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Wet'n'Wild goes upside down to find new attraction

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Good to have confirmation, but i think many of us worked that out from TipsyBella's comments a while ago. I'm glad to see they're going with 4. 1 would have been a waste IMO, with queues wayyyyy too long to be worth it. 4 is a good number and will keep the people pumping through nicely. Hopefully, they will all feed out of the same queue, unlike the whitewater mountain (i think that's the name) where there are four different slides with four different lines at the top of the hill. Any speculation on where it will go? Hoping they do something with the terror canyon space, but it's probably likely IMO to go over near Kamikaze.

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I would image that they will go near the front of the park to liven that area up, and one would definitely hope that they all feed from the one queue. Just quickly, i was out there the other day and the new ramp out the front looks really good, but it doesn't look like it will be ready for christmas?

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Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! I'm so glad they are building 4 of these Beasts, the sight and idea of this surely will guarantee success before the ground is even broken. I mean the mere idea of a vertically looping water slide is just crazy!!! I had completely forgotten about these and last I heard was that the design was still in the testing stage. Granted that was a while ago, just glad to hear it's all come full circle! I'm hopeing (after such a slack 2009) this is going to set the stage for an aggressively competitive 2010 for all Gold Coast Theme Parks bringing a variety of exciting new attractions

Edited by MickeyD
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Thank for this news Richard. Is it just me or is Wet 'n' Wild turning into the Six Flags of the waterpark world? They seems to be adding new attractions every year - just like Six Flags did for a while - with less emphasis on the quality of the park in general. A few years ago when they only added a new attraction every 2 or 3 years there was more of a focus on the quality and presentation of each new ride and how it fit in with the rest of the park. Now it seems like they just add something every year, no matter what it is, with very little thought to theming and presentation. Whitewater Mountain and Calypso Beach were such well thought-out additions. Then H20 Zone came along and it became a bit of a mess. I personally thing Kamikaze is the ugliest. Anyway it remains to be seen how well these new slides will be integrated... I just think there's got to be a better balance between adding a new attraction every year and ensuring each addition is of the highest quality. Regardless, I'm sure this will go down well and will no doubt apply yet more pressure to WhiteWater World. It's time for them to make their move

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  GoGoBoy said:
Whitewater Mountain and Calypso Beach were such well thought-out additions. Then H20 Zone came along and it became a bit of a mess.
Arguably though, Super 8, Speedcoaster, Mammoth Falls, Whirlpool aren't exactly themed either, and these were all around well before the H20 Zone was built.
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  • 2 months later...

Latest news. The Billboard out the front of WnW is now advertising that "Four full looping water slides" are coming, but here is the interesting bit, they are throwing it over to the general public to name it. It's an interesting move, and suggests they could indeed be aiming to generate a bit of hype in the lead up. Also, the imagery showed the colours of the slide will be pink, lime green, yellow and blue. See: http://myfun.com.au/Member/MyFun-Competiti...ide-and-WIN.asp The wording on the webpage is funny, go see for yourselves.

Edited by Gazza
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  Gazza said:
Latest news. The Billboard out the front of WnW is now advertising that "Four full looping water slides" are coming
I bet you they wanted to get that billboard up because they want to steal some of the publicity WWW is generating with the Wedgie. They want people to know that they are already planning their own looping/trap door slides... especially considering WWW opened their version first. Interesting that they are going with colours - WnW hasn't really done that before
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Saw the billboard on my way past this morning. Interesting concept though of course the end result will be carefully scrutinised and tested by market research and probably already floating around on a shortlist in the WVTP offices. I just find it funny that companies these days can get points for being creative and hip by relinquishing the creative process.

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