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Luna Park Holiday Rides


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On the LPS website it states that the Pirates Revenge Flume ride and the Rocking Tug will appear for the January school holidays. I cant help but feel a little let down by this line up. Whilst the addition of the flume ride was assured after last years success I was thinking that maybe 3 or four rides would have been added to the line up. IMHO the best year was when Mega Drop, Roller Ghoster,Power Surge and Rocking Tug PLUS the addition of Prison Break live was all included for the Jan school holidays!! I was hoping for either Ali Baba, The Hurricane or Techno Jump or the return of the Mega Drop , Power Surge or Hard Rock. Either way the current announced line up is pretty poor. Perhaps there maybe more announcements as we get closer to Xmas!! Lets hope so!!! As a matter of fact I would have loved Crazy Coaster to have gone in there at the back of Maloneys Corner-I am sure that this would be a major success!! However with Pirates Revenge there I think space would be at a premium!! However, they certainly do NOT utilise all available space. There is room in the Midway between the Crystal Palace and the Ice Creamery (Power Surge and other rides have been placed here) and there is plenty of room to fit another ride next to the Tumble bug slab, if they only had the vision. The addition of Holiday rides to the line up is a fantastic idea but they need to make it worthwhile and install several rides to attract people to revisit year after year. Comments? Cheers Jobe

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I agree, i was there last saturday for my first time ever to ride stuff and found that not only were most of the rides there just to churn your gut but i also found that there was alot more room then what there should be and also looking at the pictures in coney islad; i saw that the place can do SO much more with its space, although i wasnt really taking much notice when i was there in march but i also think that they could possibly even fit some more rides or 2 behind pirates too.

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I think they've been using the Power Surge and Hurricane heaps of times during the Holiday Rides period. They need to have more diversity. They should add Rainbow (please not the Ali Baba. It's not as thrilling as Rainbow!), Zipper, Chaos, KMG Claw, XXXL, Sky Walker, and Hard Rock to their lineup of choices. I wonder if any of the rides mentioned above were used by LPS during their Holiday Rides period. And for that matter, other rides like No Limit, Space Roller, and Mega Drop? Since XXXL's debut to the Royal Adelaide Show in September, it should make it's debut to LPS for the Summer holidays. Can't wait to ride it. :) By the way, I agree that their lineup is not too good. 2 rides, what where they thinking? They can do better.

Edited by T-Rex
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^^ GoGoBoy, the only themeing that they have for that ride is at the bottom of the turn before the station which faces the harbour' they have with a themed tarp just on it , and i think the words pirates revenge at the top like what crazy coaster has.

Edited by Gazza
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  jjuttp said:
^^ GoGoBoy, the only themeing that they have for that ride is at the bottom of the turn before the station which faces the harbour' they have with a themed tarp just on it , and i think the words pirates revenge at the top like what crazy coaster has.
Oh okay that's strange because on the LPS website it states - 'Life-size pirates leer from every corner with canons and cunning crocs posed to strike!'. A bit misleading if it's not true
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It's looking quite impressive I think. I don't know how much room you guys think LPS has, but with these two rides space is pretty much filled. They can't cram every space full of rides because there has to be room for people to...you know...walk around in and whatever. The only other possible space I can think of is on top of the Dodgems next to the Tumble Bug, but it'd be almost impossible to stick a ride up there.

