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Tower of Terror Update


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Wouldn't the air still be hitting 4 seats in total (There's the 2 outside seats on the second last row remember)
no because the ramp at the front forces air up and over the seats in a bubble. So by the time its reached the second row its already being forced over the top, same thing with convertibles. So they only put 2 seats in the front because thats not inside the bubble, put 4 seats in that row and its just trying to push something with a straight up and down front at speed, would take alot more force and the cars inertia would be greatly reduced
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Answer to the question from DWs facebook page:

For official answer's I have to call on Bob! But this Koala's suspicion is to reduce the weight which will help increase speed and height! I know when Belinda is hanging onto me it takes me longer to climb my tree. Stay tuned for the real answer though!
Wow! Bob was fast this time. Must be his new Blackberry! "Total weight considerations." Which translated means that the number of seats was chosen to help reduce the total weight of the car.
For those who don't know, Bob Tan is sort of the GM for Engineering/Special Projects at DW.
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so they claim is a new lighter car but they have to reduce the seating to reduce weight? ffs dreamworld your bloody ridiculous, a heavier car would go higher when launched at the same speed anyway, a little thing called inertia you learn it in year 9 science........ and in my experience general managers know f all about what they manage, my gm at work has never worked a day on the tools and really has no clue about construction.

Edited by Scott.
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im not complaining about the seat. i dont care about having to wait in line for 1 more rotation, i bitch in this thread because some people seem to like to talk shit they have no idea about and i thought some of you may need a bit of a reality check you dont know everything. Ive seen it before on this forum and giving wrong information is just crap, if you dont know what your talking about no point opening your mouth. Now back to the Thread i like the new car, i like the idea, although im still adamant if they made the top of the tower go over-vert it would be so awesome.

Edited by Scott.
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so they claim is a new lighter car but they have to reduce the seating to reduce weight? ffs dreamworld your bloody ridiculous, a heavier car would go higher when launched at the same speed anyway, a little thing called inertia you learn it in year 9 science........ and in my experience general managers know f all about what they manage, my gm at work has never worked a day on the tools and really has no clue about construction.
Bob (that's Bob Tan for those of you playing at home) is one of the park's longest serving crew members, an incredibly friendly pool of knowledge and was actually promoted from chief engineer to the title he has now a few years back. I think it's safe to say if you were to count on a park-side opinion, he'd be it short of asking Intamin all the way in Switzerland. You are correct but the way the ride operates is different to how you might think. Think of the computers that operate the ride which try and use a set amount of pre-determined power to propel the ride (at max 2.1MW to be exact) rather then the computers working at whatever cost to get it to a certain speed (about 160k/ph). If it's a lighter load that's being moved, then that pre-determined amount of power can move a lighter load much more efficiently. The heavier it is, the more work required and the more that pre-determined amount of power gets used up more quickly. There's also another thing that's been overlooked, and that's the fact that the ride is now using 2.1MW instead of 2.2MW. I've got no idea why both the Tower of Terror and Superman: The Escape in California both haven't been reaching the top in the past few years, be it wear and tear on the ride causing more e-stops, too much power consumption or whatever, clearly they're not interested in running the Tower of Terror at full power and so, rather, they've chosen instead traded to off-put the power needed to reach near full speed with a lighter carriage.
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Yeah but the ride isnt going to be that much lighter, thats what ive been saying all along the weight difference is probably only a couple of hundred kg max. And i know the ride has a preset setting it uses instead of getting up to a certain speed or input, it would take 3 launches to dial in a new preset setting to a slightly more powerful one to launch a slightly heavier car which would travel further anyway so you can use a even lower setting again. Yes its a new ride experience, yes its an improvement but dont claim is all the work of a brand new car instead of telling everyone the launch mechanism has been stripped down and rebuilt, something which they waited how many years to do?

Edited by Scott.
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This thread reminds me of this: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewt...tart=30#p916738

..None of us (on the Theme Park Review forums) are qualified structural engineers to be able to say "that ride had design flaws" (even if it turns out that it does) by looking at a picture of it. And those of us who may actually be structural engineers would probably know better enough to want to wait for the inspection report, even if they had their own thoughts on the accident based on professional experience.
A good time to point out too that neither of us are ride designers or engineers by trade and there's alot of ifs and buts coming into play. What if the new carriage structure of the pod was lighter but had a weight limit to how the support columns underneath the seating was laid out? I think it's fair to say that until the day comes Dreamworld or Intamin decide to shower us with some bare-bones 3D models of the update, let's just enjoy the fact that at the end of the day we're going to love this new re-make of a classic ride.
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i may not be a ride designer, but im a qualified boilermaker and guess who builds the structural part of the cart? a boilermaker, guess who has to understand why they build something a certain way? i do. I need to know what forces act where so i know why i have to gusset or brace it, i need to be able to calculate the exact weight or a structure to allow for movement. I may not know everything but i sure as hell know a shitload more then most of you. Oh well you can go back to bullshitting it up like one thread i saw where they claimed a flaw in lethal weapon was x-ray welded. Enjoy your mis-information.

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Woah Woah Woah! Why all the fighting??? Can't we accept we all know a little bit? Back on topic... Yer, I like this TV commercial quite a bit! Make it all feel a bit more real! I can't believe it has been almost one month already! Media launch tonight! I will be going in in approx. 11 hours and 10 minutes.

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Wow Scott a boilermaker, yep that totally qualifies you to work out all of the mechanical, structural and electrical engineering aspects involved in launching the car. If you're such a physics expert, have you heard of friction? The heavier the car, the more friction and deag it's going to have, inetia is one small piece of the puzzle. You say people here know f all about it and neither does Bob Tan, well it's clearly you who are showing your ignorance here. I don't see how anyone can bash dreamworld at all for what they're doing with this attraction.

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yes i must know absolutely nothing, i never claimed to know electrical, mechanical, i said i knew about the structural because i do, theres a shitload of crap boilermakers out there but grouping us all as the same is just ignorant of you. Unlike many others i do everything to standards even if involves having a whinge for my super to go get me the standard to read up on. Ive often had to work to 0.5mm tolerances so i know my shit. All bob tan said was the car is lighter, for all you know it could be 20kg lighter. i have no idea who the guy is and i said one comment about most gms knowing shit all, because in my experience they dont. i never then went on to say hes wrong and an idiot. Now djrappa if anyone else here would like to provide a correct statement about construction of the cart id very like to here it because in this thread all ive seen is incorrect bullshit, i bet noone of you so called ride experts could tell me what series of steel coasters are made out of and why. But whats that i hear neither do i? im just a simple boilermaker and cant understand anything to do with design even though its part of my job!

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