident happens.

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The mad mouse incident in Melbourne was caused by a hat on the track causing the car to become jammed and then the other cars ran into the first one. No amount of maintenance could have prevented that. The operator at that time should of been telling people to leave their loose article behind, but we won't get back into that discussion will we. Whoever said that loose article on a ride don't cause any harm was lying. "The Bus is now leaving for Ardmona KidsTown Adventure Playground"

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