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Dreamworlds Need A Thrill


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How about these contending coasters: •A linear synchronous motor-launched steel complete-circuit coaster (Maverick) •A hydraulic launch rocket coaster (Kingda Ka) •A high speed giga coaster (Millenium Force) •A suspended looping coaster (Lethal Weapon) •A suspended shuttle coaster (De Ja Vu)
Hmmm.... You're right Original, that DOES seem familiar......
These are my top contenders: •A linear synchronous motor-launched steel complete-circuit coaster (Maverick) •A hydraulic launch rocket coaster (Kingda Ka) •A high speed giga coaster (Millenium Force) •A suspended looping coaster (Lethal Weapon) •A suspended shuttle coaster (De Ja Vu)
In the industry, linear synchronous motor-launched is just referred to as LSM. If you've posted something in another thread, it generally isn't necessary to post an almost identical comment less than 12 hours later in another thread. We saw it, we read it, we figured you just googled or randomly picked up from RCDB - and we didn't say much about it... let it go. On the lighter side of ice cream - mods - there are two "dreamworld thrill" threads (see quote above) perhaps a merger is in order? Edited by AlexB
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Sorry Gazza - misread your post. I honestly think we won't be seeing anything like Intimidator 305, Kingda Ka or Top Thrill Dragster in any of our parks. Too expensive and if you look at those rides (with the exception of Intimidator 305 as it's just opened and uses a lift hill) the downtime has been extraordinary. Kraken (Seaworld Orlando, B&M floorless) is one of the smoothest, fastest coasters I've been on. It holds it's pace all the way through the track and has some awesome elements. On the inverted side - even though we have Lethal Weapon - If Dreamworld get a Batman (from Six Flags Magic Mountain) clone would be wicked. It's one of the most intense suspended coasters I've been on. Realistically these parks would only have 10 - 15 million max to spend on any attraction. What about a flyer - Tatsu (SFMM) or Manta (Seaworld Orlando)?? Manta's pretzel loop is intense in the back row.

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Well Tatsu was 21mil kinda not what our parks spend considering then the exchange rate... however it was built on a mountain and in an area where its prone to earthquakes which I say added to costs... don't know about Manta... but maybe smaller versions of these could be in our parks budget?!?! Oh and Shiekra is 13.5milUS thats another one in our reach although Griffon was 15.6milUS.

Edited by Original
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The key factor is it needs to be something highly marketable in order to justify the investment. We all know these non looping super airtime giants are by far the best coasters but it's very hard to market such a ride here in the aussie market. I will stand by my long term opinion that a stand up coaster is the most marketable attraction a park here could build. Get a Riddlers clone, save on the design costs and reap the cash. Alternatively I would vote for a Giant Inverted Boomerang as I've ridden the coaster and whilst it may be slightly rough, it's a kick ass thrill and again hugely marketable. You really need to be looking at a ride that produces the "Are you serious, it goes BACKWARDS/YOU STAND UP?" kind of response with the public.

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Exactly we need something the public goes WOW at and not havn't we seen this before? even if there is difference it needs to marketably different. Ardent Leisure have built a different silde to WnW yet are marketing as if they are the same rides people will start asking isn't that the same thing, you need to be different from the competition but good different! I can see Giant Inverted Boomerang working, but WOW IT GOES BACKWARDS... ToT does that and although not as fast so does scooby and Wild West. See thats where my dream flyers and dive coasters can work... WOW YOU LIE DOWN LIKE YOUR FLYING / WOW YOU HANG OFF THE EDGE, LOOK HOW MANY PEOPLE THEY HAVE IN A ROW!

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Well considering that NO ONE commented on my top gear idea- i say that DW is the aussie version of cedar point and thE WVTP are more like the "pom parkz" DW should really step up its game to compete in its own way-the PP's have done the walk through and the coasters too of "SAW" and the yanks have every other american movie in coaster form so i think that DW should try and tie in in some form whether its in this movie or the next but do something with the "tomorrow series" like make a coaster trip through hell of something like that but make it the best themed thing that theyve done to date or something like make that you cant tell that you're even in a theme park like what universal have done with every jurassic ride. if anyone under stands that... or a "thrilling dark ride" or something on it- make it a dark ride with roller coaster elements or some such crap...

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if anyone under stands that...
No offense Justin, but I couldn't follow you. Try a single thought, in a single sentence. Tie each idea together. If it's a different idea, press enter a couple times before you start typing. It flows better and makes it much easier to read. ;)
Well considering that NO ONE commented on my top gear idea
Well, that does sound good, and right up dreamworld's (adrenalin) alley. Perhaps nobody commented, because they had the same issue as above ^^^
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Well considering that NO ONE commented on my top gear idea- i say that DW is the aussie version of cedar point and thE WVTP are more like the "pom parkz" DW should really step up its game to compete in its own way-the PP's have done the walk through and the coasters too of "SAW" and the yanks have every other american movie in coaster form so i think that DW should try and tie in in some form whether its in this movie or the next but do something with the "tomorrow series" like make a coaster trip through hell of something like that but make it the best themed thing that theyve done to date or something like make that you cant tell that you're even in a theme park like what universal have done with every jurassic ride. if anyone under stands that... or a "thrilling dark ride" or something on it- make it a dark ride with roller coaster elements or some such crap...
Sorry JJuttp, but just like AlexB, I don't understand you. But with what I have decoded from your text, and please tell me if I'm wrong, is that DW should create a ride based apon movies? And anyway, if that is correct, Dreamworld couldn't take that idea unless they created a movie-themed 'land'. Due to the fact the it wouldn't follow the actual theme-park's theme. And anyway, Movieworld has taken that idea with a few of there coasters/rides as well (obviously :lol: ), so if DW took that action, it would just be copying WVTP (yet again).
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And anyway, if that is correct, Dreamworld couldn't take that idea unless they created a movie-themed 'land'. Due to the fact the it wouldn't follow the actual theme-park's theme.
Why does a theme park have to be movie themed to have a ride themed after one? There are heaps of parks out there that are just a general park, with a few rides based around a movie thrown in....You've gotta look outside your little bubble of the Gold Coast parks and see what's actually out there. Edited by Gazza
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^ The way I interpreted his comment was that for a movie themed ride to fit into a park like DW, which is made up of themed (some not very good or consistent) lands, a movie themed land would have to be created. I'm sure DW would be able to find a way around this and put something in Ocean Parade themed to something completely different :rolleyes:.

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Create a movie themed ride? Well it might be an attraction but isn't AVPX movie themed? Whilst it is good to have a major recognisable name behind a ride I would like to see Dreamworld give original/generic names to their rides. Whilst there isn't the basis of a story already there it allows more creative freedom and means no worrying about royalties from licensing cutting into the cost of the ride. That and if the ride isn't too good there isn't a major name behind it (eg MDMC).

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^ The way I interpreted his comment was that for a movie themed ride to fit into a park like DW, ... a movie themed land would have to be created.
not necessarily. Just find a movie theme that ties in with an existing land. It's a bad example, but free willy 4 (feat. Bindi Irwin) has just come out - and would fit into ocean parade. I wouldn't suggest that as a coaster theme, but thats what i mean about tying in.
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i was thinking "the tomorrow series" and yes you interpreted right... what to tie it in with: tomorrow when the war began trailer and with the rest of the seris too... the rest of the series and if anyone wants the short version of what i previously posted- watch the above and then recreate "hell" out of the movie with a coaster or something something. :P EDIT: also alex only 1 person commented on the idea in the same post but it was of a "stunt coaster" for movieworld- this was in the "whats new for 2010" thread aswell...

Edited by jjuttp
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