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WnW 2010: Aqua Loop, Flowrider, Zipline, Skycoaster


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According to a small child who often goes on Flowrider at Dreamworld, and who happened to be using the Flowrider the same day I was using it (yeah, my sources have really gone downhill) the WnW one is smaller, but Wet 'n' Wild's wasn't split down the middle, so was better. Pleased to see they've now undone what was good about it. Should be interesting to see if it's a temporary or permanent thing.

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The SkyCoaster appears to have opened in the middle of last week. Prices are single flyer $30, Double $25 pp and Triple $20 pp. The tower is 50 metres high (which they claim is taller than Batwing which is 61m :blink: ) and you'll reach speeds of up to 60km/h. More info can be found at the official website and Facebook. Also, to reply to S.Willie above, it does look like they've replaced that section of the slides. It looks like the colour is slightly different. Here's a direct link to the picture.

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Does anyone have any info as to why those viewing windows were removed on AquaLoop? Is it a concern that someone may stick their leg out on the way down and get hooked or something? It was great to be able to watch people drop through the windows.... i'm interested to know the reason why - but I guess that also answers the questions raised by others about why Aqualoop went down for maintenance so soon after it opened - it was obviously to remove the viewing window sections.

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Fail. Aqualoop before the viewing section was removed As you can see here - the green slide shows it best - there is a connection at the bottom of the viewing window, and therefore presumably, one at the top. The "sprayers" are in the same position on the new panel as they are the old, so the change cannot possibly have been for extra lubrication. Having said that, I never thought all those little connections were sprayers. I know theres a huge spout of water at the top of the loop, and obviously one in the launch bay, but i've not seen water coming out of those sections halfway down the drop. What other slides need additional water jets halfway down a drop that is more vertical than horizontal? Does the Wedgie have these? I always thought they were sensors to detect the passage of the rider as a safety mechanism.

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