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MTV show for Christmas

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I saw the launch of the show last night as a Platinum World Pass holder. They have removed the catwalk that was used in Big Brother and have place a whole series of ramps on the corners of the stage. For those that remember, there is a 2nd story platform on the right hand side of the stage where a DJ is. The show is a game show of sorts where half the audience is red while the other half is blue. One person is called out from each side of the audience and represent their team for the whole show. One game was a quiz about music, the second was a race to find the letters M-T-V around the stadium and the final game was a dance competition. The three games in the show were split up by two "mini-moto stunt-men" on the ramps as well as a group of three dancers and loud music mixed by a DJ. The stuntmen do some ramp to ramp jumps as well as a couple of jumps from the 2nd story platform down to the stage. Overall I would rate what I saw about 7/10. We saw it at night which was probably a better experience due to the greater impact of lighting. If your thinking of heading to Dreamworld over the holidays you should take 30 minutes out of your day to see it. In saying that I don't see the show as a major drawcard for the park. post-2117-1261519750_thumb.jpgpost-2117-1261519960_thumb.jpg

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I have to say it really doesn't sound good at all. I mean let's face it - it's just a show. It's not what we all love theme parks for. It is only a very basic filler in terms of entertainment and as you mentioned certainly not a drawcard. Dreamworld is advertising it like it's something major but I guess it's because they've got nothing else this year. I know I'll be looking to the second part of next year and hoping their next major addition is something very worthwhile

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After reviewing a quick video that I shot last night, Noel Dempsey came on to the stage before the show and said:

We have been looking for a brand for years that is perfect for Dreamworld... and MTV is that brand. Tonight you'll see everything MTV has to offer - music, pranks, stunts and dancing - you name it, it's there. The show will run for about 4 weeks from December 26 to January 22. Three shows a day, audience participation, we think it's gonna go off... Make sure that you realise that MTV is plugging into Dreamworld. Your job tonight is to make some noise!
Sadly, I think this definitely shows what DW is aiming for: the incorporation of brands into everything they have: Mick Doohan, V8 Supercars, AVPX, MTV. Unless you can find a brand to match a major attraction, I don't think it will happen. On a lighter note this show was better than I expected and will be a good crowd soaker over the holidays.
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Don't get me wrong here, but Brand Association isn't all that bad, as long as the attraction that it's associated with is half decent. Just imagine if the Motocoaster was not only faster, but had the capacity for better operations, and of course a better layout, would anyone care if Mick Doohan was associated with it? I certainly wouldn't. AVPX is also a pretty solid attraction. It does have a real "cheap and nasty" feel about it though, but overall it ain't too bad. Whilst I don't agree with the MTV brand overall, the show doesn't seem half bad, and it seems as though it is a decent attempt, not a half arsed attempt.

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Don't get me wrong here, but Brand Association isn't all that bad, as long as the attraction that it's associated with is half decent. Just imagine if the Motocoaster was not only faster, but had the capacity for better operations, and of course a better layout, would anyone care if Mick Doohan was associated with it? I certainly wouldn't.
I agree with you there but the point I was trying to make is it seems like they are finding a brand before a ride - limiting the possibilities of a new ride immensely.
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I agree that slapping a well known brand on an average or below average attraction does not make it a winner... as we have seen Dreamworld doing recently. They had a lot of success with Big Brother and Nick Central which seems to have led them to the belief that all they need is a brand to bring in the people. However these attractions had a lot behind them and were of high quality, especially Nick Central. The most important thing to people is the quality of the ride or attraction - the branding only adds to the appeal (for some people) but does not in itself create it. This is shown with the attendance decreases Dreamworld has been experiencing over the last couple of years

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  • 4 weeks later...
Have any of you guys gone to see the MTV show at Dreamworld. I went last week and it was quite good, because I didn't know what to expect. It had lots of lights, loud music and stunts which made for a great show.
Went and saw it last tuesday. Was quite good and entertaining. Not the type of show that would have survived if it wasnt a seasonal one though.
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