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  Nebuchanezzar said:
The only other possible space I can think of is on top of the Dodgems next to the Tumble Bug, but it'd be almost impossible to stick a ride up there.
The space is pretty minmal up there, they do have some room, but not enough for anything long, its the perfect space for a drop tower or slingshot ride, give some extra height up there, or just scrap the tumble bug altogether!!!
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  Nebuchanezzar said:
It's looking quite impressive I think. I don't know how much room you guys think LPS has, but with these two rides space is pretty much filled. They can't cram every space full of rides because there has to be room for people to...you know...walk around in and whatever. The only other possible space I can think of is on top of the Dodgems next to the Tumble Bug, but it'd be almost impossible to stick a ride up there.
The point that was being made is that there is STILL room for more rides in LPS with this lineup. Maloneys Corner could certainly be reconfigured to fit in more rides than it currently does and LPS HAS placed rides in between the Crystal Palace and the Scoops Ice Creamery.
  JD_bunnies_supporter said:
The space is pretty minmal up there, they do have some room, but not enough for anything long, its the perfect space for a drop tower or slingshot ride, give some extra height up there, or just scrap the tumble bug altogether!!!
Not really sure what space you are looking at but i suggest next time you are there, go up and have a good survey. This space could quite EASILY accomodate another ride, I would go quite so far to suggest that you could fit in a S&S El Loco coaster or even a ride such as Crazy Coaster. The problem is that to get a ride up there they would have to be craned up. Difficult but NOT impossible. You could also go further and fit 2 or more rides on top of the roof of the Underground carpark above the carousel, if you were so inclined. Also the Dodgems could be moved back to their original '95 home under the Wild Mouse and this would then free up space for another ride-perhaps a dark ride? Moving into real realms of fantasy the space in bewteen the cliff and the Big Top could accomodate a smaller version of Cedar Point's Wicked Twister. Enclose the majority of the ride within an artificial mountain to nullify the majority of the noise, place the queue and entrance with the Tango entry and you would have a cost effective thrilling option that would be an Australian first!! Also the subject of a shot tower is interesting. I am not sure how big a footprint a S&S Shot tower has but could one be placed next to the Rotor and the face? The Batwing at Movieworld does not appear to have to occupy a large space, however I am not sure if this location would be permissable. Perhaps. I know its pie in the sky stuff but please don't tell me it cant be done!! The operators of LPS just need a little vision and foresight. Cheers Jobe
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I don't know how much room you guys think LPS has, but with these two rides space is pretty much filled. They can't cram every space full of rides because there has to be room for people to...you know...walk around in and whatever. The only other possible space I can think of is on top of the Dodgems next to the Tumble Bug, but it'd be almost impossible to stick a ride up there.
I still think that moving the little kids rides up next to the tumble bug would free more space in malony's corner. You could fit a huss rainbow or something eles in the space of the little kids rides. Wondercam
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  Jobe said:
The point that was being made is that there is STILL room for more rides in LPS with this lineup. Maloneys Corner could certainly be reconfigured to fit in more rides than it currently does and LPS HAS placed rides in between the Crystal Palace and the Scoops Ice Creamery.
No, there isn't more room. Unless you want to be unrealistic and say 'scrap all seating areas and pathways for people to walk'. I haven't been past, but I assumed that the Rock 'n' Tug had been stuck between Scoops and Crystal Palace? I'll check tommorow night when I'm working. I'm not sure what type of live loads the top of the Dodgems building can accomodate, but given that there's only one pylon in the centre of the dodgems building, I'd suggest that it probably couldn't hold a very big ride. If you got rid of the TB, I reckon you might get a small roller-coaster up there. Maybe... On top of the car park is probably a noise restricted area given that there's no gap between apartments and any ride that would be up there. Also, I doubt the car park was built with a ride being atop of it in mind. You suggest that the park operators have no vision and foresight. Can I suggest that maybe restrictions on development thanks to the apartment dwellers is probably a more realistic reason for the park showing no signs of development? That and money sucking by the owners. The gap between the Big Top and the cliffs houses kitchens, staff dressing rooms, offices and a whole bunch of other shit. There's no room for a ride back there. The gap between the rotor and the face is used for emergency vehicle entrance. Ambulances and firetrucks. --- Wondercam's idea is pretty good though.
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  Nebuchanezzar said:
No, there isn't more room. Unless you want to be unrealistic and say 'scrap all seating areas and pathways for people to walk'. I haven't been past, but I assumed that the Rock 'n' Tug had been stuck between Scoops and Crystal Palace? I'll check tommorow night when I'm working.
Actually if you read my post correctly I said that if the current lineup of rides were RECONFIGURED you could make more room. So no I was not being unrealistic and I never mentioned once about removing pathways or seating. Your words not mine. And I think yes that Rock n Tug has been placed in the area next to the Crystal place.
I'm not sure what type of live loads the top of the Dodgems building can accomodate, but given that there's only one pylon in the centre of the dodgems building, I'd suggest that it probably couldn't hold a very big ride. If you got rid of the TB, I reckon you might get a small roller-coaster up there. Maybe...
Given the fact that the very same slab housed and held the former Big Dipper Rollercoaster I think there is a very good chance indeed of it holding another ride PLUS the Tumblebug. Common sense tells you that.
On top of the car park is probably a noise restricted area given that there's no gap between apartments and any ride that would be up there. Also, I doubt the car park was built with a ride being atop of it in mind. You suggest that the park operators have no vision and foresight. Can I suggest that maybe restrictions on development thanks to the apartment dwellers is probably a more realistic reason for the park showing no signs of development? That and money sucking by the owners.
Granted that placing rides here will probably never happen, it however cannot be discounted as space for future projects. Why would there be any difference in placing rides there than in Maloneys Corner? LPS has the right to place rides ANYWHERE within their footprint, it just comes down to the planning of park. I remember reading a interview with Peter Hearne, Managing Director of LPS and he stated to criticisms of the parks ride and noise, that LPS is well within their right to place and build rides anywhere, including up to the cliff and cliff face. The big question is WOULD the park do so? I dont think so, but it as an option for future rides that cannot be discounted.
The gap between the Big Top and the cliffs houses kitchens, staff dressing rooms, offices and a whole bunch of other shit. There's no room for a ride back there.
You are correct. They do. But since LPS HAD plans to install a cinema EXACTLY where those said offices now reside behind the Tango, this certainly makes my idea feasible. All the offices,staff rooms etc were at one time earmarked to be placed in an building at the back of Maloney's corner. It could quite easily happen,if thats what the park wanted.There is room there , with a bit of vision. Oh and money of course!!!
The gap between the rotor and the face is used for emergency vehicle entrance. Ambulances and firetrucks.
