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Well, it's that time of year again. The 2010 Sydney Royal Easter Show is on its way in just a couple more weeks, which means tons of new rides are coming this year, such as the XXXL, Rock n Roll, and others. I'm all set for another visit, and I hope it will be more fun. I'm curious about the XXXL ride. Being a ride fan, I know some things about the XXXL: 1) It's an upsidedown ride. 2) Manufactured by KMG of West Holland, the same company who brought us Extreme Speed, Sky Walker, and the Claw. 3) You gotta love its rainbow-colored scheme. What I'd like to know though, is how is it when you ride it. I've ridden Flying Saucer and Ranger, LPS's two upsidedown rides, but are they nothing compared to the XXXL? Can anybody ride that ride, or is it something that only hardcore riders can handle? If anybody has ridden it before, please do give me an honest opinion about it. I'd like to know, cause I wanna try a KMG ride this year. I won't try the Sky Walker, though, cause I heard it hurts the groin - a guy's worst nightmare. :lol: T-Rex PS: When will we ever see the Huss Rainbow ride again? The Ali Baba ride sucks. That's just my opinion on the ride though. Please don't be offended.

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I have ridden before at the Royal Queensland Show last year. It's like the Claw from dreamworld except XXXL does a full revolution and you spin faster. Also they release your seats at the end (you sit beside another person) and they spin around while the entire arm is swinging. the only bad thing is when they release the seats from a fixed to a rotating position if you swing forward and think your going to go all the way you'll suddenly get flung backwards and I hit my head a little but nothing terrible. I don't do a lot of spin and hurl rides but this one is really fun. The best thing to do is watch it for a bit and then decide.

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^ Still, it's not like we have a lot of alternatives and most of these shows take place in places without theme parks anyway. People who don't like the idea of riding the 'spin & spews'...well, just pace yourself, don't go on 20 in a row or eat beforehand. When there's no better option, you're just missing out by putting a blanket 'no ride' policy. There was a time where I wouldn't do any of the then-Big 5 at Dreamworld, LW OR anything slightly scary at shows then I found how much I missed out on. Personally, I've only ever felt motion sickness in a car that my father's been driving :P Start with the less intense ones and work your way up. Zippers don't phase me these days for instance. Looking forward to trying this one out, didn't go to the EKKA the last few years as I haven't been in Brisbane.

Edited by Gold Coaster
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When there's no better option, you're just missing out by putting a blanket 'no ride' policy.
I never said anything about a 'no ride' policy. I actually considered of giving it a try if it doesn't really cause any discomfort. Otherwise, I might as well try the Extreme Speed. The RES website claims that the XXXL goes up to 6Gs. I think it's too much of an exaggeration because according to KMG, the generic Inversion ride (which is what the XXXL is) totals up to 4Gs. In fact, the No Limit looks WAY more intense than XXXL, thus that makes it the real deal. Edited by T-Rex
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No Limit in General would be a more intense ride than Triple XL. It will really depend on the operator as to how intense your ride is as well. I found that having a full load vs half load will make a massive difference, due to the weight of the riders on the other side causing you to flip. IMO it's a fun ride when it is running to it's potential, otherwise it's quite boring to be honest. Give it a ride though, but I personally prefer Skywalker, No Limit and Space Roller to Triple XL.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the honest opinions, fellow members of Parkz Forums. Giving much thought, I would give XXXL a try. I HOPE it is for casual riders like myself. Funny how we mentioned the other rides like Space Roller and No Limit, two riders manufactured by Mondial, another Dutch ride manufacturing company. Mondial DOES make really freakish rides. They're so insane, they make the most intense KMG rides, let alone Chance's Zipper look like child's play. :P

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Oh, okay. The Zipper should have been an additional ride for LPS in my opinion. Breaching the topic, I read somewhere in the Australian Amusement Fanatics forum, that the Rainbow should finally replace the lame Ali Baba for 2011's RES. O'Neill has been making some updates on the ride since the accident in Liseburg. Looks like the Huss Rainbow didn't bite the dust after all! Not even the 1001 Nachts could succeed the awesomeness of this ride. I hope someone knows when will it be finally operating, cause I've been waiting 2 years to ride it again! Huss Rainbow forever!

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Only 3 more days, and on Kids Day, the final day for the RES, I'm ready to go. I've been checking videos on YouTube about the XXXL, and I've managed to find an onride POV of it. Yeah, it's from the RCS.

I'm still thinking whether to try it or not, because I plan to ride this ride alone - I think (a friend I'm going with can't go on rides like that due to a back problem). The ride definitely looks awesome, but I dunno if casual riders can stomach it, mainly due to the speed coupled with the seats flipping later on. Please make some responses. I want to try it, but I'm not 100% sure about riding it by myself. Cheers. T-Rex PS: As a bonus, I would like to know when Australia would get a KMG ride that isn't so intense like XXXL, Extreme Speed, and the nut-busting Sky Walker. I should have tried the Claw back in 2008. It's definitely a KMG ride (Move It). Too bad it may not come back again.
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It's simple. Don't eat too soon before hand, only drink water. Make it the first ride of the day, and you'll be fine. It's Dreamworld's Claw meets Bounty's revenge (wonderland - looping starship). The effects aren't that bad - and with the exception of the total 360, it's just a mini-gyroswing (Claw). If you handle it ok on the first time- go back towards the end of the day when the environment at the carnival is a bit better, for a better experience (they usually crank the sound up at night too). I don't think it's "too hardcore", i mean - there has to be a decent market for it - or it wouldn't be doing the rounds of so many shows....

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I've never ridden Dreamworld's Claw or Wonderland's Pirate Ship before, but I've ridden the Technical Park Hard Rock ride last year, and I've ridden the Ranger from LPS several times before (four times to be exact).

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