So does this space provide an entrance for emergency vehicles to run through a path behind the cliff face and the Big Top? If it does, it further validates the above point. Surely alternative measures could be found if LPS truly wanted to place a ride here or behind the Big Top. ---
Wondercam's idea is pretty good though.
Yep. It is. It also goes further to illustrate my point that if the rides were reconfigured from their current placement, then more room could be found and utilised to enhance the CURRENT ride lineup. Cheers, Jobe :lol:
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  Jobe said:
Given the fact that the very same slab housed and held the former Big Dipper Rollercoaster I think there is a very good chance indeed of it holding another ride PLUS the Tumblebug. Common sense tells you that.
Idk man. My memory of the Big Dipper isn't great, but wasn't it only a very small part of the ride that was on top of that slab? I'm looking at a photo of it now and it looks like one support and part of the station is on top of that building. I don't pretend to know the weights of each ride but the Tumble Bug isn't exactly a small ride, and I think another ride might be pushing it.
Granted that placing rides here will probably never happen, it however cannot be discounted as space for future projects. Why would there be any difference in placing rides there than in Maloneys Corner?
Because Maloney's corner is concealed by a cliff and a train track, whereas the top of the car park is smack bang next to apartment buildings.
You are correct. They do. But since LPS HAD plans to install a cinema EXACTLY where those said offices now reside behind the Tango, this certainly makes my idea feasible. All the offices,staff rooms etc were at one time earmarked to be placed in an building at the back of Maloney's corner. It could quite easily happen,if thats what the park wanted.There is room there , with a bit of vision. Oh and money of course!!!
Nah there's no room. lol.
So does this space provide an entrance for emergency vehicles to run through a path behind the cliff face and the Big Top? If it does, it further validates the above point. Surely alternative measures could be found if LPS truly wanted to place a ride here or behind the Big Top.
Such as? The boardwalk?
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  Nebuchanezzar said:
Idk man. My memory of the Big Dipper isn't great, but wasn't it only a very small part of the ride that was on top of that slab? I'm looking at a photo of it now and it looks like one support and part of the station is on top of that building. I don't pretend to know the weights of each ride but the Tumble Bug isn't exactly a small ride, and I think another ride might be pushing it.
Well if your memory of the Dipper is not that great then perhaps it would be better for you not to comment on things you do not know all that much about. The slab housed a fair portion of the Big Dipper ride and it would be fair to say that its strength would be sufficient to hold the Tumblebug and another ride quite easily. As I said before, common sense tells you that.
Because Maloney's corner is concealed by a cliff and a train track, whereas the top of the car park is smack bang next to apartment buildings.
Yes the top of the carpark is right next to apartment buildings but then so is Maloney's corner, which really invalidates your argument. Who is to say that this area atop the carpark couldnt be a future precint for an expanded kiddies area, with all the childrens rides located here?? They do not make much noise, so any problems from the residents should be negated and it would free up more space in Maloney's Corner. All they require is an access point to the rest of the park and this could easily be achieved via a rampway near the carousel. Will it happen?? Probably not. But it COULD and that is my argument.
Nah there's no room. lol.
Not a very intelligent or cogent rebuttal, with nothing to support your case in point. Dont bother. My point of view still stands.
Such as? The boardwalk?
How about straight down the middle of the midway with an access point to Maloney's Corner remaing behing Coney Island?? That is what used to be the case in previous incarnations of the park and there is no reason to see that it would not work now. Really, I expected far better arguments and statements to back your case for the entire month it took for you to reply with this paltry effort. Cheers Jobe
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  Jobe said:
Well if your memory of the Dipper is not that great then perhaps it would be better for you not to comment on things you do not know all that much about. The slab housed a fair portion of the Big Dipper ride and it would be fair to say that its strength would be sufficient to hold the Tumblebug and another ride quite easily. As I said before, common sense tells you that.
Let me reword it then. No, the slab did not house a fair portion of the ride. It housed a small section of the ride and part of the station. The Tumble Bug is a very large, heavy ride with weight distributed only on the slab, whereas the Big Dipper's widespread supports allowed for weight to be distributed over a wide area. Another large ride on top of a slab which doesn't have a lot of support underneath (walk through the Dodgems building and see for yourself) might not be able to be accommodated.
Yes the top of the carpark is right next to apartment buildings but then so is Maloney's corner, which really invalidates your argument.
I...did you even read what I typed? I suggest you take a trip to Luna Park. The only building adjacent to Maloney's corner is one built by and partly owned by Luna Park. The rest are behind the train tracks and on top of a cliff. Also, whereas Maloney's corner has been filled with rides for the last five years or so, atop of the carpark has been empty for that period of time. Residents would have rights to complain.
Who is to say that this area atop the carpark couldnt be a future precint for an expanded kiddies area, with all the childrens rides located here??
a) park policy is to have the kids rides next to the big rides to offer alternatives to those who aren't tall enough for bigger rides - a very sensible policy. B) the room on top of the car park isn't all that big, and it's not easy to get to. putting a rampway up there (i've got no idea where you propose they put it, but meh) would probably involve getting rid of something else. rides are a small part of lps - it would seem to be that it's unviable to knock down a merchandise stall or whatever to provide access to some kids rides especially since the area isn't big or easy to get to. c) the trees are probably heritage listed d) given that the apartments in this case would have been there first, and given that moving rides there would be a new development, and given what legal action the residents have previously sought and given how much it's cost lps throughout the last decade or so, i don't think your proposal sounds like an inviting option. we're talking about viable and realistic proposals. your ideas are as follows: scrap everything and put rides everywhere. not realistic. interesting but unrealistic. none of these things you're suggest could REALISTICALLY happen.
Not a very intelligent or cogent rebuttal, with nothing to support your case in point. Dont bother. My point of view still stands.
Jesus Christ lol. You were wrong, so there's no need to add anything else. I walk through there every day and I'm telling you that there's no room. No amount of poncey, stuck-up language makes you any more right. I'll take a bloody picture or describe it to you. Distance from Tango-Kitchen =7 metres or so Distance of Kitchen to cliff = 10 metres or so. There's no room for a cinema. You are wrong. Move on.
How about straight down the middle of the midway with an access point to Maloney's Corner remaing behing Coney Island?? That is what used to be the case in previous incarnations of the park and there is no reason to see that it would not work now.
Vehicles moving through packed midways is a bad idea generally. It's far easier and far more guest friendly to have emergency vehicles move in behind the scenes. It also allows a quick and direct link to the first aid bay. Edited by joz
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  • 1 month later...

Don't get me wrong, the Ali Baba is not a bad ride, but it doesn't have the same thrill intensity as the Rainbow. While the Ali Baba ride takes you up high, the Rainbow takes you up higher and goes faster than the former. Some of you may have qualms about having a HUSS Rainbow as an addition to LPS's available rides, mainly due to the fact that we have the Ranger which has the same functions as the Rainbow, but they do have different thrill sensations: the Ranger takes you up high in rounds of vertical loops, while the Rainbow doesn't, so in a way, riders who want to experience a fast non-upsidedown pendulum ride will have the Rainbow to choose from. With rollercoasters, I think we could have room for one more rollercoaster. Problem is, there isn't a good place for a coaster that is bigger than the Wild Mouse, and the inevitable complaints of irate local residents compounds the dilemma. As I mentioned before in another thread, someone ought to make a petition and present it to LPS. We need another coaster. It may seem questionable to why want a Rainbow in LPS, but after having 4 HUSS rides, they could add a 5th ride, particularly one that will probably never appear in any other carnival ever again. Damn those Swedes that can't do careful maintenance on their rides :( Any thoughts? I'm with adding a new coaster and flat ride, and how about having more diversity in the type of Holiday Rides for every school holidays? Oh, and another thing. The Pirates Revenge is just the same log flume ride we had at LPS for Summer holidays back in 2009. What's it doing being a travelling ride, especially being an exclusive ride for the Easter Show? No wonder they took out better rides. It should have been one of LPS's permanent rides for crying out loud! Or to say the least a ride for only an amusement park. Surely there are other amusement parks in Australia that could keep Pirate's Revenge, since it wouldn't fit as a permanent ride LPS mainly because of it's setting. That ride is ideal for a water park.

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  JD_bunnies_supporter said:
I know this might be abit off topic, but since the whole of luna park is now heritage listed, what changes does this make to the park itself? Can they add more rides and that, without the chance of residents near by, kicking up a fuss as they always do.
I guess a lot of these posts should have been discussed in the Ideas for Luna Park Sydney thread, but the last post was made by myself more than 2 months ago. Either no one wants to petition these great ideas to LPS, or the park itself won't take account that it won't gain much having a sparse number of rides. It's an amusement park, so it should have plenty of rides. Oh yeah, it doesn't make any changes to LPS having its area being heritage listed. My only assumption is that LPS will never make further changes to their park such as adding more attractions to make it better most likely because they are intimidated by those buzz-killing residents. They are practically allowing those buggers to walk all over them. Why can't they stand up for themselves?
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